1. 程式人生 > >2018-11-1 星期四

2018-11-1 星期四

English: listening、speaking、reading、writing、translation

1. How do you improve your sleeping quality?

Well, there are several ways. First of all, a good night sleep or a sound sleep has everything to do with the exercise you do during the day. So physical exercise is vital. Secondly, you can always take some medication. If you suffer from a really bad insomnia, you can take some sleeping pills. Though, personally, I am afraid of the side-effects. But I take them anyway because it is the only way I can sleep through the night. Thirdly, a cup of warm milk is always helpful. Those are the ways we can use to improve our sleeping quality.

2. Live in your ages and watch the sceneries around you. Whether it is pleasure or happiness, you should appreciate them from experience by yourself. Whether it is confusion or anxiety, you should put up with them on your own. Chat with your congenial friends, do things you are responsible for, take charge of yourself, don’t order people about by gesture bossily in their life, and not to be affected easily by other people.

3. The past cannot be changed .The future is yet in your power .

4. I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it. 

5. There is nothing we can hold onto in this world. Only by letting go can we truly possess what is real.

6. Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

7. “No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.”


1. Mobile Robot Navigation using a Vision Based Approach


Abstract Autonomous robots operating in an unknown and uncertain environment must be able to cope with dynamic changes to that environment. For a mobile robot to navigate successfully to a goal whilst avoiding both static and dynamic obstacles is a challenging problem. This paper proposes a methodology based on visual servoing using a single Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) network camera mounted on the robot as the primary sensor for indoor mobile robot navigation. The aim for the robot is to carry out its task without any prior knowledge of its environment. Several different approaches to avoiding obstacles have been developed in recent years, some of which are computationally intensive. One approach, using a mapless landmark detection algorithm is receiving a lot of attention, principally because of its efficiency and robustness. This method will be described in depth, as it offers a potential solution. It is proposed to develop a vision based navigation system, using a single high quality PTZ camera to capture and process images in real-time. The system will be integrated into an existing mobile robot platform, which incorporates the Player/Stage architecture. The performance of the visual seroving based approach will be compared with existing obstacle avoidance sensors, which include a scanning laser and sonar array.  

2. Vision-Based Real-Time Positioning and Autonomous Navigation System Using Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments


Abstract: Research toward unmanned mobile robot navigation has gained significant importance in the last decade due to its potential applications in the location-based services industry. The increase in construction of large space indoor buildings has made difficulty for humans to operate within such environments. In this study, a mobile robot's indoor navigation algorithm is developed with vision cameras. Using two monocular cameras (one looking forward and one looking downward), the developed algorithms make use of the salient features of the environments to estimate rotational and translational motions for real-time positioning of the mobile robot. At the same time, an algorithm based on artificial landmark recognition is developed. The artificial landmark is shaped arrow based signboards with different colors representing different paths. These algorithms are integrated into a designed framework for mobile robot real-time positioning and autonomous navigation. Experiments are performed to validate the designed system using the mobile robot PIONEER P3-AT. The developed algorithm was able to detect and extract artificial landmark information up to 3 m distance for the mobile robot guidance. Experiment results show an average error of 0.167 m deviation from the ideal path, signified the good ability and performance of the development autonomous navigation algorithm.



turtlebot3 tutorial

1. Export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL (http://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/export_turtlebot3_model/)

TurtleBot3 has three models, burgerwaffle, and waffle_pi, so you have to set which model to use before using. To do this, we specify the model to be used with the export command.

export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=waffle_pi 

The Bash export command is used to export a variable or function to the environment of all the child processes running in the current shell.

You can run this export command each time in the terminal window. But it is very inconvenient to set it up every time.

So we recommend that add your settings in bashrc file. The following example is an example for the user of TurtleBot3 Burger model. If you use a different model, you just change the value of TURTLEBOT3_MODEL.

2. simulation (review) (http://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/simulation/#simulation)


 reading materials (to broaden horizon && provide value idea about master's thesis)

1. Bringing the power of Windows 10 to the Robot Operating System


