1. 程式人生 > >ROS中UVC_Camera的使用。




步驟(主要參考wiki libuvc_camera)

  1. 安裝libuvcsudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-libuvc-camera
  2. 確認usb的idVendoridProduct,Terminal 執行 lsusb, 檢視到你攝像頭對應的資訊,比如:Bus 002 Device 002: ID 05a3:9422 ARC International
  3. 寫啟動檔案:這裡不再通過device /dev/video0來指定攝像頭了,而是通過idVendoridProduct來訪問了。
      <group ns="camera">
        <node pkg="libuvc_camera" type="camera_node" name="mycam">
          <!-- Parameters used to find the camera -->
          <param name="vendor" value="0x05a3"/> 
          <param name="product" value="0x9422"/>
          <param name="serial" value="3"/>
          <!-- If the above parameters aren't unique, choose the first match: -->
          <param name="index" value="0"/>
          <!-- Image size and type -->
          <param name="width" value="1280"/>
          <param name="height" value="720"/>
          <!-- choose whichever uncompressed format the camera supports: -->
          <param name="video_mode" value="mjpeg"/> <!-- or yuyv/nv12/mjpeg -->
          <param name="frame_rate" value="30"/>
          <param name="timestamp_method" value="start"/> <!-- start of frame -->
          <param name="camera_info_url" value="file://$(find usb_cam)/example.yaml"/>
          <param name="auto_white_balance" value="true"/>
    	<node pkg="image_view" type="image_view" name="image_view_test" output="screen">
        <remap from="image" to="/camera/image_raw"/>

4. roslaunch,OK,你可能會遇到報錯,Permission denied /etc/bus/usb/002/006...
5. 賦予許可權:sudo chmod o+w /etc/bus/usb/002/006這裡填被拒絕的埠。
6. 然後就OK啦,可以顯示了。