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影象及程式設計常用網址,作為收藏 Very Good



Graphics:News,Forum,Developer Resource
The Guru of 3D demonews
Real Soon Now
Linux Games Gamasutra - The Art & Science of Making Games SourceForge.net 3d Foundry
GDSE - The Game Programming and Design Search Engine flipcode nVNews
Game Developer Magazine GameDev.net - all your game development needs
VR Source
CFXweb CG Visual 數碼視覺 Computer Graphics World
數位領域科技臺灣授權訓練中心 設計魔力 電插頭CG軟體不負責報告
OpenGL GPGPU 3D USER電腦繪圖期刊
graphics3d DevMaster.net ShaderTech
nVIDIA Developer
Graphics:Paper -- Journals, Conferences, and some related websites
ACM ACM Digital Library:Computer Graphics SIGGRAPH
Graphics Interface Eurographics GraphicsPaper
SIGGRAPH99 web site link SIGGRAPH97 web site link SIGGRAPH2000 papers on the web
The Visual Computer web3D Game Developers Conference
SIGGRAPH2001 papers on the web Eurograph in www.cad.zju.edu.cn journal of graphics tools
ACM Transactions on Graphics IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Visualization and Computer Graphics
SIGGRAPH Eurographics Graphics Hardware Interactive 3D Graphics Pacific Graphics 2000
Pacific Graphics 2001 VRST2002 Computer Graphics Workshop 2003
CVGIP 2002 SIGGRAPH 2002 papers on the web SIGGRAPH 2003 papers on the web
COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND IMAGING(CGIM2004) ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry(VRCAI2004) SIGGRAPH 2004 papers on the web
Computer Graphics Workshop 2004 VR 2005 The 13th Annual Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference
SIGGRAPH 2005 papers on the web IEEE Transaction on Visualization & Computer Graphics
Graphics:My Idol
Christopher R. Johnson Pat Hanrahan Jim Blinn
Hugues Hoppe James T. Kajiya David S. Ebert
Marc Levoy Michael F. Cohen Henrik Wann Jensen
Kwan-Liu Ma Han-Wei Shen Tomoyuki Nishita
Alan Watt Arie E. Kaufman Klaus Mueller
Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory CGGM CSIE NCTU A3G - BYU's Advanced 3D Graphics Lab - Current Projects
Brown University Graphics Group Home Page Columbia University Computer Graphics and UI Lab Cornell Program of Computer Graphics
CMU CSD: Computer Graphics MIT Computer Graphics Group The MIT Media Laboratory
Laboratories of Intelligent Systems Graphics Research Group Computer Graphics Lab., Dep. of CIS, NCTU.
Visualization/Intelligent Systems Lab., CIE of NSYSU, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Computer Graphics Research Lab, NUS CS Research Area: Multimedia, Human Computer Interaction and Computer Graphics (MIG)
GRAIL: Graphics and Imaging Laboratory Microsoft Research: Graphics UCSC SciVis
Visualization Lab SUNY at Stony Brook, New York VRVis Institut of Computer Graphics and Algorithms
tum.3D - Computer Graphics & Visualization Utah Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization IDAVIS Visualization and Graphics Research Group
facefixer Hugues Hoppe Martti Mäntylä's Home Page
Jarek Rossignac Brian Wyvill
SOAR Terrain Engine Virtual Terrain Project GRASS
www.remotesensing.org Gscape Analytical Graphics, Inc.
NASA Visible Earth Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center 數位地球研究中心 World Wind 1.2
ESRI PCI Geomatics Digital Grove
Global Mapper JDMCox Software(USAPhotoMaps) 3DEM
SurGe 3D Contour Maps geoTIFF Examiner
shapechk GeoMerge European Space Agency
Skyline GeoPlace VPlanet - The Virtual Planet
Graphics:DIP & Vision
mpeg JPEG HOME Motion Tracking Projects
Amara's Wavelet Page wavelet tutorial tiff library
Independent JPEG Group FFTW paintlib
png library libungif Gnuplot
ImageMagick Interactive Data Language(IDL) Matlab
IPL98 CVIPtools Cppima
VXL Open Source Computer Vision Library JBIG-KIT
Littl CMS CxImage EasyBMP
Graphics:Nature Phenomena
Jos Stam David S. Ebert Nick Foster
Animating Lava Flows Marie-Paule Cani Tomoyaki Nishita
Computer Modelling of Fallen Snow A practical Analytic Model for Daylight Wispy smoke using a FFT fluid dynamics solver
Real-Time Cloud Rendering Real-time animation of amorphous phenomena Rendering of Liquids
Graphics:Image-Based Rendering(IBR)
Hierarchical Image Caching for Accelerated Walkthroughs of Complex Environments 黃田津 Jonathan Ward Shade
Layered Depth Images Gernot Schaufler Light Field Rendering
The Lumigraph Michael F. Cohen Jed Lengyel
Manuel Oliveira Leonard McMillan Pat Hanrahan
Marc Levoy Relief Texture Mapping
Graphics:Non-Photo-Realistic Rendering(NPR)
NPR Shadows for Cel Animation David Salesin
Virtual Clay: A Deformation Model by 3D Cellular Automata NPRQuake
Graphics:Global Illumination
An Introduction to Radiosity An Empirical Comparison of Radiosity Algorithm Wavlet Radiosity
Helios32 radiosity method GLUTRAD
Home of Radiance POVRAY A Rapid Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm
Mesa OpenGL ORG OpenGL programming guide
OpenGL Tutorials & Courses OpenGL in SGI The Good Alien's Homepage
OpenGL Man Pages GLOW nehe
Interactive Visualisation Framework: Ivf++ BumpMapping using OpenGL Ultimate Game Programming - OpenGL tutorials
Objectecture Nate Robins Glut,Glut32
qgl GLE A 3D Case Study using OpenGL
SULACO OpenGL GLUI OpenGL shader
CsGL - C# graphics library GLdomain GLFW -- An OpenGL Framework
FTGL SGI OpenGL Extension Registry GLGooey
NGL Tungsten Graphics DRI - Direct Rendering Infrastructure
GLUT/TK SIGGRAPH 2002 OpenGL BOF / Anniversary Celebration Talks GLSetup
JPot - Java Personal OpenGL Tutorial SoftGL - the Open Source 3D Graphics Library for Mobile Devices Frustum
GLEW:The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library gluX - cross platform easy OpenGL eXtension Loading Interactive 3D Graphics with OpenGL
OpenGL Shading Language Tutorials The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library GLSL Tutorial
Blue Moon Rendering Tools (BMRT) RManNotes renderman course notes
Glenn's RenderMan Stuff mops renderman books & other publications
Caviar MaxMan Entropy
Graphics:3D Engine/3D Game Programming
Crystal Space: A Free 3D Engine EDGE:Enhanced Doom Gaming Engine Fly3D
3D Game Engine Hawk Software song.li...it's about the ego
Paul Constant 3D Game Engine CMP-3P4Y Final Report C++ 3D Game Engine Genesis3D
A C++ 3D Game Programming Framework for DirectX The DUMB Home Page GAUGE^3D - the Grand Unified 3D Game Engine
3D Engine List Titan Game Design Web Sites
Magic SOftware A Tale in the Desert 3dMorfit
Open Inventor SGI performer Open Inventor win32
Open Scene Graph TGS demogl
Poly Engine The Stanford Graphics Quake Project AURAN Jet takes off
id Software NDL Game Tutorials
Bunnz'sche PLIB:Portable Game Library APOCALYX Engine
R3VIS OpenRM DevMaster.net Ultimate Game Programming
Irrlicht Engine Glest Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)
JoeCodeGood OGRE -- Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine OpenFX
MSDN Online DirectX Developer Center Bill's DirectX Page The Awesome Power of Direct3D/DirectX
Tobias Lensing's DirectX Programming Web Site The Code Project - DirectX Game Programming with DirectX
Direct3D/DirectX Graphics Game Programming DirectX 4 VB NeXe,NeHe DirectX Style
Graphics: Models, Textures, Tutorails, and Plugins
3DCAFE Lannie's 3D Model World Free the Models
AC design infographie multimedia help for 3d developers 3d xtra
3d total 3D Heaven The 3D Studio
Amazing 3D The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository Texture Library
Infinity Textures Darking Simulations free texture collection
Crinity 3D Buss Highend3d
Large Geemetric Models Archive
discreet (3DS MAX) GMax POVRAY
POVMAN 3DView Blue Moon Rendering Tools
mops AC3D X Dimension Software, 3D Exploration viewer developer
Adobe Terrain generation Rhinoceros, NURBS modeling for Windows,Rhinoceros - Taiwan
EXLUNA (Entropy & BMRT) Alias|Wavefront (Maya) Caligari (TrueSpace)
VirtualLight Wings 3D RightHemisphere
MAXON Kapsul 3D modeler aeliom
IrfanView Blender MayaVi
moray xfig Cult3D
gimp ModelMagic3D Learning-Maya.com
Rune's Blob Tutorial !b nVIDIA Bubble
BLOB Sculptor mm2pov Blobmaster
Metaball an isosurface 3d engine Metaballs/Blobby Objects
Graphics:Virtual Reality(VR)
Jerry Isdale's VR Page VR NEWS StereoGraphics Corporation
Actuality Systems CAVE QUAKE III VR Source
EON Virtools VREng
Graphics:Scientific Visualization
The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) OpenDX ITK
ParaView TGS,Amira MayaVi
Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS) NPACI&SDSC Visualization Lab Scalable Visualization Toolkit
skullydoo Utah Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization Computer Graphics and Visualization at the University of Utah School of Computing
Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute the GVU Center @ Georgia Tech GVU:PVaniM-GTW Visualization Package for Parallel Simulations
Stanford Volume Rendering Project SGI Volumizer The Volume Graphics Research Group
Real-time animation of amorphous phenomena Volume Graphics 3D Reconstruction
Visualization package list The Resource for medical Image Processing on the Internet Kwan-Liu Ma
High-Quality Volume Graphics on Computer PC Hardware Real-Time Volume Graphics AccuImage
Vis5d+ D3D Cave5D v2.0
HyperVis - Teaching Scientific Visualization Using Hypermedia Volume Visualization Data Set etdips
www.volvis.org The National Library of Medicine's Visible human Project High-Quality Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering Using Hardware-Accelerated Pixel Shading
MRIcro DCMTK - DICOM Toolkit DICOM4india
Klaus Engel Joe Michael Kniss Visualization and Graphics Research Group (UCDAVIS)
Aaron Lofohn Daniel Weiskopf The Open QVis Project
National Capital Area Medical Simulation Center Stanford-NASA National Biocomputation Center sofa
GiPSi The Medical Informatics and Technology Applications Consortium Sante Viewer
julius FP Image Rubo Medical Imaging
Ale Software (3D-Doctor,R2V) inviweb dicom2
ezDICOM (X)MedCon Infovis
Joe Michael Kniss Volume Rendering with Graphics HW (Universitat Tubingen) The QGLViewer
Han-Wei Shen Roger Crawfis Chromium,WireGL
Visualization Lab at Stony Brook, New York CS448B: Visualization NPACI Visualization Services,Scalable Visualization Toolkit
VRVis tum.3D - Computer Graphics and Visualization Visualization Lab SUNY at Stony Brook,New York
Stanford Course -- CS348C: Visualizing Computer Systems VolVis Project - Volume Visualization System The VolPack Volume Rendering Library
SGI multigen JAVA 3D
The Graphics File Format Page Visual Computing Group geometry in action
nVIDIA nVIDIA Developer Home AlteredWorlds
Mind Rover Loki Real Time Rendering
armagetron Cannon Smash Hypercosm
BSP Tree FAQ Flow Particle System
XGL Format Stripe Real-Time Procedural Texturing Techniques Using MMX
Products and Programming VMD Fluid Studios
Magiccian:OpenGL for Java anim8or MAVERIK
TORCS Open Cascade BasKuenen.CFXweb.net - Computer Graphics Research
PFT Game Tutorial glvelocity
3ds library Disasteroids 3D HABWare 3DS Max
A (Spotty) History and Who's Who of Computer Graphics Don't Re-Invent the Wheel! RADIANCE
Morphing Computer Graphics Bookmark ATI
3D Links Hanosong Zhang's graphics research Graphics Gems Repository
Shadow Generation Algorithm Paul Diefenbach wahaha 3D
Stan Melax Real-Time Graphics Architectures iRock News
CS 248 2001 Video Game Competition Paul Bourke 3D Pipeline
max3d Designs By Mark XGI
Programming Resource


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