1. 程式人生 > >ARM Compiler v5.06 for µVision fromelf User Guide

ARM Compiler v5.06 for µVision fromelf User Guide


ARM image conversion utility:fromelf

二、fromelf execution modes

format:formelf 【option】--output= output_file  input_file



Produces plain binary output, one file for each load region. You can split the output from this option into multiple files with the --widthxbanks option


Produces Intel Hex-32 format output. It generates one output file for each load region in the image.

You can specify the base address of the output with the --base option.

such as:fromelf --i32 --output=outfile.hex  infile.axf


Produces Intel Hex-32 format output. It generates one output file for an image containing multiple load regions.

You can specify the base address of the output with the --base option.

such as:fromelf --i32combined --base=0x1000  --output=outfile2.hex   infile2.axf


Produces Motorola 32-bit format (32-bit S-records) output. It generates one output file for each load region in the image.

You can specify the base address of the output with the --base


such as:fromelf --m32 --output=outfile.hex infile.axf


Produces Motorola 32-bit format (32-bit S-records) output. It generates one output file for an image containing multiple load regions.

You can specify the base address of the output with the --base option.

such as:fromelf --m32combined --base=0x1000 --output=outfile2.bin infile2.axf


Prints image information in text format. You can decode an ELF image or ELF object file using this option.


Produces Byte oriented (Verilog Memory Model) hexadecimal format output.

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