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python-資料結構程式碼 檢索

def sequentialSearch(alist,item):
    pos = 0
    found = False
    while pos < len(alist) and not found:
        if alist[pos] == item:
            found = True
            pos = pos + 1
    return found

def binarySearch(alist,item):
    first = 0
    last = len(alist)-1
    found = False
while first<=last and not found: midpoint = (first + last)//2 if alist[midpoint] == item: found = True else: if item < alist[midpoint]: last = midpoint - 1 else: first = midpoint + 1 return found def
diguiBinarySearch(alist,item): if len(alist) == 0: return False else: midpoint = len(alist)//2 if alist[midpoint] == item: return True else: if item<alist[midpoint]: return diguiBinarySearch(alist[:midpoint],item)
else: return diguiBinarySearch(alist[midpoint+1:],item) def hash(astring,tablesize): sum = 0 for pos in range(len(astring)): sum = sum + ord(astring[pos]) return sum%tablesize class HashTable: def __init__(self): self.size = 11 self.slots = [None] * self.size self.data = [None] * self.size def put(self,key,data): hashvalue = self.hashfunction(key,len(self.slots)) if self.slots[hashvalue] == None: self.slots[hashvalue] = key self.data[hashvalue] = data else: if self.slots[hashvalue] == key: self.data[hashvalue] = data #replace else: nextslot = self.rehash(hashvalue,len(self.slots)) while self.slots[nextslot] != None and self.slots[nextslot] != key: nextslot = self.rehash(nextslot,len(self.slots)) if self.slots[nextslot] == None: self.slots[nextslot] = key self.data[nextslot] = data else: self.data[nextslot] = data #replace def hashfunction(self,key,size): return key%size def rehash(self,oldhash,size): return (oldhash+1)%size def get(self,key): startslot = self.hashfunction(key,len(self.slots)) data = None stop = False found = False position = startslot while self.slots[position] != None and not found and not stop: if self.slots[position] == key: found = True data = self.data[position] else: position = self.rehash(position,len(self.slots)) if position == startslot: stop = True return data def __getitem__(self,key): return self.get(key) def __setitem__(self,key,data): self.put(key,data) H=HashTable() H[54]="cat" H[26]="dog" H[93]="lion" H[17]="tiger" H[77]="bird" H[31]="cow" H[44]="goat" H[55]="pig" H[20]="chicken" #print(H.slots) #print(H.data) #print(H[20]) H[20]='duck' print(H[20]) print(H.data) print(H[99]) # testlist = [1, 2, 32, 8, 17, 19, 42, 13, 0] # print(sequentialSearch(testlist, 3)) # print(sequentialSearch(testlist, 13)) # testlist = [0, 1, 2, 8, 13, 17, 19, 32, 42,] # print(binarySearch(testlist, 3)) # print(binarySearch(testlist, 13))