1. 程式人生 > >libevent中單鏈表操作


#include <stdio.h>


/* Store the last 2 places the queue element or head was altered */

struct qm_trace {

    char * lastfile;

    int lastline;

    char * prevfile;

    int prevline;


#define    TRACEBUF    struct qm_trace trace;

#define    TRASHIT(x)    do {(x) = (void *)-1;} while (0)

#define    QMD_TRACE_HEAD(head) do {                    \

(head)->trace.prevline = (head)->trace.lastline;        \

(head)->trace.prevfile = (head)->trace.lastfile;        \

(head)->trace.lastline = __LINE__;                \

(head)->trace.lastfile = __FILE__;                \

} while (0)

#define    QMD_TRACE_ELEM(elem) do {                    \

(elem)->trace.prevline = (elem)->trace.lastline;        \

(elem)->trace.prevfile = (elem)->trace.lastfile;        \

(elem)->trace.lastline = __LINE__;                \

(elem)->trace.lastfile = __FILE__;                \

} while (0)


#define    QMD_TRACE_ELEM(elem)

#define    QMD_TRACE_HEAD(head)

#define    TRACEBUF

#define    TRASHIT(x)

#endif    /* QUEUE_MACRO_DEBUG */


 * Horrible macros to enable use of code that was meant to be C-specific

 *   (and which push struct onto type) in C++; without these, C++ code

 *   that uses these macros in the context of a class will blow up

 *   due to "struct" being preprended to "type" by the macros, causing

 *   inconsistent use of tags.


 * This approach is necessary because these are macros; we have to use

 *   these on a per-macro basis (because the queues are implemented as

 *   macros, disabling this warning in the scope of the header file is

 *   insufficient), whuch means we can't use #pragma, and have to use

 *   _Pragma.  We only need to use these for the queue macros that

 *   prepend "struct" to "type" and will cause C++ to blow up.


#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__cplusplus)

#define __MISMATCH_TAGS_PUSH                        \

_Pragma("clang diagnostic push")                \

_Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wmismatched-tags\"")

#define __MISMATCH_TAGS_POP                        \

_Pragma("clang diagnostic pop")






 * Singly-linked List declarations.


#define    SLIST_HEAD(name, type)                        \

__MISMATCH_TAGS_PUSH                            \

struct name {                                \

struct type *slh_first;    /* first element */            \

}                                    \


#define    SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(head)                    \

{ NULL }

#define    SLIST_ENTRY(type)                        \

__MISMATCH_TAGS_PUSH                            \

struct {                                \

struct type *sle_next;    /* next element */            \

}                                    \



 * Singly-linked List functions.


#define    SLIST_EMPTY(head)    ((head)->slh_first == NULL)

#define    SLIST_FIRST(head)    ((head)->slh_first)

#define    SLIST_FOREACH(var, head, field)                    \

for ((var) = SLIST_FIRST((head));                \

(var);                            \

(var) = SLIST_NEXT((var), field))

#define    SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar)            \

for ((var) = SLIST_FIRST((head));                \

(var) && ((tvar) = SLIST_NEXT((var), field), 1);        \

(var) = (tvar))

#define    SLIST_FOREACH_PREVPTR(var, varp, head, field)            \

for ((varp) = &SLIST_FIRST((head));                \

((var) = *(varp)) != NULL;                    \

(varp) = &SLIST_NEXT((var), field))

#define    SLIST_INIT(head) do {                        \

SLIST_FIRST((head)) = NULL;                    \

} while (0)

#define    SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(slistelm, elm, field) do {            \

SLIST_NEXT((elm), field) = SLIST_NEXT((slistelm), field);    \

SLIST_NEXT((slistelm), field) = (elm);                \

} while (0)

#define    SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field) do {            \

SLIST_NEXT((elm), field) = SLIST_FIRST((head));            \

SLIST_FIRST((head)) = (elm);                    \

} while (0)

#define    SLIST_NEXT(elm, field)    ((elm)->field.sle_next)

#define    SLIST_REMOVE(head, elm, type, field)                \

__MISMATCH_TAGS_PUSH                            \

do {                                    \

if (SLIST_FIRST((head)) == (elm)) {                \

SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD((head), field);            \

}                                \

else {                                \

struct type *curelm = SLIST_FIRST((head));        \

while (SLIST_NEXT(curelm, field) != (elm))        \

curelm = SLIST_NEXT(curelm, field);        \

SLIST_REMOVE_AFTER(curelm, field);            \

}                                \

TRASHIT((elm)->field.sle_next);                    \

} while (0)                                \


#define SLIST_REMOVE_AFTER(elm, field) do {                \

SLIST_NEXT(elm, field) =                    \

SLIST_NEXT(SLIST_NEXT(elm, field), field);            \

} while (0)

#define    SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(head, field) do {                \

SLIST_FIRST((head)) = SLIST_NEXT(SLIST_FIRST((head)), field);    \

} while (0)

struct Data


    SLIST_ENTRY(Data) next;

    int m_iData;

    //other object..



SLIST_HEAD(myHead, Data);

static struct  myHead listHead;

int main(void)


    struct Data *pIndex = NULL;

    struct Data *pIndex_tmp = NULL;

    struct Data **pIndex_tmp1 = NULL;

    struct Data listDataElm1 = { NULL, 1 };

    struct Data listDataElm2 = { NULL, 2 };

    struct Data listDataElm3 = { NULL, 3 };

    struct Data listDataElm4 = { NULL, 4 };

    struct Data listDataElm5 = { NULL, 5 };





    if (SLIST_EMPTY(&listHead))

        printf("this Singly-linked List is null!\r\n");


    SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&listHead, &listDataElm1, next);


    SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(&listDataElm1, &listDataElm2, next);

    SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(&listDataElm2, &listDataElm3, next);

    SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(&listDataElm3, &listDataElm4, next);

    SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(&listDataElm4, &listDataElm5, next);


    SLIST_FOREACH(pIndex, &listHead, next)


        if (pIndex != NULL){

            printf("SLIST_FOREACH pIndex->m_iData = %d\r\n", pIndex->m_iData);



    // 多遍歷到前一個數據

    SLIST_FOREACH_PREVPTR(pIndex, pIndex_tmp1, &listHead, next){

        if (pIndex != NULL){

            printf("SLIST_FOREACH_PREVPTR pIndex->m_iData = %d\r\n", pIndex->m_iData);



    SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pIndex, &listHead, next, pIndex_tmp)


        if (pIndex != NULL){

            printf("SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE pIndex->m_iData = %d\r\n", pIndex->m_iData);



    // 連結串列頭刪

    SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&listHead, next);

    SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pIndex, &listHead, next, pIndex_tmp)


        if (pIndex != NULL){

            printf("SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD pIndex->m_iData = %d\r\n", pIndex->m_iData);



    // 連結串列尾刪

    SLIST_REMOVE_AFTER(&listDataElm4, next);

    SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pIndex, &listHead, next, pIndex_tmp)


        if (pIndex != NULL){

            printf("SLIST_REMOVE_AFTER pIndex->m_iData = %d\r\n", pIndex->m_iData);



    // 刪除連結串列指定位置資料

    SLIST_REMOVE(&listHead, &listDataElm3, Data, next);

    SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(pIndex, &listHead, next, pIndex_tmp)


        if (pIndex != NULL){

            printf("SLIST_REMOVE pIndex->m_iData = %d\r\n", pIndex->m_iData);



    return 0;
