1. 程式人生 > >有道非官方介面-查詢英語單詞詳細資訊 C# 有道API翻譯 查詢單詞詳細資訊

有道非官方介面-查詢英語單詞詳細資訊 C# 有道API翻譯 查詢單詞詳細資訊





具體使用,可參考 C# 有道API翻譯 查詢單詞詳細資訊





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   6                 "foreign": "This purchase will <b>account</b> for 39.5% of the outstanding shares of the brokerage following the issuance. ",
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   8                 "source": "FORBES: <i>JP Morgan Sweetens Deal That Is Still Sour For Bear Investors</i>",
   9                 "speech": "This+purchase+will+account+for+39.5%25+of+the+outstanding+shares+of+the+brokerage+following+the+issuance.+",
  10                 "speech-size": "30kb",
  11                 "url": "http://www.forbes.com/2008/03/24/bear-stearns-jpmorgan-markets-equity-cx_po_0324markets06.html"
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  14                 "foreign": "Spouse heirs, of course, can still claim the <b>account</b> as their own and name new heirs. ",
  15                 "score": 0.9831407070159912,
  16                 "source": "FORBES: <i>IRA Tips and Traps</i>",
  17                 "speech": "Spouse+heirs%2C+of+course%2C+can+still+claim+the+account+as+their+own+and+name+new+heirs.+",
  18                 "speech-size": "25kb",
  19                 "url": "http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2001/0611/216.html"
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  22                 "foreign": "Best for having your frequent flier <b>account</b> balances within easy reach for spontaneous upgrades. ",
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  24                 "source": "BBC: <i>Five best air travel apps</i>",
  25                 "speech": "Best+for+having+your+frequent+flier+account+balances+within+easy+reach+for+spontaneous+upgrades.+",
  26                 "speech-size": "28kb",
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 639                 "sentence": "You must account to father what you have done.",
 640                 "sentence-eng": "You must <b>account</b> to father what you have done.",
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 642                 "sentence-translation": "你必須把你的所作所為對父親解釋清楚。",
 643                 "source": "《21世紀大英漢詞典》",
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 655                             "cet": "CET4 TEM4",
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 660                                         "word": "accounting"
 661                                     },
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 663                                         "word": "accounted"
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 675                         {
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 677                                 {
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 680                                             {
 681                                                 "chn_sent": "有些銀行使開一個賬戶困難重重。",
 682                                                 "eng_sent": "Some banks make it difficult to open an account."
 683                                             }
 684                                         ]
 685                                     },
 686                                     "pos_entry": {
 687                                         "pos": "N-COUNT",
 688                                         "pos_tips": "可數名詞"
 689                                     },
 690                                     "tran": "If you have an <b>account</b> with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some out when you need it. 賬戶"
 691                                 }
 692                             ]
 693                         },
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 695                             "tran_entry": [
 696                                 {
 697                                     "exam_sents": {
 698                                         "sent": [
 699                                             {
 700                                                 "chn_sent": "所有的三家網路代理公司都誇口說他們已贏得了大客戶。",
 701                                                 "eng_sent": "All three Internet agencies boast they've won major accounts."
 702                                             }
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 704                                     },
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 706                                         "pos": "N-COUNT",
 707                                         "pos_tips": "可數名詞"
 708                                     },
 709                                     "prof": "商業",
 710                                     "tran": "In business, a regular customer of a company can be referred to as an <b>account</b>, especially when the customer is another company. 客戶"
 711                                 }
 712                             ]
 713                         },
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 715                             "tran_entry": [
 716                                 {
 717                                     "exam_sents": {
 718                                         "sent": [
 719                                             {
 720                                                 "chn_sent": "他儲存了詳細的賬目。",
 721                                                 "eng_sent": "He kept detailed accounts."
 722                                             }
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 724                                     },
 725                                     "pos_entry": {
 726                                         "pos": "N-COUNT",
 727                                         "pos_tips": "可數名詞"
 728                                     },
 729                                     "prof": "商業",
 730                                     "tran": "<b>Accounts</b> are detailed records of all the money that a person or business receives and spends. 賬目"
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 733                         },
 734                         {
 735                             "tran_entry": [
 736                                 {
 737                                     "exam_sents": {
 738                                         "sent": [
 739                                             {
 740                                                 "chn_sent": "他對那個決定命運的夜晚所發生的事情做了一個詳細的報道。",
 741                                                 "eng_sent": "He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night."
 742                                             }
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 744                                     },
 745                                     "pos_entry": {
 746                                         "pos": "N-COUNT",
 747                                         "pos_tips": "可數名詞"
 748                                     },
 749                                     "tran": "An <b>account</b> is a written or spoken report of something that has happened. 報道"
 750                                 }
 751                             ]
 752                         },
 753                         {
 754                             "tran_entry": [
 755                                 {
 756                                     "seeAlsos": {
 757                                         "seeAlso": [
 758                                             {
 759                                                 "seeword": "accounting"
 760                                             },
 761                                             {
 762                                                 "seeword": "bank account"
 763                                             },
 764                                             {
 765                                                 "seeword": "checking account"
 766                                             },
 767                                             {
 768                                                 "seeword": "deposit account"
 769                                             }
 770                                         ],
 771                                         "seealso": "see also"
 772                                     }
 773                                 }
 774                             ]
 775                         },
 776                         {
 777                             "tran_entry": [
 778                                 {
 779                                     "exam_sents": {
 780                                         "sent": [
 781                                             {
 782                                                 "chn_sent": "據說,他是一名優秀的教師。",
 783                                                 "eng_sent": "He is, by all accounts, a superb teacher."
 784                                             }
 785                                         ]
 786                                     },
 787                                     "pos_entry": {
 788                                         "pos": "PHRASE",
 789                                         "pos_tips": "習語"
 790                                     },
 791                                     "tran": "If you say that something is true <b>by all accounts</b> or <b>from all accounts</b>, you believe it is true because other people say so. 據說"
 792                                 }
 793                             ]
 794                         },
 795                         {
 796                             "tran_entry": [
 797                                 {
 798                                     "exam_sents": {
 799                                         "sent": [
 800                                             {
 801                                                 "chn_sent": "這些無名的組織在國內或國際政治中都是無足輕重的。",
 802                                                 "eng_sent": "These obscure groups were of little account in either national or international politics."