1. 程式人生 > >在世界數學發展的轉折關頭,是猶豫觀望,止步不前;還是奮發圖強,彎道超車?





        袁萌  陳啟清  10月15日


附:美國Joel A. Tropp研究論文“無窮小:歷史與應用”


Infinitesimals: History & Application

1.1. Overview(概觀)

Infinitesimals have enjoyed an extensive and scandalous history. Almost as soon as the Pythagoreans suggested the concept 2500 years ago, Zeno proceeded to drown it in paradox. Nevertheless, many mathematicians continued to use infinitesimals until the end of the 19th century because of their intuitive appeal in understanding continuity. When the foundations of calculus were formalized by Weierstrass, et al. around 1872, they were banished from mathematics. As the 20th century began, the mathematical community officially regarded infinitesimals as numerical chimeras, but engineers and physicists continued to use them as heuristic aids in their calculations. In 1960, the logician Abraham Robinson discovered a way to develop a rigorous theory of infinitesimals. His techniques are now referred to as Nonstandard Analysis, which is a small but growing field in mathematics. Practioners have found many intuitive, direct proofs of classical results. They have also extended mathematics in new directions, which may eventually result in fruitful discoveries.