1. 程式人生 > >4821 String(hash+map去重)

4821 String(hash+map去重)


Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 4430    Accepted Submission(s): 1341 Problem Description

Given a string S and two integers L and M, we consider a substring of S as “recoverable” if and only if   (i) It is of length M*L;   (ii) It can be constructed by concatenating M “diversified” substrings of S, where each of these substrings has length L; two strings are considered as “diversified” if they don’t have the same character for every position. Two substrings of S are considered as “different” if they are cut from different part of S. For example, string "aa" has 3 different substrings "aa", "a" and "a". Your task is to calculate the number of different “recoverable” substrings of S.


The input contains multiple test cases, proceeding to the End of File. The first line of each test case has two space-separated integers M and L. The second ine of each test case has a string S, which consists of only lowercase letters. The length of S is not larger than 10^5, and 1 ≤ M * L ≤ the length of S.


For each test case, output the answer in a single line.

Sample Input

3 3 abcabcbcaabc

Sample Output







hash用的也是一樣的原理,為每一個字首(也可以後綴,筆者習慣1 base,所以喜歡用字首來計算,Hash[i] = Hash[i - 1] * x + s[i](其中1 < i <= n,Hash[0] = 0)。


而對於l - r區間的hash值,則為:


因此我們把hash值儲存在unsigned long long裡面, 那樣溢位時,會自動取餘2的64次方,but這樣可能會使2個不同串的雜湊值相同,但這樣的概率極低(不排除你的運氣不好)。




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
const int maxn = 1e5 + 5;
const int seed = 31;
ull _base[maxn],_hash[maxn];
map<ull,ull> mp;
int M,L;
char s[maxn];
void init()
    _base[0] = 1;
    for(int i = 1; i <= maxn; i++) {
        _base[i] = _base[i - 1] * seed;
ull str_hash(int l,int r)
    return _hash[r] - _hash[l - 1] * _base[r - l + 1];
int main(void)

    while(scanf("%d %d",&M,&L) != EOF) {
        scanf("%s",s + 1);
        int len = strlen(s + 1);
        _hash[0] = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
            _hash[i] = _hash[i - 1] * seed + (s[i] - 'a');
        int ans = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= L && i + M * L <= len; i++) {
            for(int j = i; j < i + M * L; j += L) {
                mp[str_hash(j,j + L - 1)]++;
            if(mp.size() == M) {
            for(int j = i + M * L; j <= len - L + 1; j += L) {
                mp[str_hash(j - M * L,j - M * L + L - 1)]--;
                if(mp[str_hash(j - M * L,j - M * L + L - 1)] == 0) {
                    mp.erase(str_hash(j - M * L,j - M * L + L - 1));
                mp[str_hash(j,j + L - 1)]++;
                if(mp.size() == M) {
    return 0;