1. 程式人生 > >Cocos Creator 熱更新文件MD5計算和需要註意的問題

Cocos Creator 熱更新文件MD5計算和需要註意的問題

req ole build 完成後 return ted xe8 ati fse

Creator的熱更新使用jsb。熱更新基本按照 http://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/advanced-topics/hot-update.html?h=%E7%83%AD%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0這個官方教程,



var searchPaths = jsb.fileUtils.getSearchPaths();
var newPaths = this._am.getLocalManifest().getSearchPaths();          
for(let i = 0;i<newPaths.length;i++){
   if(searchPaths.indexOf(newPaths[i]) == -1){
      Array.prototype.unshift(searchPaths, newPaths[i]);
cc.sys.localStorage.setItem(‘HotUpdateSearchPaths‘, JSON.stringify(searchPaths));

cc.audioEngine.stopAll(); cc.game.restart(); //2.在main.js(build-templates/jsb-default/main.js)裏,cc.game.run(option, onStart);之前 讀取我們記錄的HotUpdateSearchPaths,然後設置sarchPaths
var searchPaths = jsb.fileUtils.getSearchPaths();        
var storePath = cc.sys.localStorage.getItem(‘HotUpdateSearchPaths‘);      
storePath = JSON.parse(storePath);
storePath && jsb.fileUtils.setSearchPaths(storePath);


this._am.setVerifyCallback(this._verifyFileHandle.bind(this));可以設置1個文件下載完成後,驗證的函數。返回true就標識通過驗證,該文件才標識更新成功。 但是文檔和示例沒有說明如何在js裏計算文件md5。除此之外官方提供的用於遍歷文件,計算文件md5然後,產生project.manifest、version.manifest 的nodejs腳本version_generator.js在計算文件md5時有一處問題。
md5 = crypto.createHash(‘md5‘).update(fs.readFileSync(subpath,"binary")).digest(‘hex‘);

 獲取文件內容。getStringFromFile無法獲取非文本文件內容。所以我們只能使用getDataFromFile獲取文件二進制數據,它在js層面的視圖類型是Uint8Array和nodejs readFileSync(subpath)一致。



md5 = crypto.createHash(‘md5‘).update(fs.readFileSync(subpath,"binary")).digest(‘hex‘);

md5 = crypto.createHash(‘md5‘).update(fs.readFileSync(subpath)).digest(‘hex‘);

2)改造引擎自帶的jsb_runtime_md5.js 它用js實現了byteArray md5的計算(大家可以在構建後搜索一下這文件,然後拷貝放到自己的js層工程裏來)。但是這個還不能用,我們要稍微改造它。改造後的文件。

 * from jsb_runtime_md5.js
 * @param {} data 
module.exports = function(data){
    // for test/debug
    function fflog(msg) {
        try {
        } catch(e) {}

    // convert number to (unsigned) 32 bit hex, zero filled string
    function to_zerofilled_hex(n) {
        var t1 = (n >>> 24).toString(16);
        var t2 = (n & 0x00FFFFFF).toString(16);
        return "00".substr(0, 2 - t1.length) + t1 +
            "000000".substr(0, 6 - t2.length) + t2;

    // convert a 64 bit unsigned number to array of bytes. Little endian
    function int64_to_bytes(num) {
        var retval = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            retval.push(num & 0xFF);
            num = num >>> 8;
        return retval;

    //  32 bit left-rotation
    function rol(num, places) {
        return ((num << places) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (num >>> (32 - places));

    // The 4 MD5 functions
    function fF(b, c, d) {
        return (b & c) | (~b & d);

    function fG(b, c, d) {
        return (d & b) | (~d & c);

    function fH(b, c, d) {
        return b ^ c ^ d;

    function fI(b, c, d) {
        return c ^ (b | ~d);

    // pick 4 bytes at specified offset. Little-endian is assumed
    function bytes_to_int32(arr, off) {
        return (arr[off + 3] << 24) | (arr[off + 2] << 16) | (arr[off + 1] << 8) | (arr[off]);
    // convert the 4 32-bit buffers to a 128 bit hex string. (Little-endian is assumed)
    function int128le_to_hex(a, b, c, d) {
        var ra = "";
        var t = 0;
        var ta = 0;
        for (var i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
            ta = arguments[i];
            t = (ta & 0xFF);
            ta = ta >>> 8;
            t = t << 8;
            t = t | (ta & 0xFF);
            ta = ta >>> 8;
            t = t << 8;
            t = t | (ta & 0xFF);
            ta = ta >>> 8;
            t = t << 8;
            t = t | ta;
            ra = ra + to_zerofilled_hex(t);
        return ra;

    // check input data type and perform conversions if needed
    if (!data instanceof Uint8Array){
        fflog("input data type mismatch only support Uint8Array");
        return null;
    var databytes = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < data.byteLength;i++){

    // save original length
    var org_len = databytes.length;

    // first append the "1" + 7x "0"

    // determine required amount of padding
    var tail = databytes.length % 64;
    // no room for msg length?
    if (tail > 56) {
        // pad to next 512 bit block
        for (var i = 0; i < (64 - tail); i++) {
        tail = databytes.length % 64;
    for (i = 0; i < (56 - tail); i++) {
    // message length in bits mod 512 should now be 448
    // append 64 bit, little-endian original msg length (in *bits*!)
    databytes = databytes.concat(int64_to_bytes(org_len * 8));

    // initialize 4x32 bit state
    var h0 = 0x67452301;
    var h1 = 0xEFCDAB89;
    var h2 = 0x98BADCFE;
    var h3 = 0x10325476;

    // temp buffers
    var a = 0,
        b = 0,
        c = 0,
        d = 0;

    function _add(n1, n2) {
        return 0x0FFFFFFFF & (n1 + n2)

    // function update partial state for each run
    var updateRun = function(nf, sin32, dw32, b32) {
        var temp = d;
        d = c;
        c = b;
        //b = b + rol(a + (nf + (sin32 + dw32)), b32);
        b = _add(b,
                    _add(nf, _add(sin32, dw32))
                ), b32
        a = temp;

    // Digest message
    for (i = 0; i < databytes.length / 64; i++) {
        // initialize run
        a = h0;
        b = h1;
        c = h2;
        d = h3;

        var ptr = i * 64;

        // do 64 runs
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xd76aa478, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr), 7);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xe8c7b756, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 4), 12);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x242070db, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 8), 17);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xc1bdceee, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 12), 22);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xf57c0faf, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 16), 7);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x4787c62a, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 20), 12);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xa8304613, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 24), 17);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xfd469501, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 28), 22);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x698098d8, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 32), 7);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x8b44f7af, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 36), 12);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xffff5bb1, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 40), 17);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x895cd7be, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 44), 22);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x6b901122, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 48), 7);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xfd987193, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 52), 12);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xa679438e, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 56), 17);
        updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x49b40821, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 60), 22);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xf61e2562, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 4), 5);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xc040b340, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 24), 9);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x265e5a51, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 44), 14);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xe9b6c7aa, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr), 20);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xd62f105d, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 20), 5);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x2441453, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 40), 9);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xd8a1e681, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 60), 14);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xe7d3fbc8, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 16), 20);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x21e1cde6, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 36), 5);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xc33707d6, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 56), 9);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xf4d50d87, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 12), 14);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x455a14ed, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 32), 20);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xa9e3e905, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 52), 5);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xfcefa3f8, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 8), 9);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x676f02d9, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 28), 14);
        updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x8d2a4c8a, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 48), 20);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xfffa3942, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 20), 4);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x8771f681, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 32), 11);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x6d9d6122, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 44), 16);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xfde5380c, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 56), 23);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xa4beea44, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 4), 4);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x4bdecfa9, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 16), 11);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xf6bb4b60, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 28), 16);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xbebfbc70, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 40), 23);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x289b7ec6, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 52), 4);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xeaa127fa, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr), 11);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xd4ef3085, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 12), 16);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x4881d05, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 24), 23);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xd9d4d039, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 36), 4);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xe6db99e5, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 48), 11);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x1fa27cf8, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 60), 16);
        updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xc4ac5665, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 8), 23);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xf4292244, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr), 6);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x432aff97, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 28), 10);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xab9423a7, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 56), 15);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xfc93a039, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 20), 21);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x655b59c3, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 48), 6);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x8f0ccc92, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 12), 10);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xffeff47d, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 40), 15);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x85845dd1, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 4), 21);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x6fa87e4f, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 32), 6);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xfe2ce6e0, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 60), 10);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xa3014314, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 24), 15);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x4e0811a1, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 52), 21);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xf7537e82, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 16), 6);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xbd3af235, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 44), 10);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x2ad7d2bb, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 8), 15);
        updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xeb86d391, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 36), 21);

        // update buffers
        h0 = _add(h0, a);
        h1 = _add(h1, b);
        h2 = _add(h2, c);
        h3 = _add(h3, d);
    // Done! Convert buffers to 128 bit (LE)
    return int128le_to_hex(h3, h2, h1, h0).toLowerCase();



const MD5 = require("jsb_runtime_md5");
     * 指定文件驗證函數
     * @param path 下載的文件的本地路徑
     * @param asset 下載的資源
    _verifyFileHandle:function(path, asset){
        var resMD5 = this.calMD5OfFile(path);
        return asset.md5 == resMD5;

  calMD5OfFile:function(filePath){return MD5(jsb.fileUtils.getDataFromFile(filePath));}

Cocos Creator 熱更新文件MD5計算和需要註意的問題