1. 程式人生 > >【洛谷P4178】Tree










#define RG register
#define file(x) freopen(#x".in", "r", stdin);freopen(#x".out", "w", stdout);
#define clear(x, y) memset(x, y, sizeof(x));

namespace IO
    const int BUFSIZE = 1 << 20;
    char ibuf[BUFSIZE], *is = ibuf, *it = ibuf;
    inline char getchar() { if (is == it) it = (is = ibuf) + fread(ibuf, 1, BUFSIZE, stdin); return *is++; }

inline int read()
    int data = 0, w = 1;
    char ch = IO::getchar();
    while(ch != '-' && (ch < '0' || ch > '9')) ch = IO::getchar();
    if(ch == '-') w = -1, ch = IO::getchar();
    while(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') data = data * 10 + (ch ^ 48), ch = IO::getchar();
    return data*w;

const int maxn(40010);
struct edge { int next, to, dis; } e[maxn << 1];
int head[maxn], e_num, n, Size, Max, root, stk[maxn], dep[maxn], top, size[maxn], K, ans, vis[maxn];
inline void add_edge(int from, int to, int dis) { e[++e_num] = (edge) {head[from], to, dis}; head[from] = e_num; }

void GetRoot(int x, int fa)
    size[x] = 1; int max = 0;
    for(RG int i = head[x]; i; i = e[i].next)
        int to = e[i].to; if(to == fa || vis[to]) continue;
        GetRoot(to, x); size[x] += size[to]; max = std::max(max, size[to]);
    max = std::max(max, Size - size[x]);
    if(max < Max) Max = max, root = x;

void GetDep(int x, int fa)
    stk[++top] = dep[x];
    for(RG int i = head[x]; i; i = e[i].next)
        int to = e[i].to; if(to == fa || vis[to]) continue;
        dep[to] = dep[x] + e[i].dis; GetDep(to, x);

int Calc(int x, int pre)
    top = 0; dep[x] = pre; GetDep(x, 0); std::sort(stk + 1, stk + top + 1);
    int l = 1, r = top, sum = 0;
    while(l < r) { if(stk[l] + stk[r] <= K) sum += r - l, ++l; else --r; }
    return sum;

void Solve(int x)
    ans += Calc(x, 0); vis[x] = 1;
    for(RG int i = head[x]; i; i = e[i].next)
        int to = e[i].to; if(vis[to]) continue;
        ans -= Calc(to, e[i].dis); Size = Max = size[to];
        GetRoot(to, x); Solve(root);

int main()

    Max = Size = n = read();
    for(RG int i = 1, a, b, c; i < n; i++)
        a = read(), b = read(), c = read(), add_edge(a, b, c), add_edge(b, a, c);
    K = read(); GetRoot(1, 0); Solve(root); printf("%d\n", ans);
    return 0;