1. 程式人生 > >Level/levelup-1-簡介



A node.js wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores





Fast and simple storage. A Node.js wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, which follow the characteristics of LevelDB.



LevelDB is a simple key-value store built by Google. It's used in Google Chrome and many other products. LevelDB supports arbitrary byte arrays as both keys and values, singular get, put and delete operations, batched put and delete, bi-directional iterators and simple compression using the very fast 

Snappy algorithm.

LevelDB是一個Google構建的簡單的鍵值儲存。在Google Chrome和其他產品中被使用。LevelDB支援抽象位元組陣列作為鍵和值,單一get, put delete操作,批處理的put 和delete操作,雙向迭代和使用快速Snappy

LevelDB stores entries sorted lexicographically by keys. This makes the streaming interface of levelup - which exposes LevelDB iterators as 

Readable Streams - a very powerful query mechanism.


The most common store is leveldown which provides a pure C++ binding to LevelDB. Many alternative stores are availablesuch as level.js in the browser or memdown for an in-memory store. They typically support strings and Buffers for both keys and values. For a richer set of data types you can wrap the store with encoding-down.


The level package is the recommended way to get started. It conveniently bundles levelup, leveldown and encoding-down. Its main export is levelup - i.e. you can do var db = require('level').

level包是推薦的入門方法。它有著levelup, leveldownencoding-down三部分。

主要的介面是level-比如使用var db = require('level')



Supported Platforms支援平臺

We aim to support Active LTS and Current Node.js releases as well as browsers. For support of the underlying store, please see the respective documentation.


Sauce Test Status



If you are upgrading: please see UPGRADING.md.


First you need to install levelup! No stores are included so you must also install leveldown (for example).


$ npm install levelup leveldown


All operations are asynchronous. If you do not provide a callback, a Promise is returned.


var levelup = require('levelup')
var leveldown = require('leveldown')

// 1) Create our store,建立儲存器
var db = levelup(leveldown('./mydb'))

// 2) Put a key & value,儲存鍵name&值levelup
db.put('name', 'levelup', function (err) {
  if (err) return console.log('Ooops!', err) // some kind of I/O error

  // 3) Fetch by key,通過鍵name獲取值levelup
  db.get('name', function (err, value) {
    if (err) return console.log('Ooops!', err) // likely the key was not found

    // Ta da!
    console.log('name=' + value)







Promise Support

levelup ships with native Promise support out of the box.


Each function accepting a callback returns a promise if the callback is omitted. This applies for:


  • db.get(key[, options])
  • db.put(key, value[, options])
  • db.del(key[, options])
  • db.batch(ops[, options])
  • db.batch().write()

The only exception is the levelup constructor itself, which if no callback is passed will lazily open the underlying store in the background.



var db = levelup(leveldown('./my-db'))

db.put('foo', 'bar') .then(function () { return db.get('foo') }) .then(function (value) { console.log(value) }) .catch(function (err) { console.error(err) })

Or using async/await:

const main = async () => {
  const db = levelup(leveldown('./my-db')) await db.put('foo', 'bar') console.log(await db.get('foo')) }




levelup is an EventEmitter and emits the following events.

Event Description Arguments
put Key has been updated key, value (any)
del Key has been deleted key (any)
batch Batch has executed operations (array)
opening Underlying store is opening -
open Store has opened -
ready Alias of open -
closing Store is closing -
closed Store has closed. -

For example you can do:

db.on('put', function (key, value) {
  console.log('inserted', { key, value })




A list of Level modules and projects can be found in the wiki. We are in the process of moving all this to awesome.




Multi-process Access

Stores like LevelDB are thread-safe but they are not suitable for accessing with multiple processes. You should only ever have a store open from a single Node.js process. Node.js clusters are made up of multiple processes so a levelup instance cannot be shared between them either.


See the aformentioned wiki for modules like multilevel, that may help if you require a single store to be shared across processes.
