1. 程式人生 > >too much of a good thing..

too much of a good thing..


  • Are you addicted any food or drink?
  • Do you have anything to drink with your meals?what do you prefer to drink with your meals?
  • Explain the meaning of the idiom:morderation in all things
  • Do you think America's obesity issue is due to their consumption of soda?
  • Do you know the meaning of the world "junkie"?Are you a internet junkie?
  • What are the pros and cons of drinking diet soda(soda with artificial sugar)?

women meets her death in a can of soda

Natasha Harris,a mother of eight from new zealand,passed away in Ferbruary 2013.Her husband found her slumped over the toilet and immediately phoned emergency services.

Mrs.Harries was suffering from a number of health codition which could be linked to the excessive amounts of coca-cola she drank .she drunk up to 10 liters of the pop daily  and friends commented that Natasha was ubdeniably(不可否認) addicted.friends said that Natasha would get angry or agitated(激動) if she couldn't get her hourly fix.

Ten liters is equal to more than twice the recommended safe daily  limit of caffeine and contains almost one kilogram of sugar.An autopsy revealed that Natasha's was liver enlarged  due to her excessive(過多的) sugar consumption(消耗).She had also lost all her teeth.Even some of her children were born without enamel in their teeth.

coca-cola had argued that the death of Natasha harris could not be linked to her consumption(消耗) of massive(大量的) quanitities of the fizzy beverage(碳酸飲料),but doctors and coroners disagree.


  1. What health problems can excessive consumption of sugar and caffeine cause.
  2. If you knew that Natasha smoked 30 cigarettes a day would you still blame her death on soda?
  3. Why do you think some of her childern were born without enamel on their teeth?
  4. In your opinion ,which one is worse,Ten liters of green tea a day or ten liters of glasses of red wine?
  5. Which one is worse ?Being addicted to online computer games or being addicted to shopping?
  6. Would you tell a friend ,or seriously discuss the issue ,If you think that she/he is addicted to something .

Grammer focus-Euphemisms

a euphemism is a word or phrase used in place of a term  that might be considered offensive or impolite.