1. 程式人生 > >Oracle-RAC等價性驗證錯誤:Result: PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user "grid"

Oracle-RAC等價性驗證錯誤:Result: PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user "grid"

warn pre int miss stage verbose div ble eas


 1 [grid@rac1 grid]$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n rac1,rac2 -fixup -verbose
 3 Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup 
 5 Checking node reachability...
 7 Check: Node reachability from node "rac1"
 8   Destination Node                      Reachable?              
------------------------------------ ------------------------ 10 rac2 yes 11 rac1 yes 12 Result: Node reachability check passed from node "rac1" 13 14 15 Checking user equivalence...
16 17 Check: User equivalence for user "grid" 18 Node Name Comment 19 ------------------------------------ ------------------------ 20 rac2 passed 21 rac1 failed
22 Result: PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user "grid"

一開始的思路是rac1 ssh rac2,rac2 ssh rac1;驗證通過後執行命令後還是報同樣的錯誤,代碼如下:

1 ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n rac1,rac2 -fixup -verbose


 1 [root@rac2 ~]# su - oracle
 2 [oracle@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac2 date
 3 The authenticity of host rac2 ( cant be established.
 4 RSA key fingerprint is 00:38:d0:f8:99:20:fa:41:90:d6:9b:68:06:68:d8:15.
 5 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
 6 Warning: Permanently added rac2 (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
 7 Fri Aug 17 12:49:01 CST 2018
 8 [oracle@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac2priv date
 9 The authenticity of host rac2priv ( cant be established.
10 RSA key fingerprint is 00:38:d0:f8:99:20:fa:41:90:d6:9b:68:06:68:d8:15.
11 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
12 Warning: Permanently added rac2priv, (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
13 Fri Aug 17 12:49:09 CST 2018
14 [oracle@rac2 ~]$ su - grid
15 Password: 
16 [grid@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac2 date
17 The authenticity of host rac2 ( cant be established.
18 RSA key fingerprint is 00:38:d0:f8:99:20:fa:41:90:d6:9b:68:06:68:d8:15.
19 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
20 Warning: Permanently added rac2 (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
21 grid@rac2s password: 
22 Permission denied, please try again.
23 grid@rac2s password: 
24 Fri Aug 17 12:49:33 CST 2018
25 [grid@rac2 ~]$ ssh rac2priv date
26 The authenticity of host rac2priv ( cant be established.
27 RSA key fingerprint is 00:38:d0:f8:99:20:fa:41:90:d6:9b:68:06:68:d8:15.
28 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
29 Warning: Permanently added rac2priv, (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
30 grid@rac2privs password: 
31 Fri Aug 17 12:49:43 CST 2018



Oracle-RAC等價性驗證錯誤:Result: PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user "grid"