阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-11
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/faac/faac-1.28.tar.gz
tar zxvf faac-1.28.tar.gz
cd faac-1.28
sudo make install
1. 開啟faac編碼器引擎。 faacEncHandle FAACAPI faacEncOpen( unsigned long sampleRate, // pcm音訊取樣率,8k,16k,44100等 unsigned int numChannels, // pcm音訊通道,mono = 1 / stereo = 2 unsigned long *inputSamples, // 一次輸入的樣本數 unsigned long *maxOutputBytes);// 輸出aac buffer的最大size 函式呼叫成功會return一個編碼器faacEncHandle,同時確定輸入樣本數和輸出aac buffer最大size; 申請輸入buffer及輸出buffer int nPCMBufferSize = inputSamples * nPCMBitSize / 8; //nPCMBitSize 單次樣本位數 unsinged char* pbPCMBuffer = new BYTE[nPCMBufferSize]; unsigned char* pbAACBuffer = new BYTE[maxOutputBytes]; 2. 獲取當前編碼器配置。 faacEncConfigurationPtr FAACAPI faacEncGetCurrentConfiguration( faacEncHandle hEncoder); //編碼器handle 函式呼叫成功會返回一個faacEncConfigurationPtr用來檢視及設定編碼器配置。 3. 修改當前編碼器的配置並設定。 //copy this struct from headfile typedef struct faacEncConfiguration{ /* config version - 配置版本,可以預設不設定*/ int version; /* library version - 庫版本,可以預設不設定*/ char *name; /* copyright string - 版權,可以預設不設定*/ char *copyright; /* MPEG version, 2 or 4 - MPEG版本,MPEG2 or MPEG4*/ unsigned int mpegVersion; /* AAC object type - AAC物件型別,詳細見補充說明1,取值:1-MAIN 2-LOW 3-SSR 4-LTP*/ unsigned int aacObjectType; /* Allow mid/side coding - 是否允許mid/side coding, 詳細見補充說明2,取值:0-NO 1-YES*/ unsigned int allowMidside; /* Use one of the channels as LFE channel - 是否允許一個通道為低頻通道,取值:0-NO 1-YES*/ /* LFE(low-frequencyeffects) */ unsigned int useLfe; /* Use Temporal Noise Shaping - 瞬時噪聲定形(temporal noise shaping,TNS)濾波器,取值:0-NO 1-YES*/ unsigned int useTns; /* bitrate / channel of AAC file - AAC檔案的bitrate / channel 取值:0和48000都可以,暫時不清楚這個引數作用*/ unsigned long bitRate; /* AAC file frequency bandwidth - 頻寬 取值:0, 32000,64000都可以,暫時不清楚引數作用*/ unsigned int bandWidth; /* Quantizer quality - 編碼質量,取值:efault=100 LOWER<100 HIGHER>100*/ /* 預設100,值越大音質越高 */ unsigned long quantqual; /* Bitstream output format (取值:0 = Raw; 1 = ADTS) - 輸出資料型別(是否包包含adts頭),錄製MP4檔案時,要用raw流,ADTS詳細見補充說明3*/ unsigned int outputFormat; /* psychoacoustic model list*/ psymodellist_t *psymodellist; /* selected index in psymodellist*/ unsigned int psymodelidx; /* PCM Sample Input Format - 輸入pcm資料型別 0 FAAC_INPUT_NULL invalid, signifies a misconfigured config 1 FAAC_INPUT_16BIT native endian 16bit 2 FAAC_INPUT_24BIT native endian 24bit in 24 bits(not implemented) 3 FAAC_INPUT_32BIT native endian 24bit in 32 bits (DEFAULT) 4 FAAC_INPUT_FLOAT 32bit floating point */ unsigned int inputFormat; /* block type enforcing - * (SHORTCTL_NORMAL/SHORTCTL_NOSHORT/SHORTCTL_NOLONG) */ int shortctl; /* Channel Remapping Default 0, 1, 2, 3 ... 63 (64 is MAX_CHANNELS in coder.h) WAVE 4.0 2, 0, 1, 3 WAVE 5.0 2, 0, 1, 3, 4 WAVE 5.1 2, 0, 1, 4, 5, 3 AIFF 5.1 2, 0, 3, 1, 4, 5 */ int channel_map[64]; } faacEncConfiguration, *faacEncConfigurationPtr; 引數設定示例: 第一步: faacEncConfigurationPtr pConfiguration; pConfiguration->outputFormat = 1; pConfiguration->aacObjectType = LOW; pConfiguration->bitRate = 48000; // or 0 pConfiguration->bandWidth = 64000; //or 0 or 32000 pConfiguration->inputFormat = FAAC_INPUT_16BIT; /*下面可以選擇設定*/ pConfiguration->allowMidside = 1; pConfiguration->useLfe = 0; pConfiguration->useTns = 0; pConfiguration->quantqual = 100; pConfiguration->outputFormat = 1; pConfiguration->shortctl = SHORTCTL_NORMAL; 第二步: int FAACAPI faacEncSetConfiguration( //設定編碼器配置 faacEncHandle hEncoder, faacEncConfigurationPtr config); 4.進行編碼操作(PCM to AAC) /* 請見步驟1中這部分 int nPCMBufferSize = inputSamples * nPCMBitSize / 8; unsinged char* pbPCMBuffer = new BYTE[nPCMBufferSize]; unsigned char* pbAACBuffer = new BYTE[maxOutputBytes]; */ 先獲取PCM資料,填充到pbPCMBuffer,單次獲取長度為nPCMBufferSize。 int FAACAPI faacEncEncode( faacEncHandle hEncoder, int32_t * inputBuffer, //pcm輸入buffer, pbPCMBuffer unsigned int samplesInput, //一次輸入的樣本數(注意不是資料長度 ),samplesInput unsigned char *outputBuffer, //AAC輸出buffer, pbAACBuffer unsigned int bufferSize); 函式呼叫成功會返回實際AAC資料大小,從pbAACBuffer中讀出即可。 5. 結束關閉編碼器退出。 int FAACAPI faacEncClose(faacEncHandle hEncoder); tips:釋放new出來的緩衝區。
搜尋MAX_CHANNELS的定義,預設是6 和64,全部改成1(一般都是單聲道)。
編譯faac庫 cd faac-1.28 make clean #./configure CXX=arm-hisiv300-linux-g++ CC=arm-hisiv300-linux-gcc --host=arm-linux --with-mp4v2=no ./configure CXX=arm-hisiv300-linux-g++ CC=arm-hisiv300-linux-gcc --host=arm-linux --with-mp4v2=no CFLAGS="-mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp" CXXFLAGS="-mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp" make make install 編譯業務原始碼 OBJ_BIN=./aac_lib_v300/faac_v300 SRC_FILE=faac_test.cpp arm-hisiv300-linux-gcc $SRC_FILE -o $OBJ_BIN -L/usr/local/lib -lfaac -I/usr/local/include -lsupc++ -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp
1)PCM規格,pcm_s16be(motorola PCM) pcm_s16le(intel PCM), 兩者區別在於高低位,測試faac直接編碼pcm_s16le ok,不需要轉。