阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-07
- 用空格縮排, 不能用tab
- 用#標記註釋
- 列表: 用短劃(-)標記元素
- 對映: 用冒號(:)分隔key, value. 如果寫在一行, 需要用逗號分隔並前後加花括號
- 字串: 不加引號, 加單引號或者加雙引號都可以, 加雙引號時可以使用\開頭的轉義字元
- 多行字串可以用 | 或 > 符號, 緊接著換行符
- 重複的節點, 可以用 & 標識, 並用 * 來引用
# 普通 - Casablanca - North by Northwest - The Man Who Wasn't There # 單行 [milk, pumpkin pie, eggs, juice]
men: [John Smith, Bill Jones]
- Mary Smith
- Susan Williams
# Indented Block
name: John Smith
age: 33
# Inline Block
{name: John Smith, age: 33}
- {name: John Smith, age: 33}
- name: Mary Smith
age: 27
data: | There once was a short man from Ealing Who got on a bus to Darjeeling It said on the door "Please don't spit on the floor" So he carefully spat on the ceiling data: > Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph Blank lines denote paragraph breaks
a: 123 # an integer b: "123" # a string, disambiguated by quotes c: 123.0 # a float d: !!float 123 # also a float via explicit data type prefixed by (!!) e: !!str 123 # a string, disambiguated by explicit type f: !!str Yes # a string via explicit type g: Yes # a boolean True (yaml1.1), string "Yes" (yaml1.2) h: Yes we have No bananas # a string, "Yes" and "No" disambiguated by context. picture: !!binary | R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=
myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 }