1. 程式人生 > >IOS —— 折線圖 Echart隨筆

IOS —— 折線圖 Echart隨筆




- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
//    [self createLineCharts];
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [self createScrollView];
    [self showLineDemo];
//傳送引數,通過引數獲取並讀取圖表 [self.xgEchartView loadEcharts]; } - (void)createScrollView { //Echart 本質為webView,載入呼叫JS方法顯示資料。如果需要資料之間不擁擠並且將具有滑動效果 //則需要將webView新增到scrollView上 _scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, SCREEN_WIDTH, 300)]; [self.view addSubview:self.scrollView];
//更變實際內容頁 self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(SCREEN_WIDTH * 2, 0); //取消豎直滑動 self.scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO; } - (void)showLineDemo { /* 圖表選項 */ PYOption *option = [[PYOption alloc] init]; //是否啟用拖拽重計算特性,預設關閉 option.calculable = NO; //折線顏色 option.color = @[@"
#20BCFC",@"#ff6347"]; //圖示背景色 option.backgroundColor = [[PYColor alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor]]; //提示框 PYTooltip *tooltip = [[PYTooltip alloc] init]; //觸發型別,預設資料觸發 tooltip.trigger = @"axis"; //豎線寬度 tooltip.axisPointer.lineStyle.width = @1; //提示框,文字樣式設定 tooltip.textStyle = [[PYTextStyle alloc] init]; tooltip.textStyle.fontSize = @12; //提示框 顯示自定義 // tooltip.formatter = @""; //新增到圖示選擇中 option.tooltip = tooltip; /* 圖例 */ PYLegend *legend = [[PYLegend alloc] init]; //設定資料 第一條線、第二條線 legend.data = @[@"掛牌價",@"成交價"]; //新增到圖示選擇中 option.legend = legend; /* 直角座標系內繪圖網格 */ PYGrid *grid = [[PYGrid alloc] init]; /* x:網格圖左上角頂點距座標系背景左側的距離 y:網格圖左上角頂點距座標系背景上側的距離 x2:網格圖右下角頂點距座標系背景右側的距離 y2:網格圖右下角距座標系背景下側的距離 */ grid.x = @(45); grid.y = @(20); grid.x2 = @(20); grid.y2 = @(30); grid.borderWidth = @(0); //新增到圖示選擇中 option.grid = grid; /* x軸設定 */ PYAxis *xAxis = [[PYAxis alloc] init]; //橫軸預設為類目型(就是座標系自己設定,座標系中僅有這些指定類目座標) xAxis.type = @"category"; //起始和結束倆端空白 xAxis.boundaryGap = @(YES); //分隔線 xAxis.splitArea.show = NO; //座標軸線 xAxis.axisLine.show = NO; //X軸座標資料 xAxis.data = @[@"一月",@"二月",@"三月",@"四月",@"五月",@"六月",@"七月",@"八月",@"九月",@"十月",@"十一月",@"十二月" ]; //座標軸小標記 xAxis.axisTick = [[PYAxisTick alloc] init]; xAxis.axisTick.show = YES; //新增到圖示選擇中 option.xAxis = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:xAxis, nil ]; /* Y軸設定 */ PYAxis *yAxis = [[PYAxis alloc] init]; yAxis.axisLine.show = NO; //縱軸預設為數值型(就是座標系統自動生成,座標軸內包含數值區間內容全部座標) ,改為@"category "會有問題 yAxis.type = @"value"; //y軸分隔段數,預設不修改為5 yAxis.splitNumber = @4; //分割線型別 // yAxis.splitLine.lineStyle.type = @"dashed"; //'solid' | 'dotted' | 'dashed' 虛線型別 //單位設定,最大值、最小值 // yAxis.axisLabel.formatter = @"{value} k "; // yAxis.max = @"9000"; // yAxis.min = @"5000"; //新增到圖示選擇中 option.yAxis = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:yAxis, nil]; /* 定義座標點陣列 */ NSMutableArray *seriesArr = [NSMutableArray array]; /* 第一條折線設定 */ PYCartesianSeries *series1 = [[PYCartesianSeries alloc] init]; series1.name = @"掛牌價"; //型別為折線 series1.type = @"line"; //曲線平滑 series1.smooth = YES; //座標點大小 series1.symbolSize = @(1.5); //座標點樣式,設定連線的寬度 series1.itemStyle = [[PYItemStyle alloc] init]; series1.itemStyle.normal = [[PYItemStyleProp alloc] init]; series1.itemStyle.normal.lineStyle = [[PYLineStyle alloc] init]; series1.itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.width = @(1.5); //新增座標點 y軸資料 (如果某一點無資料,可以傳@"-",斷開連線 如: @[@"1000",@"-", @"7571"]) series1.data = @[@"7566",@"7980",@"7651",@"7777",@"7528",@"7328",@"7890",@"7999",@"7265",@"7123",@"7663",@"7813"]; [seriesArr addObject:series1]; /* 第二條折線設定 */ PYCartesianSeries *series2 = [[PYCartesianSeries alloc] init]; series2.name = @"成交價"; series2.type = @"line"; series2.smooth = YES; series2.symbolSize = @(1.5); series2.itemStyle = [[PYItemStyle alloc] init]; series2.itemStyle.normal = [[PYItemStyleProp alloc] init]; series2.itemStyle.normal.lineStyle = [[PYLineStyle alloc] init]; series2.itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.width = @(1.5); series2.data = @[@"7466",@"7780",@"7751",@"7377",@"7428",@"7628",@"7590",@"7799",@"7565",@"7423",@"7263",@"7113"]; [seriesArr addObject:series2]; [option setSeries:seriesArr]; /* 初始化圖示 */ self.xgEchartView = [[PYZoomEchartsView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2, 300)]; //新增到scrollView上 [self.scrollView addSubview:self.xgEchartView]; //設定圖示資料 [self.xgEchartView setOption:option]; }



無獨有偶,柱形圖和折線圖的實現方法差不多,僅是資料型別將 'Line' -> 'Bar'

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];

    [self createScrollView];
    [self showBarDemo];
    [self.xgBarChartView loadEcharts];


- (void)createScrollView
    _scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, SCREEN_WIDTH, 300)];
//    _scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(SCREEN_WIDTH *2, 0);
    _scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;
    [self.view addSubview:self.scrollView];

- (void)showBarDemo
    /* 圖表 */
    PYOption *option = [[PYOption alloc] init];
//    option.calculable = YES;
    /** 如果顏色程式碼輸入錯誤,則柱形圖不顯示 **/
    option.color = @[@"#20BCFC",@"#ff6347"];
//    option.backgroundColor = [[PYColor alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor redColor]];
    /* 圖表標題 */
    PYTitle *title = [[PYTitle alloc] init];
    title.text = @"某地區資源分佈";
    title.subtext = @"純屬虛構";
    option.title = title;
    PYTooltip *tooltip = [[PYTooltip alloc] init];
    tooltip.trigger = PYTooltipTriggerAxis;
    tooltip.axisPointer.lineStyle.width = @1;
    tooltip.textStyle = [[PYTextStyle alloc] init];
    tooltip.textStyle.fontSize = @12;

    option.tooltip = tooltip;

    /* 圖例 */
    PYLegend *legend = [[PYLegend alloc] init];

    legend.data = @[@"降雨量",@"蒸發量"];
    option.legend = legend;

    /* 直角座標系內繪圖網格 */
    PYGrid *grid = [[PYGrid alloc] init];
    grid.x = @(50);
    grid.y = @(60);
    grid.x2 = @(50);
    grid.y2 = @(60);
    option.grid = grid;
    /* x軸設定 */
    PYAxis *xAxis = [[PYAxis alloc] init];
    xAxis.type = PYAxisTypeCategory;
    xAxis.boundaryGap = @(YES);
    xAxis.position = @"bottom";
    xAxis.scale = YES;
    xAxis.splitArea.show = NO;
    xAxis.axisLine.show = NO;
    xAxis.axisLabel.interval = @"auto";
    xAxis.axisTick = [[PYAxisTick alloc] init];
    xAxis.axisTick.show = YES;
    NSMutableArray *data = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"週一",@"週二",@"週三",@"週四",@"週五",@"週六",@"週日", nil];
    xAxis.data = data;
    option.xAxis = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:xAxis, nil];
    /* y軸設定 */
    PYAxis *yAxis = [[PYAxis alloc] init];
    yAxis.axisLine.show = YES;
    yAxis.type = PYAxisTypeValue;
    yAxis.splitNumber = @7;
    yAxis.splitLine.lineStyle.type = @"dashed";
    yAxis.axisLabel.formatter = @"{value}ml";
    //yAxis.max = @250;
    //yAxis.min = @0;
    option.yAxis = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:yAxis, nil];

    NSMutableArray *seriesArr = [NSMutableArray array];
    PYCartesianSeries *series1 = [[PYCartesianSeries alloc] init];
    /* 設定柱狀圖1型別 */
    series1.type = @"bar";
    series1.name = @"降雨量";
    //柱間間距 預設30%
    //series1.barGap = @"30%";
    //series1.barCategoryGap = @"20%";
    //series1.barMinHeight = 0;
    //柱條寬度 不設定時自適應
    //series1.barWidth = @100;
    //柱條最大寬度 不設定時自適應
    //series1.barMaxWidth = @200;
    //series1.stack = @"group1";
    //series1.itemStyle = [[PYItemStyle alloc] init];
    //series1.itemStyle.normal = [[PYItemStyleProp alloc] init];
    //series1.itemStyle.normal.barBorderColor = [UIColor blueColor];
     分別 順時針 對應左上 右上 右下 左下
    //series1.itemStyle.normal.barBorderRadius = @[@5,@5,@0,@0];
    //series1.itemStyle.normal.barBorderWidth = @100;
    series1.data = @[@126.2,@80.2,@96.0,@64.6,@81.3,@100.8,@140.4];
    [seriesArr addObject:series1];
    /* 設定柱狀圖2型別 */
    PYCartesianSeries *series2 = [[PYCartesianSeries alloc] init];
    series2.type = @"bar";
    series2.name = @"蒸發量";
    series2.data = @[@140.4,@120.4,@80.1,@64.8,@178.9,@99.9,@177.9];

    [seriesArr addObject:series2];

    [option setSeries:seriesArr];
    /* 初始化圖示 */
    self.xgBarChartView = [[PYZoomEchartsView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH , 300)];
    [self.scrollView addSubview:self.xgBarChartView];
    [self.xgBarChartView setOption:option];




這是餅圖的基本實現程式碼,此處有坑。背景屬性PYEchartsView與折線圖的 PYZoomEchartsView是不一樣的。


- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [self createScrollView];
    [self showCircleDemo];
    [self.xgPieEchartsView loadEcharts];
- (void)createScrollView
    _scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, SCREEN_WIDTH , 300)];
    [self.view addSubview:self.scrollView];
//    self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(SCREEN_WIDTH *2, 0);
    self.scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;

- (void)showCircleDemo
  /* 建立圖表 */
    PYOption *option = [[PYOption alloc] init];
    option.calculable = NO;
//    option.backgroundColor = [[PYColor alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor redColor]];
//    option.color = @[@"#20BCFC",@"#ff6347"];

//    PYTitle *title = [[PYTitle alloc] init];
//    title.text = @"訪問資料";
//    title.subtext = @"都是假的";
//    option.title = title;
    PYTooltip *tooltip = [[PYTooltip alloc] init];
    tooltip.trigger = PYTooltipTriggerItem;
    tooltip.formatter = @"{a} <br/>{b}:{c}({d}%)";
    option.tooltip = tooltip;
    PYLegend *legend = [[PYLegend alloc] init];
    //提示欄 佈局方式 'horizontal' 橫| 'vertical' 豎
    legend.orient = PYOrientVertical;
    legend.x = PYPositionLeft;
//    legend.y = PYPositionCenter;
    legend.data = @[@"直接訪問",@"郵件營銷",@"聯盟廣告",@"視屏廣告",@"搜尋引擎"];
    option.legend = legend;
    //toolbox 用於切換資料檢視,暫且不寫
    NSMutableArray *dataArr = [NSMutableArray array];
    PYPieSeries *series1 = [[PYPieSeries alloc] init];
    series1.name = @"訪問來源";
    series1.type = PYSeriesTypePie;
    series1.radius = @[@"50%",@"70%"];
//    series1.center = @[@"50%",@"50%"];
    series1.itemStyle = [[PYItemStyle alloc] init];
    //圈外資料 normal
//    series1.itemStyle.normal = [[PYItemStyleProp alloc] init];
    series1.itemStyle.normal.label.show = YES;
    series1.itemStyle.normal.labelLine.show = YES;

//    series1.itemStyle.emphasis = [[PYItemStyleProp alloc] init];
//    series1.itemStyle.emphasis.label.show = YES;
//    series1.itemStyle.emphasis.labelLine.show = NO;
//    series1.itemStyle.emphasis.label.position = @"center";
//    series1.itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle.fontSize = @(45);
//    series1.itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle.fontWeight = @"bold";
//    series1.selectedMode = @"single";
    series1.data = @[@{@"value":@(335),@"name":@"直接訪問"},

    [dataArr addObject:series1];
    [option setSeries:dataArr];
    /* 初始化圖示 */
    self.xgPieEchartsView = [[PYEchartsView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH  , 300)];
    [self.scrollView addSubview:self.xgPieEchartsView];
    [self.xgPieEchartsView setOption:option];







- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [self createScrollView];
    [self showRadar];
    [self.xgEchartsView loadEcharts];

- (void)createScrollView
    _scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,100, SCREEN_WIDTH, 300)];
    [self.view addSubview:self.scrollView];
    _scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(SCREEN_WIDTH * 2, 0);
    self.scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;

- (void)showRadar
    PYOption *option = [[PYOption alloc] init];
    PYTitle *title = [[PYTitle alloc] init];
    title.text = @"預算 vs 開銷 (Budget vs spending)";
    title.subtext = @"純屬虛構";
    option.title = title;
    PYTooltip *tooltip = [[PYTooltip alloc] init];
    tooltip.trigger = @"axis";
    option.tooltip = tooltip;
    PYLegend *legend = [[PYLegend alloc] init];
    legend.orient = @"vertical";
    legend.x = @"right";
    legend.y = @"bottom";
    legend.data = @[@"預算分配 (Allocated)",@"實際開銷 (Actual Spending)"];
    option.legend = legend;
//    PYGrid *grid = [[PYGrid alloc] init];
//    grid.x = @(20);
//    grid.y = @(40);
//    grid.x2 = @(20);
//    grid.y2 = @(40);
//    option.grid = grid;
    PYPolar *polar = [[PYPolar alloc] init];
    //indicator 雷達指示座標
    NSMutableArray *polarArr= [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@{@"text":@"銷售 (sales)",@"max":@(6000)},
    @{@"text":@"管理 (Administartion)",@"max":@(16000)},
    @{@"text":@"資訊科技 (Information Techology)",@"max":@(30000)},
    @{@"text":@"客服 (Customer Support)",@"max":@(38000)},
    @{@"text":@"研發 (Development)",@"max":@(52000)},
    @{@"text":@"市場 (Marketing)",@"max":@(25000)}
    , nil];
    polar.indicator = polarArr;
    option.polar = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:polar];
    NSMutableArray *dataArr = [NSMutableArray array];
    PYRadarSeries *series = [[PYRadarSeries alloc] init];
    series.name = @"預算 vs 開銷 (Budget vs spending)";
    series.type = @"radar";
    series.itemStyle = [[PYItemStyle alloc] init];
//    series.itemStyle.normal = [[PYItemStyleProp alloc] init];
    series.itemStyle.normal.areaStyle = [[PYAreaStyle alloc] init];
    series.itemStyle.normal.areaStyle.type = PYAreaStyleTypeDefault;
    series.data = @[@{@"value":@[@(4300),@(10000),@(28000),@(35000),@(50000),@(19000)],
                      @"name":@"預算分配 (Allocated)"},
                      @"name":@"實際開銷 (Actual Spending)"},];
    [dataArr addObject:series];
    option.series = dataArr;
    _xgEchartsView = [[PYEchartsView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2, 300)];

    [self.scrollView addSubview:self.xgEchartsView];
    [self.xgEchartsView setOption:option];





