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HTML5 DOM 為 <audio> 和 <video> 元素提供了方法、屬性和事件。

這些方法、屬性和事件允許您使用 JavaScript 來操作 <audio> 和 <video> 元素。



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
	<title>Starbuzz Coffee - Blog</title>
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="starbuzz.css">

    <header class="top">
      <img id="headerLogo"
           src="images/headerLogo.gif" alt="Starbuzz Coffee header logo image">
      <img id="headerSlogan"
          src="images/headerSlogan.gif" alt="Providing all the caffeine you need to power your life.">
		<li><a href="index.html">HOME</a></li>
		<li class="selected"><a href="blog.html">BLOG</a></li>
		<li><a href="">INVENTIONS</a></li>
		<li><a href="">RECIPES</a></li>
		<li><a href="">LOCATIONS</a></li>

	<div id="tableContainer">
	<div id="tableRow">

	<section id="drinks">
			<p>House Blend, $1.49</p>
			<p>Mocha Cafe Latte, $2.35</p>
			<p>Cappuccino, $1.89</p>
			<p>Chai Tea, $1.85</p>
				We proudly serve elixirs brewed by our friends
				at the Head First Lounge.
			<p>Green Tea Cooler, $2.99</p>
			<p>Raspberry Ice Concentration, $2.99</p>
			<p>Blueberry Bliss Elixir, $2.99</p>
			<p>Cranberry Antioxidant Blast, $2.99</p>
			<p>Chai Chiller, $2.99</p>
			<p>Black Brain Brew, $2.99</p>

	<section id="blog">
			<h1>Starbuzz launches... Tweet Sip</h1>
			<time datetime="2012-05-03">5/3/2012</time>
			As promised, today I'm proud to announce that Starbuzz
			Coffee is launching the Tweet Sip cup, a special Starbuzz
			Coffee cup that tweets each time you take a sip! Check
			out my video of our new invention.
		<!--  在HTML中顯示視訊的最簡單的方法是使用優酷等視訊網站
		<embed src="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzI2NTc4NTMy/v.swf" 
		width="480" height="400" 
		type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> -->
		<!-- poster屬性提供一個可選的海報影象,視訊未播放時就會顯示這個影象 -->
		<video controls autoplay width="512" height="288" poster="images/poster.png"
			src: 規定媒體檔案的url
			type: 規定媒體檔案的MIME型別 codecs說明了視訊編解碼、音訊編解碼格式
			<source src="video/tweetsip.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4201E, mp4a.40.2"'>
			<source src="video/tweetsip.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'>
			<source src="video/tweetsip.ovg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'>
			<p>Sorry, your browser doesn't support  the video element</p>
	<HR style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=100,finishopacity=0,style=3)" width="100%"; color=#954b4b SIZE=2>
		<h1>Starbuzz meets social media</h1>
		<time datatime="2012-03-12">3/12/2012</time>
		Here at Starbuzz we're embracing the social media craze. 
		In fact, we're going further than any of our competitors and 
		we're very close to announcing a revolutionary new product that 
		links your coffee drinking directly to your social 
		network. Forget "checking in"; we're going way beyond that, and 
		with this new product every sip of smooth, aromatic, hot Starbuzz 
		blend is going to to be shared with your social network.
		Sound like science fiction?  It's not; I'm already 
		testing our final prototype social network cup as I write this, 
		which links you, the drinker, right to your favorite social 
		networks.  We've made a huge investment to make this happen 
		and we've created a reusable coffee cup complete with RFID, 
		NFC, Bluetooth, and Wifi (not to mention a few more things the tech 
		folks know about, because hey, I'm just the coffee guy).
		So, keep your eyes out for this amazing new cup. And I'll 
		be releasing a video teaser soon to tell you all about this 
		new invention, straight from Starbuzz Coffee.
	<HR style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=100,finishopacity=0,style=3)" width="100%" color=#954b4b SIZE=2>
		<h1>Starbuzz uses computer science</h1>
		<time datetime="2012-03-10">3/10/2012</time>
		Have you ever noticed how efficient a Starbuzz Coffee 
		house is? The lines alway move fast, and despite the 
		astronomical number of different drinks any customer can 
		order, we have your drink up, hot (or cold if that's the 
		way you want it) and ready in seconds. How do we do it? 
		To pull this off, we take advantage of the latest and 
		greatest in computer science.  In fact, we train 
		our staff to be one big distributed computer.  The cashiers 
		create the orders for the distributed computer, complete 
		with your name and the drinks special instructions.  Then 
		our specialized drink makers grab the next cup
		and go about working on your order until it's finished.  
		With this design, we are able to horizontally scale our operation 
		any time we want.  All we need to do is add more cashiers 
		and drink makers (not to mention a fair amount of support 
		staff you never see) as the customer flow grows.
	<HR style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=100,finishopacity=0,style=3)" width="100%" color=#954b4b SIZE=2>
		<h1>Most unique patron of the month</h1>
		<time datetime="2012-02-18">2/18/2012</time>
		Our most unique patron of the month award goes to a 
		customer in Poulsbo, Washington, whose daily morning order 
		is a "six-splenda, no-foam, 130-degree non-fat-soy latte, 
		with the splenda stirred in before the milk is added." Do we 
		have unique customers or what? 

      <p class="beanheading">
        <img src="images/bag.gif" alt="Bean Machine bag">
        with the 
        <a href="form.html">BEAN MACHINE</a>
        <span class="slogan">
            FAST <br>
            FRESH <br>
            TO YOUR DOOR <br>
        Why wait?  You can order all our fine coffees right from the Internet with our new, 
        automated Bean Machine.  How does it work?  Just click on the Bean Machine link, 
        enter your order, and behind the scenes, your coffee is roasted, ground 
        (if you want), packaged, and shipped to your door.

	</div> <!-- tableRow -->
	</div> <!-- tableContainer -->

      &copy; 2012, Starbuzz Coffee
      All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing on 
      this site are the property of their respective owners.



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	height messes up the headers in the blog in the articles
	it's only appropriate for the top header.
	add a class (new with blog)
	Affects the 3 #header rules for the main header below
	In HTML: add class="top" to main header in index.html and blog.html

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/* added section#blog for blog
通過使用兩個id選擇器(用逗號分離), 可以對這兩個<section>元素使用相同的規則 
雖然("main" <section> 和 "blog" <section>)在不同的頁面上,也可以這樣選擇,
section#main, section#blog {
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  font-size: 105%;
  padding: 15px;
  vertical-align: top;

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  font-size:        105%;
  padding:          15px;
  vertical-align: top;

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  text-align:       center;
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h2 { font-size: 110%; }

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ul li.selected {
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} */

/*為了讓CSS更特定, 我們使用nav元素來指定樣式*/

nav {
  background-color: #efe5d0;
  margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px;

nav ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;

nav ul li {
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nav ul li a:link, nav ul li a:visited {
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nav ul li.selected {
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