1. 程式人生 > >快速小目標檢測--Feature-Fused SSD: Fast Detection for Small Objects

快速小目標檢測--Feature-Fused SSD: Fast Detection for Small Objects

Feature-Fused SSD: Fast Detection for Small Objects

本文針對小目標檢測問題,對 SSD 模型進行了一個小的改進,將 contextual information 引入到 SSD 中 幫助SSD檢測小目標。

contextual information 對於小目標的檢測 重要性是不言而喻的。小目標在影象中 limited resolution and information,只能藉助其周邊資訊了。

Feature-fused SSD architecture


Which layers to combine? 但是具體融合哪個卷積層的特徵圖了

Because of SSD predicting small objects with its shallower layers,所以我們不用對應大目標的 deeper layers For choosing the proper feature fusion layers, effective receptive fields in different layers are explored with deconvolution method 對應上圖中的小船,SSD中的 conv4_3 對應的 effective receptive field 是最合適的。 其他層的特徵都不是很好

shallower layers 具有 contextual information ,但是它們沒有 sematic information,deeper layers 具有 sematic information,所以我們需要將這兩類資訊融合起來。這裡我們嘗試了兩種融合策略。 concatenation module and element-sum module

3.2 Concatenation Module

3.3 Element-Sum Module

4 Experimental Resultis Detection results of different fusion layers

Detection results of different number of kernels

Results on PASCAL VOC2007 test set (with IOU=0.5)

The running time illustration of different models