1. 程式人生 > >使用Nomad構建彈性基礎結構:重新啟動任務


Nomad是一個功能強大、靈活的排程器,適用於長期執行的服務和批處理任務。通過廣泛的驅動程式,Nomad可以排程基於容器的工作負載、原始二進位制檔案、java應用程式等等。Nomad操作簡單,易伸縮,與HashiCorp Consul(服務註冊),Vault(祕鑰管理)產品無縫整合。




Tasks and job declaration

Diagram showing simplified Nomad job workflow.

一個Nomad task是由其驅動程式在Nomad客戶端節點上執行的命令、服務、應用程式或其他工作負載。task可以是短時間的批處理作業或長時間執行的服務,例如web應用程式、資料庫伺服器或API。




job "example" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type = "service"

  constraint {
    attribute = "${attr.kernel.name}"
    value     = "linux"
  group "cache" {
    count = 1

    task "redis" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "redis:3.2"
      resources {
        cpu    = 500 # 500 MHz
        memory = 256 # 256MB


有三種類型的job:system、service和batch,它們決定排程程式Nomad將用於此job中的task。service 排程器被設計用來排程永遠不會宕機的長壽命服務。batch作業對短期效能波動的敏感性要小得多,壽命也很短,幾分鐘到幾天就可以完成。system排程器用於註冊應該在滿足作業約束的所有客戶端上執行的作業。當客戶端加入叢集或轉換到就緒狀態時也會呼叫它。


Diagram showing Nomad job workflow, local restarts, and rescheduling.

Restarting failed tasks

Task failure can occur when a task fails to complete successfully, as in the case of a batch type job or when a service fails due to a fatal error or running out of memory.

Nomad will restart failed tasks on the same node according to the directives in the restart stanza of the job file. Operators specify the number of restarts allowed with attempts, how long Nomad should wait before restarting the task with delay, the amount of time to limit attempted restarts to with interval. Use (failure) mode to specify what Nomad should do if the job is not running after all restart attempts within the given interval have been exhausted.

The default failure mode is is fail which tells Nomad not to attempt to restart the job. This is the recommended value for non-idempotent jobs which are not likely to succeed after a few failures. The other option isdelay which tells Nomad to wait the amount of time specified by intervalbefore restarting the job.

The following restart stanza tells Nomad to attempt a maximum of 2 restarts within 1 minute, delaying 15s between each restart and not to attempt any more restarts after those are exhausted. This is also the default restart policy for non-batch type jobs.

group "cache" {
  restart {
    attempts = 2
    interval = "30m"
    delay = "15s"
    mode = "fail"
  task "redis" {
This local restart behavior is designed to make tasks resilient against bugs, memory leaks, and other ephemeral issues. This is similar to using a process supervisor such as systemd, upstart, or runit outside of Nomad.

Restarting unresponsive tasks

Another common scenario is needing to restart a task that is not yet failing but has become unresponsive or otherwise unhealthy.

Nomad will restart unresponsive tasks according to the directives in the check_restart stanza. This works in conjunction with Consul health checks. Nomad will restart tasks when a health check has failed limit times. A value of 1 causes a restart on the first failure. The default, 0, disables health check based restarts.

Failures must be consecutive. A single passing check will reset the count, so services alternating between a passing and failing state may not be restarted. Use grace to specify a waiting period to resume health checking after a restart. Set ignore_warnings = true to have Nomad treat a warning status like a passing one and not trigger a restart.

The following check_restart policy tells Nomad to restart the Redis task after its health check has failed 3 consecutive times, to wait 90 seconds after restarting the task to resume health checking, and to restart upon a warning status (in addition to failure).

task "redis" {
  service {
    check_restart {
      limit = 3
      grace = "90s"
      ignore_warnings = false
In a traditional data center environment, restarting failed tasks is often handled with a process supervisor, which needs to be configured by an operator. Automatically detecting and restarting unhealthy tasks is more complex, and either requires custom scripts to integrate monitoring systems or operator intervention. With Nomad they happen automatically with no operator intervention required.

Rescheduling failed tasks

Tasks that are not running successfully after the specified number of restarts may be failing due to an issue with the node they are running on such as failed hardware, kernel deadlocks, or other unrecoverable errors.

Using the reschedule stanza, operators tell Nomad under what circumstances to reschedule failing jobs to another node.

Nomad prefers to reschedule to a node not previously used for that task. As with the restart stanza, you can specify the number of reschedule attempts Nomad should try with attempts, how long Nomad should wait between reschedule attempts with delay, and the amount of time to limit attempted reschedule attempts to with interval.

Additionally, specify the function to be used to calculate subsequent reschedule attempts after the initial delay with delay_function. The options are constantexponential, and fibonacci. For service jobs, fibonacci scheduling has the nice property of fast rescheduling initially to recover from short lived outages while slowing down to avoid churn during longer outages. When using the exponential or fibonacci delay functions, use max_delay to set the upper bound for delay time after which it will not increase. Set unlimited to true or false to enable unlimited reschedule attempts or not.

To disable rescheduling completely, set attempts = 0 and unlimited = false.

The following reschedule stanza tells Nomad to try rescheduling the task group an unlimited number of times and to increase the delay between subsequent attempts exponentially, with a starting delay of 30 seconds up to a maximum of 1 hour.

group "cache" {  
...  reschedule {    
    delay          = "30s"    
    delay_function = "exponential"    
    max_delay      = "1hr"    
    unlimited      = true  

The reschedule stanza does not apply to system jobs because they run on every node.

As of Nomad version 0.8.4, the reschedule stanza applies during deployments.

In a traditional data center, node failures would be detected by a monitoring system and trigger an alert for operators. Then operators would need to manually intervene either to recover the failed node, or migrate the workload to another node. With the reschedule feature, operators can plan for the most common failure scenarios and Nomad will respond automatically, avoiding the need for manual intervention. Nomad applies sensible defaults so most users get local restarts and rescheduling without having to think about the various restart parameters.


In this first post in our series Building Resilient Infrastructure with Nomad, we covered how Nomad provides resiliency for computing infrastructure through automated restarting and rescheduling of failed and unresponsive tasks.

Operators specify Nomad’s local restart strategy for failed tasks with the restart stanza. When used in conjunction with Consul and the check_restart stanza, Nomad will locally restart unresponsive tasks according to the restart parameters. Operators specify Nomad’s strategy for rescheduling failed tasks with the reschedule stanza.

In the next post we’ll look at how the Nomad client enables fast and accurate scheduling as well as self-healing through driver health checks and liveliness heartbeats.

--------------------- 本文來自 HashiCorpChina 的CSDN 部落格 ,全文地址請點選:https://blog.csdn.net/HashiCorpChina/article/details/81975248?utm_source=copy