1. 安裝jdk
2. 安裝node.js,同時安裝了npm,需要加上環境變數
3. 安裝cnpm
npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
4. 安裝uirecorder
cnpm install uirecorder mocha -g
安裝相關依賴:cnpm install jwebdriver expect.js mocha-generators faker --save-dev
5. 下載selenium-standalone和
6. 啟動selenium-server
7. 下載chromedriver.exe置於chrome安裝目錄下和python安裝目錄下
8. 下載chrome 瀏覽器59版本以上
9. 錄製指令碼
cmd切換到D盤 uirecorder目錄執行:uirecorder start sample/test4.js
10. 安裝Mocha
cnpm install mochawesome
11. 生成測試報告
mocha sample/test4.js --reporter mochawesome
1) sample/test4 : chrome "before all" hook:
Error: the string "The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.chrome.driver system property; for more information, see https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/ChromeDriver. The latest version can be downloaded from http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html" was thrown, throw an Error :)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
2) sample/test4 : chrome "after all" hook:
Error: the string "The path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.chrome.driver system property; for more information, see https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/ChromeDriver. The latest version can be downloaded from http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html" was thrown, throw an Error :)
at <anonymous>
const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const chai = require("chai"); //引用chai這個斷言庫 const should = chai.should(); const JWebDriver = require('jwebdriver'); chai.use(JWebDriver.chaiSupportChainPromise); //使用js promise方法的中介軟體,之後的非同步方法可以使用.then() const resemble = require('resemblejs-node'); resemble.outputSettings({ errorType: 'flatDifferenceIntensity' }); const rootPath = getRootPath(); module.exports = function(){ let driver, testVars; before(function(){ let self = this; driver = self.driver; testVars = self.testVars; }); it('url: https://h5.ele.me/login/#redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ele.me%2F', async function(){ await driver.url(_(`https://h5.ele.me/login/#redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ele.me%2F`)); }); it('waitBody: ', async function(){ await driver.sleep(500).wait('body', 30000).html().then(function(code){ isPageError(code).should.be.false; //等價於isPageError(code).chai.should().be.false; }); }); it('click: section:nth-child(1) > input[type="tel"]:nth-child(1), 114, 14, 0', async function(){ await driver.sleep(300).wait('section:nth-child(1) > input[type="tel"]:nth-child(1)', 30000) .sleep(300).mouseMove(114, 14).click(0); }); it('sendKeys: 15074{BACK_SPACE}2421785', async function(){ await driver.sendKeys('15074{BACK_SPACE}2421785'); }); it('click: 獲取驗證碼 ( button.CountButton-3e-kd, 36, 4, 0 )', async function(){ await driver.sleep(300).wait('button.CountButton-3e-kd', 30000) .sleep(300).mouseMove(36, 4).click(0); }); it('sendKeys: 974926', async function(){ await driver.sendKeys('974926'); }); it('click: 登入 ( button.SubmitButton-2wG4T, 230, 14, 0 )', async function(){ await driver.sleep(300).wait('button.SubmitButton-2wG4T', 30000) .sleep(300).mouseMove(230, 14).click(0); }); it('waitBody: ', async function(){ await driver.sleep(500).wait('body', 30000).html().then(function(code){ isPageError(code).should.be.false; }); }); function _(str){ if(typeof str === 'string'){ return str.replace(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g, function(all, key){ return testVars[key] || ''; }); } else{ return str; } } }; if(module.parent && /mocha\.js/.test(module.parent.id)){ runThisSpec(); } function runThisSpec(){ // read config let webdriver = process.env['webdriver'] || ''; let proxy = process.env['wdproxy'] || ''; let config = require(rootPath + '/config.json'); let webdriverConfig = Object.assign({},config.webdriver); let host = webdriverConfig.host; let port = webdriverConfig.port || 4444; let match = webdriver.match(/([^\:]+)(?:\:(\d+))?/); if(match){ host = match[1] || host; port = match[2] || port; } let testVars = config.vars; let browsers = webdriverConfig.browsers; browsers = browsers.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); delete webdriverConfig.host; delete webdriverConfig.port; delete webdriverConfig.browsers; // read hosts let hostsPath = rootPath + '/hosts'; let hosts = ''; if(fs.existsSync(hostsPath)){ hosts = fs.readFileSync(hostsPath).toString(); } let specName = path.relative(rootPath, __filename).replace(/\\/g,'/').replace(/\.js$/,''); browsers.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach(function(browserName){ let caseName = specName + ' : ' + browserName; let browserInfo = browserName.split(' '); browserName = browserInfo[0]; let browserVersion = browserInfo[1]; describe(caseName, function(){ this.timeout(600000); this.slow(1000); let driver; before(function(){ let self = this; let driver = new JWebDriver({ 'host': host, 'port': port }); let sessionConfig = Object.assign({}, webdriverConfig, { 'browserName': browserName, 'version': browserVersion, 'ie.ensureCleanSession': true, 'chromeOptions': { 'args': ['--enable-automation'] } }); if(proxy){ sessionConfig.proxy = { 'proxyType': 'manual', 'httpProxy': proxy, 'sslProxy': proxy } } else if(hosts){ sessionConfig.hosts = hosts; } self.driver = driver.session(sessionConfig).maximize().config({ pageloadTimeout: 30000, // page onload timeout scriptTimeout: 5000, // sync script timeout asyncScriptTimeout: 10000 // async script timeout }); self.testVars = testVars; let casePath = path.dirname(caseName); self.screenshotPath = rootPath + '/screenshots/' + casePath; self.diffbasePath = rootPath + '/diffbase/' + casePath; self.caseName = caseName.replace(/.*\//g, '').replace(/\s*[:\.\:\-\s]\s*/g, '_'); mkdirs(self.screenshotPath); mkdirs(self.diffbasePath); self.stepId = 0; return self.driver; }); module.exports(); beforeEach(function(){ let self = this; self.stepId ++; if(self.skipAll){ self.skip(); } }); afterEach(async function(){ let self = this; let currentTest = self.currentTest; let title = currentTest.title; if(currentTest.state === 'failed' && /^(url|waitBody|switchWindow|switchFrame):/.test(title)){ self.skipAll = true; } if(!/^(closeWindow):/.test(title)){ let filepath = self.screenshotPath + '/' + self.caseName + '_' + self.stepId; let driver = self.driver; try{ // catch error when get alert msg await driver.getScreenshot(filepath + '.png'); let url = await driver.url(); let html = await driver.source(); html = '<!--url: '+url+' -->\n' + html; fs.writeFileSync(filepath + '.html', html); let cookies = await driver.cookies(); fs.writeFileSync(filepath + '.cookie', JSON.stringify(cookies)); } catch(e){} } }); after(function(){ return this.driver.close(); }); }); }); } function getRootPath(){ let rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname); while(rootPath){ if(fs.existsSync(rootPath + '/config.json')){ break; } rootPath = rootPath.substring(0, rootPath.lastIndexOf(path.sep)); } return rootPath; } function mkdirs(dirname){ if(fs.existsSync(dirname)){ return true; }else{ if(mkdirs(path.dirname(dirname))){ fs.mkdirSync(dirname); return true; } } } function callSpec(name){ try{ require(rootPath + '/' + name)(); } catch(e){ console.log(e) process.exit(1); } } function isPageError(code){ //code為空或code包含那一串字母,就返回真,其他為假 return code == '' || / jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="\d+"|diagnoseConnectionAndRefresh|dnserror_unavailable_header|id="reportCertificateErrorRetry"|400 Bad Request|403 Forbidden|404 Not Found|500 Internal Server Error|502 Bad Gateway|503 Service Temporarily Unavailable|504 Gateway Time-out/i.test(code); } function catchError(error){ }