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【論文速讀】Sheng Zhang_AAAI2018_Feature Enhancement Network_A Refined Scene Text Detector

Sheng Zhang_AAAI2018_Feature Enhancement Network_A Refined Scene Text Detector



文字檢測、水平文字、Faster- RCNN、xywh、multi-stage


  • Feature Enhancement RPN (FE-RPN) :在原來的RPN基礎上增加了兩個卷積分支來增強文字特徵的魯棒性,一個分支通過增加長條形卷積核來提高對長條形文字的檢測能力, 另一個分支利用增加池化和上取樣層等方式來擴大感受野以此提高對文字大小的魯棒性。
  • Adaptively Weighted Position-Sensitive RoI Pooling:通過增加ROI pooling的池化網格種類數並取加權平均的方式來保證針對不同大小的文字都能進行自適應的池化。


本文方法是對Faster RCNN進行改造,改造的點主要包括對增加RPN卷積的分支、特徵融合時參照HyperNet壓縮中間層特徵、ROI Pooling增加網格種類數並進行加權平均這幾點來檢測水平文字。



該網路框架是Faster RCNN。主要修改是圖中的四個紅色虛線框。

Figure 1: The overall architecture of our FEN. It consists of three innovative components. 1, Feature Enhancement network stem with Feature Enhancement RPN (FE-RPN) and Hyper Feature Generation; 2, Positives mining; 3, Adaptively weighted position-sensitive RoI pooling.




另一個分支是一個池化 +一個$1*1$的卷積 +一個上取樣層。這個分支主要是為了擴大感受野增加對文字大小的魯棒性。

Hyper Feature Generation


Previous object detection approaches always make full use of single scale and high level semantic feature to conduct the refinement of object detection, which may lose much information of object details and thus insufficient for accurate objection localization, especially for smaller text regions.

In a word, high level semantic feature is conducive to object classification while low level feature is beneficial for accurate object localization.

In HyperNet,feature maps originated from different intermediate layers have different spatial size and are merged together by pooling, convolution, deconvolution operations.

Positive Mining


Adaptively Weighted Position-Sensitive RoI Pooling


Clearly, different pooling sizes are suitable for different text regions which own different spatial sizes and aspect-ratios, the most suitable pooling size will get the highest score.

Moreover, with regard to bounding-box regression, we will share the evaluated adaptive weight and do it in the same way.


  • 每個步驟的有效性

Table 1: The effectiveness of different components of our method on ICDAR 2011 and 2013 robust text detection datasets. IC13 Eval: ICDAR 2013 evaluation criterion; DetEval: (Wolf and Jolion 2006); R: recall; P: precision; F: F-measure. PM: Positives Mining. FENS: Feature Enhancement Network Stem. MT: multi-scale test.

  • ICDAR2011和ICDAR2013

Table 2: Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on ICDAR 2011 and 2013 robust text detection datasets. IC13 Eval: ICDAR 2013 evaluation criterion; DetEval: (Wolf and Jolion 2006); R: recall; P: precision; F: F-measure. MT: multi-scale test.

  • Positive Mining(PM)的有效性

