1. 程式人生 > >【電信學】【2014.05】MIMO無線環境中的通道估計


本文為美國國家技術學院(作者:Khatendra Yadav)的碩士論文,共48頁。


Recently the increasing demand forimproving channel capacity value attract the researcher to work in thisdirection and use MIMO wireless communication system. Researchers contributevarious algorithms to improve the channel capacity in wireless communication.However, to achieve improved channel capacity we may need to have detailedknowledge of the channel. So in this work our aim is to estimate the channel inan MIMO wireless environment. The overview on basic techniques for channelestimation is given here. In this work, we estimate different channelparameters such as amplitude and phase and the results are compared with theideal parameters. Here Maximum Likelihood Technique (MLE) is used to estimatethe channel parameters.

1 引言
2 統計估計技術
3 MIMO系統的通道估計
4 結論與未來研究展望


