1. 程式人生 > >English trip -- MC(情景課)3 D

English trip -- MC(情景課)3 D

str tro each color 家庭 sent obb family oct


have a nice weekend...


How many people are there in you family?

they are 3 people in my family

... a member of ...

I am a member of Menten

The waiter a member of restaurant [?restr?nt] 餐館

The doctor a member of hospital

The teacher a member of shcool


baby babies

girl girls

boy boys

man men

woman women

teenager teenagers

partner [‘pɑ?tn?] n. 夥伴;合夥人;配偶

old 老

older 年長的;較舊的

oldest [‘??ld?st] 最老的

young 年輕

younger 年紀較小者;幼輩

youngest 最小的兒子;年紀最小的人

big 大

bigger 較大;更大的

biggest 最大

small 小

smaller [sm?:l?(r)] 較小;更小的

smallest [sm?:l?st] 最小

Talk with a partner

Her name is Fiona

It‘s F - I - O - N -A

Her has a big family

There are seven people in her family

They are her mother , her step father, brother, her sister in law, nices,cousin in law and her

Her is nineteen old.

Her hobby is PlayGame Reading and Travel


1.Review of family related words


2.Simple language communication with the partner 和拍檔進行了簡單語言溝通

3.Learned the comparative and superlative 學習了比較級和最高級

English trip -- MC(情景課)3 D