HDU - 5973 Game of Taking Stones (威佐夫博弈 高精度)
Two people face two piles of stones and make a game. They take turns to take stones. As game rules, there are two different methods of taking stones: One scheme is that you can take any number of stones in any one pile while the alternative is to take the same amount of stones at the same time in two piles. In the end, the first person taking all the stones is winner.Now,giving the initial number of two stones, can you win this game if you are the first to take stones and both sides have taken the best strategy?
InputInput contains multiple sets of test data.Each test data occupies one line,containing two non-negative integers a andb,representing the number of two stones.a and b are not more than 10^100.OutputFor each test data,output answer on one line.1 means you are the winner,otherwise output 0.Sample Input
2 1 8 4 4 7
Sample Output
0 1 0
題解:裸的威佐夫博弈和隊友談論了半天沒看出來,神奇的是隊友竟然推出了威佐夫博弈奇異局勢的數列(0,0) (1,2) (3,5) (4,7) (6,10) (8,13) (9,15) (11,18)(12,20)……可以說她是一只可愛的小仙女了。
奇異局勢:讓先手必輸的局勢,那麽由這些局勢在規定範圍內拓展的局勢也是先手必輸的局勢(但在這裏雙方自由選取,不適用)。我們可以得出一些局勢使A必輸:(0,0) (1,2) (3,5) (4,7) (6,10) (8,13) (9,15) (11,18)(12,20)……我們稱這些局勢為奇異局勢
- 任何自然數都一定包含在一個奇異局勢中。
- 任意操作都可以將奇異局勢轉變為非奇異局勢。
- 可以將非奇異局勢轉變為奇異局勢。
import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Scanner; import java.math.BigDecimal ; public class Main { //對常數開方保留多位小數,返回高精度小數 private static BigDecimal sqrt(BigDecimal x, int n) { BigDecimal ans = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal eps = BigDecimal.ONE; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { while (ans.pow(2).compareTo(x) < 0) { ans = ans.add(eps); } ans = ans.subtract(eps); eps = eps.divide(BigDecimal.TEN); } return ans; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in); while(cin.hasNext()) { BigDecimal a = cin.nextBigDecimal(); BigDecimal b = cin.nextBigDecimal(); BigDecimal c = sqrt(new BigDecimal(5), 120); c = c.add(BigDecimal.ONE).divide(new BigDecimal(2)); BigDecimal t = null; if(a.compareTo(b) == 1) { t = a; a = b; b = t; } //計算(bk - ak ) * (1+sqrt(5))/2 == ak是否成立 左邊向下取整 if( b.subtract(a).multiply(c).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN).equals(a)) { System.out.println(0); } else System.out.println(1); } cin.close(); } }
HDU - 5973 Game of Taking Stones (威佐夫博弈 高精度)