1. 程式人生 > >Light oj 1140 How Many Zeroes?

Light oj 1140 How Many Zeroes?

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Jimmy writes down the decimal representations of all natural numbers between and including m and n, (m ≤ n). How many zeroes will he write down?


Input starts with an integer T (≤ 11000), denoting the number of test cases.

Each case contains two unsigned 32-bit integers m and n, (m ≤ n).


For each case, print the case number and the number of zeroes written down by Jimmy.

Sample Input


10 11

100 200

0 500

1234567890 2345678901

0 4294967295

Sample Output

Case 1: 1

Case 2: 22

Case 3: 92

Case 4: 987654304

Case 5: 3825876150



<queue> #include<stack> #include<set> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<string> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; LL dp[40][40],digit[40],n,m; int T; LL dfs(int pos,int pre,int cnt,bool Judge) { if(pos==0) return cnt; int sz=Judge? digit[pos]:9
; if(!Judge && dp[pos][cnt]!=-1 && pre) return dp[pos][cnt]; LL ans=0; for(int i=0;i<=sz;i++) { if(i==0&&pre) ans+=dfs(pos-1,1,cnt+1,Judge&&i==sz); else ans+=dfs(pos-1,i!=0||pre,cnt,Judge&&i==sz); } if(!Judge&&pre) dp[pos][cnt]=ans; return ans; } LL work(LL num) { int temp=0; if(num==-1) return -1; while(num) { digit[++temp]=num%10; num/=10; } return dfs(temp,0,0,1); } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cin>>T; for(int i=1;i<=T;i++) { memset(dp,-1,sizeof dp); cin>>m>>n; cout<<"Case "<<i<<": "<<work(n)-work(m-1)<<endl; } return 0; }

Light oj 1140 How Many Zeroes?