1. 程式人生 > >English trip -- VC(情景課)4 C My feet hurt 我腳痛

English trip -- VC(情景課)4 C My feet hurt 我腳痛

light vat art 情況 class like palm 後綴 prev


You‘re the best...

Grammar focus 語法點:

eye eyes

hand hands

foot feet

tooth teeth

arm arms

leg legs

Practice [‘pr?kt?s]

What hurts?

My hands hurt
My hand hurts

My leg hurts
My legs hurt

My arm hurts
My arms hurt

My eye hurts
My eyes hurt

My foot hurts
My feet hurt


mouth 嘴

tooth 牙齒

shoulder 肩膀

elbow [‘elb??] 手肘

ankle [‘??k(?)l] 腳踝

neck 脖子

palm [pɑ?m] 手掌

headache [‘hede?k] 頭痛 h ea da che

backache [‘b?ke?k] 背痛 bac ka che

stomachache [‘st?m?ke?k] 肚子痛 sto ma cha che

sore throat 咽喉痛;嗓子疼;喉嚨疼痛發炎

throat n. 喉嚨;嗓子,嗓音;窄路

sore back 背部肌肉痛

sore leg 腿部肌肉痛

cancer [‘k?ns?] n. 癌癥;惡性腫瘤

scratch [skr?t?] sc rat ch n. 擦傷;抓痕;刮擦聲;亂寫

bruise n. 擦傷;挫傷;青腫

degree n. 程度,等級;度;學位;階層

operating room 手術室

sgin [sa?n] n. 跡象;符號;記號;手勢;指示牌 vi. 簽署;簽名

fever [‘fi?v?] n. 發燒,發熱;狂熱

cough [k?f] n. 咳嗽,咳嗽聲;咳嗽病

sneeze [sni?z] 打噴嚏

Roger 收到,明白

Roger that 收到了;了解;明白了

# Tips 藥的種類

pill n. 藥丸;彈丸,子彈;口服避孕藥


medicine n. 藥;醫學;內科;巫術


syrup [‘s?r?p] n. 糖漿,果汁;含藥糖漿


tablet [‘t?bl?t] n. 碑;藥片;寫字板;小塊;平板電腦

# Tips 吃藥的時間

meal n. 一餐,一頓飯;膳食

before breakfast # 早餐前

after lunch # 午餐後

after dinner # 晚餐後

before go to bed # 睡覺前

# Tips 疼痛級別

ache 一般跟在後綴使用,大多數情況下是指內部的痛;例如headache

sore 一般指炎癥或者肌肉上的疼痛 sore throat

pain 疼痛;一般指長時間的疼痛折磨,比如;acute pain(急性痛;劇烈的疼痛) persistent pain(頑痛;持續性痛) piercing pain (戳痛;刺骨痛)


Do you have a reservation? # 你有預約嗎? re ser va tion [rez?‘ve??(?)n]

hurt sb‘s feeling # 傷害某人的感覺

That smile, my piercing pain. # 笑容、撕心裂肺的痛。

I have bruise on my arm # 我的胳膊上有瘀傷

she has scratch on her leg # 她腿上有劃痕

fell on the floor # 我摔倒在地板上

You will get better # 你會好轉的

Looking for a doctor No.2

Patient: I am a patient. I want to see a doctor.

Nurse: Do you have reservation?

Patien: Yes, I do, i‘m No.2

Nurse: Let me see . Oh,yeah Mr.Yang

Nurse: What‘ the matter?

P: I have a cold. Where is the doctor‘s office?

N: Over there

Doctor: What‘s your name?

P: 28.

D: What hurts?

P: My head hurts, my tooth hurts and my legs hurt.Too

D: Have some medicine. Drink more water.

D: Take this medicine 3 times a day, 3 tablets once before dinner # 這藥一日三次,一次3片

P:I don‘t like pills, can I change to syrup?

D:Yes, go get the medicine.

D: You will get better


1.review before previous lesson body part.

2.review before unit4 lesson A words

3.still need to read and remember repeatedly

4.Try using sentences more

English trip -- VC(情景課)4 C My feet hurt 我腳痛