1. 程式人生 > >英語流利說 第22天

英語流利說 第22天




Q1: 你能找出文中一對形容社會性質的反義詞嗎?

Q2: 文中有兩個表示“引起、引發”的動詞,分別是哪兩個呢?

Q3: 為什麼愛爾蘭社會對這次審判如此憤慨?

Defense lawyer suggests a thong equals consent—and Ireland erupts

A criminal trial in Ireland, in which the lawyer of a man accused of rape cited the lacy underwear worn by a woman as a sign of her consent, has ignited

outrage across the country and beyond.

During the closing argument, the defense lawyer asked the jury to consider the underwear worn by the 17-year-old woman at the time prosecutors said she was raped in a muddy alleyway by a 27-year-old man.

“Does the evidence out-rule the possibility that she was attracted to the defendant

and was open to meeting someone and being with someone?” the lawyer asked, according to The Irish Times. “You have to look at the way she was dressed. She was wearing a thong with a lace front.”

The man was acquitted, and the case immediately drew calls for accountability and sparked a national dialogue about consent and victim blaming. Hundreds of women and men with posters and lace underwear in hand

protested in five cities across the country on Wednesday.

“My issue isn’t just the barrister; it’s the system that allows it,” said Mary Crilly, director of the Cork Sexual Violence Center and one of the speakers at the protests.

Women also poured out their frustration on social media, where they posted photos of colorful underwear with the hashtag #ThisIsNotConsent.

For decades, Ireland was a socially conservative society ruled by the norms of the Roman Catholic Church, and women’s rights often took a back seat. In recent years, socially liberal policies have begun to flourish. But as

women’s status in society changes, the laws have not always kept pace.




在結案陳詞中,辯護律師要求陪審團考慮這名 17 歲女性在事發時所穿內褲。公訴人稱,當時,這名 27 歲的男性在一個泥濘的巷子裡強暴了她。



愛爾蘭女性也在社交媒體上宣洩她們的不滿。她們釋出了彩色內褲的照片,並且帶上了 #這不是同意# 的話題。

