in、not in、exists、not exists 在postgresql中的處理
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-11-28
os: centos 7.4
db: postgresql 11.1
# cat /etc/centos-release CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) # su - postgres -c "psql -c \"select version();\"" version --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL 11.1 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28), 64-bit (1 row)
in、not in
with tmp_t0 as (
select 'a'::varchar as c0 union all
select 'b'::varchar as c0 union all
select null as c0
select *
from tmp_t0 t0
where 1=1
and t0.c0 in ('a')
(1 row)
with tmp_t0 as ( select 'a'::varchar as c0 union all select 'b'::varchar as c0 union all select null as c0 ) select * from tmp_t0 t0 where 1=1 and t0.c0 not in ('a') ; c0 ---- b (1 row)
exists、not exists
with tmp_t0 as ( select 'a'::varchar as c0 union all select 'b'::varchar as c0 union all select null as c0 ) select * from tmp_t0 t0 where 1=1 and exists ( select 1 from tmp_t0 t1 where 1=1 and t1.c0 = 'a' and t0.c0 = t1.c0 ) ; c0 ---- a (1 row)
with tmp_t0 as (
select 'a'::varchar as c0 union all
select 'b'::varchar as c0 union all
select null as c0
select *
from tmp_t0 t0
where 1=1
and not exists ( select 1
from tmp_t0 t1
where 1=1
and t1.c0 = 'a'
and t0.c0 = t1.c0
(2 rows)
根據這兩種結果猜測,就是在postgresql裡 null 值所在行壓根就沒有參與運算。
in、exists 運算時,postgresql和oracle的處理方式相同,就是null值所在行壓根就沒有參與運算。
not in、not exists 運算時,postgresql 排除null值所在行,然後參與運算,oracle只要發現運算列存在null值時,結果直接為空。