阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-06
#pragma once #include <vector> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> class QuickFindUF { private: std::vector<size_t> id; size_t count; public: QuickFindUF(size_t n):count(n) { id.reserve(n);//improve the performance for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) id.push_back(i); } size_t Count() const { return count; } bool Connected(size_t p, size_t q) const { return Find(p) == Find(q); } size_t Find(size_t p) const { Validate(p); return id[p]; } void Union(size_t p, size_t q) { Validate(p); Validate(q); auto pID = id[p]; auto qID = id[q]; if (pID == qID) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < id.size(); ++i) if (id[i] == pID) id[i] = qID; --count; } private: void Validate(size_t p) const { if (p >= id.size()) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range"); } public: static void MainTest() { size_t n; std::cin >> n; QuickFindUF uf(n); size_t p, q; while (std::cin >> p >> q) { if (uf.Connected(p, q)) continue; uf.Union(p, q); std::cout << p << " " << q << std::endl; } std::cout << uf.Count() << " components" << std::endl; } };
#pragma once #include <vector> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> class QuickUnionUF { private: std::vector<size_t> id; size_t count; public: QuickUnionUF(size_t n):count(n) { id.reserve(n);//improve the performance for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) id.push_back(i); } size_t Count() const { return count; } bool Connected(size_t p, size_t q) const { return Find(p) == Find(q); } size_t Find(size_t p) const { Validate(p); while (p != id[p]) p = id[p]; return p; } void Union(size_t p, size_t q) { Validate(p); Validate(q); auto pRoot = Find(p); auto qRoot = Find(q); if (pRoot == qRoot) return; id[pRoot] = qRoot; --count; } private: void Validate(size_t p) const { if (p >= id.size()) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range"); } public: static void MainTest() { size_t n; std::cin >> n; QuickUnionUF uf(n); size_t p, q; while (std::cin >> p >> q) { if (uf.Connected(p, q)) continue; uf.Union(p, q); std::cout << p << " " << q << std::endl; } std::cout << uf.Count() << " components" << std::endl; } };
#pragma once #include <vector> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> #include <iostream> class WeightedQuickUnionUF { private: std::vector<size_t> id; size_t count; std::vector<size_t> sz; public: WeightedQuickUnionUF(size_t n):count(n) { id.reserve(n);//improve the performance for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) id.push_back(i); sz.reserve(n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) sz.push_back(1); } size_t Count() const { return count; } bool Connected(size_t p, size_t q) const { return Find(p) == Find(q); } size_t Find(size_t p) const { Validate(p); while (p != id[p]) p = id[p]; return p; } void Union(size_t p, size_t q) { Validate(p); Validate(q); auto pRoot = Find(p); auto qRoot = Find(q); if (pRoot == qRoot) return; if (sz[pRoot] < sz[qRoot]) { id[pRoot] = qRoot; sz[pRoot] += sz[qRoot]; } else { id[qRoot] = pRoot; sz[pRoot] += sz[qRoot]; } --count; } private: void Validate(size_t p) const { if (p >= id.size()) throw std::out_of_range("index out of range"); } public: static void MainTest() { size_t n; std::cin >> n; WeightedQuickUnionUF uf(n); size_t p, q; while (std::cin >> p >> q) { if (uf.Connected(p, q)) continue; uf.Union(p, q); std::cout << p << " " << q << std::endl; } std::cout << uf.Count() << " components" << std::endl; } };
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "quick_find_uf.h"
#include "quick_union_uf.h"
#include "weighted_quick_union_uf.h"
int main() {
std::ifstream in("../data/tinyUF.txt");