1. 程式人生 > >Inspection Lot Origin (Types) for Various Material Movement Types

Inspection Lot Origin (Types) for Various Material Movement Types

This Blog gives the various Inspection Types applicable for the different Material Movement Types broadly used in day to day transactions.

Types of Inspection

  • There are both Stock & Non-stock relevant Inspection types. Stock relevant Inspection has posting to be done along with the Usage Decision. Ex: Inspection Types – 01, 04, 05, 08. Whereas, for Non-stock relevant inspections, only usage decision is applicable. Ex: Inspection Types – 02, 06.

Multiple Inspection Types:

In case of multiple inspection types assigned to the Material from same Inspection Lot Origin, then the system chooses an active inspection type during inspection lot creation based on the following order:

  1. The inspection type is determined using a special rule. It can be determined, for example, for inspection lot origin 01 from the quality information record, or for inspection lot origin 03 from the order type.
  2. If there is no special rule and the indicator “Preferred inspection type” is set, the system chooses this preferred inspection type for the corresponding inspection lot origin.
  3. If the indicator “Preferred inspection type” is not set for any of the inspection types for the inspection lot origin, the system chooses the inspection type that was assigned to the inspection lot origin in Customizing as variant 01.
Movement Type Movement Type Text Movement indicator Inspection Lot Origin Inspection Lot Origin Text
101 GR goods receipt Goods movement for purchase order 01 Goods Receipt
101 GR goods receipt Goods movement for production order 04 Goods Receipt from Production
101 GR goods receipt Goods movement for purchase order 08 Stock Transfer
103 GR into blocked stck Goods movement for purchase order 01 Goods Receipt
105 GR from blocked stck Goods movement for purchase order 01 Goods Receipt
123 RE rtrn vendor rev. Goods movement for purchase order 01 Goods Receipt
123 RE rtrn vendor rev. Goods movement for production order 04 Goods Receipt from Production
123 RE rtrn vendor rev. Goods movement for purchase order 08 Stock Transfer
125 GR rtn blkd stck rev Goods movement for purchase order 01 Goods Receipt
131 Goods Receipt Goods movement for production order 04 Goods Receipt from Production
162 GR rtrns reversal Goods movement for purchase order 01 Goods Receipt
162 GR rtrns reversal Goods movement for purchase order 04 Goods Receipt from Production
201 GI for cost center Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
202 RE for cost center Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
221 GI for project Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
222 RE for project Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
231 GI for sales order Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
232 RE for sales order Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
241 GI for asset Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
242 RE for asset Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
251 GI for sales Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
252 RE for sales Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
261 GI for order Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
261 GI for order Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
262 RE for order Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
262 RE for order Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
281 GI for network Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
281 GI for network Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
282 RE for network Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
282 RE for network Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
291 GI all acc. assigmts Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
292 RE all acct assigmts Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
301 TF trfr plnt to plnt Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
302 TR trfr plnt to plnt Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
303 TF rem.fm stor.to pl Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
303 TF rem.fm stor.to pl Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
305 TF pl.in stor.in pl. Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
305 TF pl.in stor.in pl. Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
309 TF tfr ps.mat.to mat Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
310 TR tfr ps.mat.to mat Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
311 TF trfr within plant Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
312 TR transfer in plant Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
315 TF pl.in str.in SLoc Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
322 TR quality to unr. Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
332 RE to sampling QI Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
349 TF blocked to QI Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
351 TF to stck in trans. Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
411 TF SLoc to SLoc Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
412 TR SLoc to SLoc Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
413 TF SLoc to sls order Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
414 TR SLoc to sls order Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
415 TF SLoc to project Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
416 TR SLoc to proj. Goods movement w/o reference 08 Stock Transfer
451 GI returns Goods movement w/o reference 06 Return from Customers
452 RE returns reversal Goods movement w/o reference 02 Goods Issue
453 TP returns to own Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
457 TP Returns to own QI Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
501 Receipt w/o PO Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
503 Receipt to QI Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
511 Delivery W/o Charge Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
521 Receipt w/o order Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
523 Rcpt QI w/o prOrder Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
531 Receipt by-product Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
552 RE scrapping Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
554 RE scrapping QI Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
561 Initial stock entry Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
563 Init. entrStBals: QI Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
571 Receipt assembly Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
573 Rcpt QI assembly Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
575 Rcpt blckd assmbly Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
581 Rcpt by-prod network Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
601 GD goods issue:delvy Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
602 RE goods deliv. rev. Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
603 TF rem.fm stor.to pl Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
605 Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
641 TF to stck in trans. Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
643 TF to cross company Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
645 TF cross company Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
647 TF to stck in trans. Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
651 GD ret.del.  returns Goods movement for delivery note 06 Return from Customers
653 GD returns unrestr. Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
655 GD returns QI Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
661 GI returns to vendor Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
662 RE ret. to vdr revrs Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
671 TR to stck in trans. Goods movement for delivery note 05 Other Goods Receipt
672 TF to stck in trans. Goods movement for delivery note 02 Goods Issue
703 GR phys.inv: QI Goods movement w/o reference 05 Other Goods Receipt
871 Goods movement for purchase order 01  Goods Receipt