1. 程式人生 > >ios拒審4.3 python自動生成辣雞程式碼

ios拒審4.3 python自動生成辣雞程式碼


        "key" : "jiebabuyuxiniubuyu",
        "add_func_num" :1,


        "lua_get_dir_path" : "/Users/li/mypro/xfront/Resources",
        "lua_born_path" : "../../../../scirptdecode/main/game",

:"/Users/li/mypro/xfront/Resources", "cplus_born_path":"../../../../XnFramework/cocos/quick-3.3/quick/lib/XnGameSrc", "oc_in_path":"", "oc_out_path":"", "client_config":"../../../../scirptdecode/main/res/client_config", "config_list":{ "UnionID": 101, "ChildUnionID"
: 1143, "KindID": 404, "ChannelID": 0, "AppID": "80252127002" }, "wxAppID":"wxacfcf61a237d3658", "version":"2.15", "functionOpen":{ "isaddfunc":"True", "isaddfile":"True", "isadddesc":"True", "isaddfile_lua"
:"True" } } ] **python檔案autoBornCode.py** #! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # author : liqiang # desc : 自動生成辣雞程式碼 # 邏輯重理 # 此指令碼功能有 # 1.生成檔案(lua,c++) # 2.混入方法(lua) # 3.混入註釋(lua,oc,c++) # 4.修改打包配置 import os,sys import random import string import re import md5 import time import json import shutil import subprocess #呼叫命令方法 import hashlib import time from os.path import join, getsize s = os.sep #多平臺 路徑分割符號是'\',在Linux上是‘/’ # 模擬生成檔案目錄的源目錄 cplus_get_dir_path = '/Users/li/mypro/xfront/Resources' lua_get_dir_path = '/Users/li/mypro/xfront/Resources' cplus_born_path = '../../../../XnFramework/cocos/quick-3.3/quick/lib/XnGameSrc' lua_born_path = '../../../../scirptdecode/main/game' copyfilelist = ['luaFramework','main','package/BuYu/res','package/BuYu/src'] # 生成單個c++檔案內的方法數量 cplusFuncConut = 1 context = { 'key' : 'xiniu', 'add_func_num' : 10, 'lua_in_path' : '../../../..', 'lua_out_path' : '../../../../scirptdecode', 'lua_get_dir_path':lua_get_dir_path, 'lua_born_path':lua_born_path, 'cplus_get_dir_path':cplus_get_dir_path, 'cplus_born_path':cplus_born_path, 'oc_in_path':'', 'oc_out_path':'./', 'isaddfunc':True, #加混淆開關 'isaddfile':True, #加檔案開關 'isadddesc':True, #加註釋開關 c++新增沒有用 會被過濾掉 'isaddfile_lua':True, 'wxAppID':"wxacfcf61a237d3658", 'version':'2.15', 'config_list':{ "UnionID": 101, "ChildUnionID": 1143, "KindID": 404, "ChannelID": 0, "AppID": "80252127002" } } add_file_count = 0 add_function_count = 0 add_desc_count = 0 # 配置檔案解釋 # "key" : "jiebabuyuxiniubuyu", # "add_func_num" :10, # "lua_in_path":"../../../../scirptdecode/main/res/client_config", # "lua_out_path":"../../../../scirptdecode", # "config_list":{ # "UnionID": 101, # "ChildUnionID": 1143, # "KindID": 404, # "ChannelID": 0, # "AppID": "80252127002" # }, # "wxAppID":"wxacfcf61a237d3658", # "version":"2.15", #----------------------------------------------------通用模組------------------------------------------------ class ProgressBar: # 終端進度條 def __init__(self, count = 0, total = 0, width = 50): self.count = count self.total = total self.width = width def move(self): self.count += 1 return self.count def log(self, s = ""): #顯示進度 sys.stdout.write(' ' * (self.width + 9) + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() # print s progress = self.width * self.count / self.total sys.stdout.write('{0:3}/{1:3}: '.format(self.count, self.total)) sys.stdout.write('#' * progress + '-' * (self.width - progress) + '\r') if progress == self.width: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() # 判斷檔案是否存在key r def StrIsInFile(filepath,r): fp =open(filepath,'r+') # print name for line in fp.readlines(): if r in line: return True fp.close() return False # 得到一個md5加密名字 def getOneName(filename): # 隨機方法 # num = random.randint(10, 20) # random.uniform # random.randint # random.randrange(0, 101, 2) # random.choice('abcdefg&#%^*f') # random.sample('abcdefghij',3) # m1 = md5.new() m1 = hashlib.md5() m1.update(context['key']+filename.split(s)[-1]) #更新一次 改變一次 filename格式為 檔名 + 方法行號 + 方法當前方法行數 # print filename.split("/")[-1] text = m1.hexdigest() text = text[0:7] # return string.join(random.sample(m1.hexdigest(),random.randint(4,10)),"") # print text,context['key']+filename.split(s)[-1] return str(text) # names[asciis] = chr(asciis) # 得到欄位頭 為了好查詢 暫時先只加一個 def getHeadName(): return random.choice ( ['get']) #----------------------------------------------------通用模組end------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------------------------------生成檔案資訊模組start------------------------------------------------ # 生成一個圖形註釋 適用於.h .cpp .mm .m .hpp def addDescimg(): text = [ '\n/** 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .,:,,, .::,,,::. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .::::,,;;, .,;;:,,....:i: 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* :i,.::::,;i:. ....,,:::::::::,.... .;i:,. ......;i. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* :;..:::;::::i;,,:::;:,,,,,,,,,,..,.,,:::iri:. .,:irsr:,.;i. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ;;..,::::;;;;ri,,,. ..,,:;s1s1ssrr;,.;r, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* :;. ,::;ii;:, . ................... .;iirri;;;,,;i, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ,i. .;ri:. ... ............................ .,,:;:,,,;i: 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* :s,.;r:... ....................................... .::;::s; 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ,1r::. .............,,,.,,:,,........................,;iir; 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ,s;........... ..::.,;:,,. ...............,;1s 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* :i,..,. .,:,,::,. .......... .......;1, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ir,....:rrssr;:, ,,.,::. .r5S9989398G95hr;. ....,.:s, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ;r,..,s9855513XHAG3i .,,,,,,,. ,S931,.,,.;s;s&BHHA8s.,..,..:r: 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* :r;..rGGh, :SAG;;[email protected]:.,,,,,,,,,.r83: hHH1sXMBHHHM3..,,,,.ir. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ,si,.1GS, sBMAAX&MBMB5,,,,,,:,,.:&8 [email protected]#X,.,,,,,,rr 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ;1:,,SH: [email protected]&&B#&8H#BS,,,,,,,,,.,5XS, [email protected]&59M#As..,,,,:,is, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .rr,,,;9&1 hBHHBB&8AMGr,,,,,,,,,,,:h&&9s; r9&BMHBHMB9: . .,,,,;ri. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* :1:....:5&XSi;r8BMBHHA9r:,......,,,,:ii19GG88899XHHH&GSr. ...,:rs. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ;s. .:sS8G8GG889hi. ....,,:;:,.:irssrriii:,. ...,,i1, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ;1, ..,....,,isssi;, .,,. ....,.i1, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ;h: i9HHBMBBHAX9: . ...,,,rs, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ,1i.. :A#MBBBBMHB##s ....,,,;si. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .r1,.. ,..;3BMBBBHBB#Bh. .. ....,,,,,i1; 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* :h;.. .,..;,1XBMMMMBXs,.,, .. :: ,. ....,,,,,,ss. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ih: .. .;;;, ;;:s58A3i,.. ,. ,.:,,. ...,,,,,:,s1, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .s1,.... .,;sh, ,iSAXs;. ,. ,,.i85 ...,,,,,,:i1; 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .rh: ... rXG9XBBM#M#MHAX3hss13&&HHXr .....,,,,,,,ih; 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .s5: ..... i598X&&A&AAAAAA&XG851r: ........,,,,:,,sh; 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* . ihr, ... . .. ........,,,,,;11:. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ,s1i. ... ..,,,..,,,.,,.,,.,.. ........,,.,,.;s5i. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .:s1r,...................... ..............;shs, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* . .:shr:. .... ..............,ishs. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .,issr;,... ...........................,is1s;. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .,is1si;:,....................,:;ir1sr;, 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* ..:isssssrrii;::::::;;iirsssssr;:.. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n* .,::iiirsssssssssrri;;:. 佛祖保佑必過包', '\n*/ //佛祖保佑必過包\n//佛祖保佑必過包\n//佛祖保佑必過包' ] return text # 自動生成oc.h檔案 def autoTexth(filename): global add_file_count add_file_count = add_file_count + 1 text = ['// '+filename+'.h\n', '// '+filename+'\n', '// \n', '// Created By liqiang on 2017/8/16.\n', '// Copyright (c) 2013 maple. All rights reserved.\n', '// \n', '\n', '#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n', ' @interface '+filename+' : NSObject\n', ' + (NSString*)UDID;\n', ' @end\n' ] return text # 自動生成oc.m檔案 def autoTextM(filename): global add_file_count add_file_count = add_file_count + 1 text = [ '// '+filename+'.m\n', '// xiniu\n', '// \n', '// Created by liqiang on 2017/8/16.\n', '// Copyright © 2017年 Li. All rights reserved.\n' '//\n', '\n', '#import \"'+filename+'.h\"\n', '@implementation '+filename+'\n', '\n', '+ (NSString*)UDID\n', '{\n', ' NSString *udid = @\"'+str(random.randint(10000,10000000))+'\";\n', ' return udid;\n', '}\n', '@end//\n' ] return text # 生成一個c++方法 加上獲取當前不定的時間 防止被編譯器過濾 def autoTextCpluscpp(filename,fn): functionname0 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'0') functionname1 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'1') functionname2 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'2') functionname3 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'3') functionname5 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'4') functionname4 = getHeadName()+getOneName(filename+'4') text = [ 'bool GetIs'+filename+'(){\n', ' int '+functionname1 + '=' + '12312312'+';\n', ' int '+functionname2 + '=' + '45645645'+';\n', ' int '+functionname3+'='+functionname1+'+'+functionname2+';\n', ' bool '+functionname5+' = '+functionname3+'> 0; \n', ' time_t tt = time(NULL);\n\n', ' tm* t = localtime(&tt);\n\n', ' bool Is'+filename+' = false;\n', ' if (t->tm_year > 0){\n', ' Is'+filename+' = true;\n\n', ' }\n', ' return Is'+filename+' and '+functionname5+';\n\n', '}\n' ] return text # 生成一個C++ extern 宣告 def autoTextCplusH(filename,fn): text = [ ' extern bool GetIs'+filename+'();\n\n' ] return text # 新增lua 辣雞方法 def autoTextLua(filename): # print filename+'1\n' global add_function_count add_function_count = add_function_count + 1 functionname1 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'1') functionname2 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'2') functionname3 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'3') functionname4 = getHeadName()+getOneName(filename+'4') text = [ '\nlocal function '+functionname4+'()\n', ' local '+functionname1 + '=' + '123'+'\n', ' local '+functionname2 + '=' + '456'+'\n', ' local '+functionname3+'='+functionname1+'+'+functionname2+'\n', ' return '+functionname3+'\n', 'end\n\n' ] # print string.join(text) return string.join(text) # 新增lua 辣雞檔案context def autoTextLuafile(filename,fn): # print filename+'1\n' global add_file_count add_file_count = add_file_count + 1 functionname0 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'0') functionname1 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'1') functionname2 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'2') functionname3 = 'xn' + getOneName(filename+'3') functionname4 = getHeadName()+getOneName(filename+'4') text = [ 'local ' + functionname0 + ' = {}\n', '\nlocal function '+functionname4+'()\n', ' local '+functionname1 + '=' + '123'+'\n', ' local '+functionname2 + '=' + '456'+'\n', ' local '+functionname3+'='+functionname1+'+'+functionname2+'\n', ' return '+functionname3+'\n', 'end\n\n', 'return ' + functionname0 + '\n' ] # print string.join(text) return string.join(text) # 生成OC檔案 def addOneOcFile(filenumber): #生成檔名 filename = 'test' + getOneName(filenumber) functionname = random.choice ( ['get', 'set', 'xiniu', 'xn', 'BuYu','cc','ccb','ccui'])+filename #生成m檔案 # os.mknod(filename+".m") fp = open(context['oc_out_path'] + s+filename+".m",'w') #生成m檔案的內容 並寫入 text = autoTextM(filename) for item in text: fp.write(item) # out.write(i) fp.close() #生成h檔案 # os.mknod(filename+".h") if os.path.exists(context['oc_out_path']) : shutil.rmtree(context['oc_out_path']) os.mkdir(context['oc_out_path']) fp = open(context['oc_out_path'] + s+filename+".h",'w') #生成h檔案內容並寫入 text = autoTexth(filename) for item in text: fp.write(item) fp.close() #----------------------------------------------------生成檔案資訊模組end------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------------------------------增加方法資訊模組start------------------------------------------------ # 獲取檔案列表 def getCodeList(filePaths,strs): filelist = [] #所有res列表 for filepath in filePaths: for dirpath,dirname,filename in os.walk(filepath): for fn in filename: # print fn try: name =dirpath + s + fn # isadd = False # for value in strs: #允許檔案 # if value in fn: # # print value # isadd = True # if isadd: filelist.append(name) except: print "File'" + name + "'can't be read" return filelist # 替換字元方法 def string_switch(x,y,z,type,ss=1): with open(x, "r") as f: #readlines以列表的形式將檔案讀出 lines = f.readlines() # ss = 'g' with open(x, "w") as f_w: #定義一個數字,用來記錄在讀取檔案時在列表中的位置 n = 0 #預設選項,只替換第一次匹配到的行中的字串 # print addDesc(x+str(n))+z,y if ss : for line in lines: if line.startswith(y): # if line.startswith(':'): if type == 1 : if ":" in line: line = line.replace(y,autoTextLua(x+str(n))+z) # print autoTextLua(x+str(n))+z n += 1 else: # print addDesc(x,str(n))+z,y + ' 1' line = line.replace(y,addDesc(x,str(n))+z) # print x,n n += 1 if ss == n : break f_w.write(line) n += 1 #將剩餘的文字內容繼續輸出 for i in range(n,len(lines)): f_w.write(lines[i]) #全域性匹配替換 elif ss == 'g': for line in lines: if y in line: line = line.replace(y,autoTextLua(x+str(n))+z) f_w.write(line) # 混淆lua檔案 def updateLuaFile(): print 'updateLuaFile' _copyfilelist = copyfilelist #刪除資料夾 if os.path.exists(context['lua_out_path']) : shutil.rmtree(context['lua_out_path']) for item in _copyfilelist: print context['lua_in_path']+s+item + ' copy to', print context['lua_out_path']+s+item if os.path.exists(context['lua_out_path']+s+item) : shutil.rmtree(context['lua_out_path']+s+item) #移動資料夾 shutil.copytree(context['lua_in_path']+s+item,context['lua_out_path']+s+item) if context['isaddfunc']: codelist = getCodeList([context['lua_out_path']+s+item],'') #初始化進度條 bar = ProgressBar(total = len(codelist)) totalnum = len(codelist) # print totalnum for c in codelist: bar.move() bar.log() # StrIsInFile(c,'function') # for item in range(context['add_func_num']): if '.git' != c.split(c)[-1]: if '.gitignore' != c.split(c)[-1]: for item in range(context['add_func_num']): # print c if c.endswith('.lua'): string_switch(c,'function ','\nfunction ',1,1) # print codelist def updataFuncFile(): updateLuaFile() #----------------------------------------------------增加方法資訊模組end------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------------------------------增加註釋資訊模組start------------------------------------------------ def addDesctxt(files,st): filename = files.split(s)[-1] m1 = md5.new() m1.update(context['key']+filename.split(s)[-1]) # print filename.split("/")[-1] text = st + m1.hexdigest() return text def addDesc(filen,n): if filen.endswith('.lua') : if filen.endswith('.lua') : return addDesctxt(filen+n,'--') elif filen.endswith('.cpp') or filen.endswith('.c') or filen.endswith('.m') or filen.endswith('.mm') or filen.endswith('.hpp') : # print addDesctxt(filen+n,'//') return addDesctxt(filen+n,'//') return '' #刪除資料夾 if os.path.exists(out_filepath) : shutil.rmtree(out_filepath) #移動資料夾 shutil.copytree(in_filepath,out_filepath) codelist = getCodeList([out_filepath],'') #初始化進度條 bar = ProgressBar(total = len(codelist)) totalnum = len(codelist) # print totalnum for c in codelist: bar.move() bar.log() # StrIsInFile(c,'function') # for item in range(context['add_func_num']): if '.git' != c.split(s)[-1]: if '.gitignore' != c.split(s)[-1]: for item in range(context['add_func_num']): if c.endswith('.lua') : string_switch(c,'function ','\nfunction ',2,1) elif c.endswith('.cpp') or c.endswith('.c') or c.endswith('.hpp') : string_switch(c,'#include ','\n#include ',2,1) elif c.endswith('.m'): string_switch(c,'@interface ','\[email protected] ',2,1) elif c.endswith('.h') or c.endswith('.mm'): string_switch(c,'#include ','\n#include ',2,1) string_switch(c,'@interface ','\[email protected] ',2,1) #----------------------------------------------------更新保持使用過的key------------------------------------------------ def updatekey(): print 'cur key '+context['key'] fp = open('keycode.txt','a') fp.write(context['key'] + ' ' + time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) ) + '\n') fp.close() # print 'new key' #----------------------------------------------------讀取配置------------------------------------------------ def load(): with open('config.json') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) return data def getConfig(lenth): jsonstr = load()[lenth] # print jsonstr config = json.dumps(jsonstr) # key1 if jsonstr["key"]: context['key'] = jsonstr["key"] # 新增數量8 if jsonstr["add_func_num"]: context['add_func_num'] = jsonstr["add_func_num"] # lua混淆檔案路徑 if jsonstr["lua_in_path"]: context['lua_in_path'] = jsonstr["lua_in_path"] if jsonstr["lua_out_path"]: context['lua_out_path'] = jsonstr["lua_out_path"] # lua 生成檔案路徑 if jsonstr["lua_get_dir_path"]: context['lua_get_dir_path'] = jsonstr["lua_get_dir_path"] if jsonstr["lua_born_path"]: context['lua_born_path'] = jsonstr["lua_born_path"] #c++ 生成檔案路徑 if jsonstr["cplus_get_dir_path"]: context['cplus_get_dir_path'] = jsonstr["cplus_get_dir_path"] if jsonstr["cplus_born_path"]: context['cplus_born_path'] = jsonstr["cplus_born_path"] # oc path config6 if jsonstr["oc_in_path"]: context['oc_in_path'] = jsonstr["oc_in_path"] if jsonstr["oc_out_path"]: context['oc_out_path'] = jsonstr["oc_out_path"] if jsonstr["client_config"]: context['client_config'] = jsonstr["client_config"] # 修改配置 if jsonstr["config_list"]: context['config_list'] = jsonstr["config_list"] if jsonstr["wxAppID"] : context['wxAppID'] = jsonstr["wxAppID"] if jsonstr["version"]: context['version'] = jsonstr["version"] if jsonstr["functionOpen"] : cfg = jsonstr["functionOpen"] # for t in cfg: # print t,cfg[t] # pass # if jsonstr["isaddfunc"]: context['isaddfunc'] = cfg["isaddfunc"] # if jsonstr["isaddfile"]: context['isaddfile'] = cfg["isaddfile"] # if jsonstr["isadddesc"]: context['isadddesc'] = cfg["isadddesc"] # if jsonstr["isaddfile_lua"]: context['isaddfile_lua'] = cfg["isaddfile_lua"] def getWord2(filepath,word1,value): fp =open(filepath,'r') # print name oldline = '' newline = '' for line in fp.readlines(): if not s in line: if word1 in line: oldline = line if '\"AppID' == word1: newline = " "+word1+"\""+" : "+str(value) + "\n" else: newline = " "+word1+"\""+" : "+str(value) + ",\n" fp.close() return [oldline,newline] def getWord3(filepath,word1,value): fp =open(filepath,'r') # print name oldline = '' newline = '' ischange = False for line in fp.readlines(): oldline = line if ischange : newline = word1+" : \""+str(value) + "\",\n" ischange = False if word1 in line: ischange = True fp.close() return [oldline,newline] def getWord4(filepath,word1,value): fp =open(filepath,'r') # print name oldline = '' newline = '' for line in fp.readlines(): if not s in line: if word1 in line: oldline = line if 'wx' in line: newline = word1+"."+str(value) + "\n" fp.close() return [oldline,newline] def replace(file_path, old_str, new_str,isbreak): try: f = open(file_path,'r+') all_lines = f.readlines() f.seek(0) f.truncate() for line in all_lines: line = line.replace(old_str, new_str) f.write(line) if isbreak : break f.close() except Exception,e: print e def change_config(): # codelist = getCodeList(context['lua_in_path'],'') configpath = context['client_config']+'/Config.lua' # print configpath # print context['config_list'] # 設定引數 for item in context['config_list']: # print item # print context['config_list'][item] str12 = getWord2(configpath,"\""+item,context['config_list'][item]) # print str12[0] # print str12[1] if str12[0]: replace(configpath,str12[0],str12[1],False) # 設定微信appid # wxconfig = context['lua_in_path']+'/SDK.lua' # str2 = getWord3(wxconfig,"\""+'"Weixin"',context['wxAppID']) # if str2[0]: # replace(wxconfig,str2[0],str2[1],True) # print context['wxAppID'] # print str2[0] # print str2[1] # versionconfig = context['lua_in_path'] + '/Version.lua' # str2 = getWord4(versionconfig,'101',context['version']) # if str2[0]: # replace(wxconfig,str2[0],str2[1]) # versionconfig2 = context['lua_out_path'] + '/package/BuYu/res/client_config/Version.lua' # str2 = getWord4(versionconfig,'101',context['version2']) # if str2[0]: # replace(wxconfig,str2[0],str2[1]) # pt = open(configpath,'w') #----------------------------------------------------File------------------------------------------------ # 深度混淆 # [[ # 1.仿照一個app目錄 # 2.生成檔案 # 3.假呼叫 # ]] def addCplusFile(filenumber,path,fun_num): global add_file_count add_file_count = add_file_count + 2 #生成檔名 filename = 'XnGane' + getOneName(filenumber) #生成cpp檔案 # os.mknod(path+".cpp") fp = open(path+".cpp",'w') #生成m檔案的內容 並寫入 text = addDescimg() for item in text: fp.write(item) texth = [ '//\n', '// '+filename+'.hpp\n', '// xiniu\n', '//\n', '// Created by liqiang on 2017/8/17.\n', '//\n', '//\n\n\n', '#include <time.h>\n', '#include \"'+path.split('/')[-1]+'.hpp\"\n\n' ] txt = [ 'bool GetIs'+filename+'(){\n' ] txtis = 'return' for item in texth: fp.write(item) for _fun_num in range(fun_num): # print _fun_num if int(_fun_num) == 0 : txtis = txtis + ' GetIs'+filename+str(_fun_num)+'()' else: txtis = txtis + (' and GetIs'+filename+str(_fun_num))+'()' text = autoTextCpluscpp(filename+str(_fun_num),path.split('/')[-1]) for item in text: fp.write(item) txtis = txtis +';\n' txt.append(txtis) txt.append('}\n') # 加主方法 for item in txt: fp.write(item) # out.write(i) fp.close() #生成h檔案 # os.mknod(path+".hpp") fp = open(path+".hpp",'w') #生成h檔案內容並寫入 text = addDescimg() for item in text: fp.write(item) texth = [ '//\n', '// '+path.split('/')[-1]+'.hpp\n', '// xiniu\n', '//', '// Created by liqiang on 2017/8/17.\n', '//\n', '//\n\n', '#ifndef '+path.split('/')[-1]+'_hpp\n', '#define '+path.split('/')[-1]+'_hpp\n\n\n\n', '#include <stdio.h>\n\n' ] for item in texth: fp.write(item) # for _fun_num in range(fun_num): text = autoTextCplusH(filename,path.split('/')[-1]) for item in text: fp.write(item) fp.write('#endif /* '+path.split('/')[-1]+'_hpp */\n\n') fp.close() return filename def addluaFile(filenumber,path): #生成檔名 filename = 'XnGane' + getOneName(filenumber) #生成cpp檔案 # os.mknod(path+".cpp") # print path + '.lua' fp = open(path+".lua",'w') #生成m檔案的內容 並寫入 text = autoTextLuafile(filename,path.split('/')[-1]) for item in text: fp.write(item) # out.write(i) fp.close() return filename def getdirsize(d): size = 0L for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d): size += sum([getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files]) if size/1024.0/1024.0 > 1 : return str(size/1024.0/1024.0)[0:5] + 'MB' else: return str(size/1024.0)[0:5] + 'KB'