Delta Method 與 Taylor's Theorem
1. Delta Method
來源: 下面只列出了Univariate的部分,以及貼出證明部分;至於Multivariate的部分因為暫未涉及到,所以這裡沒有貼出,其實還是相似的。
In statistics, the delta method is a result concerning the approximate probability distribution for a function of an asymptotically normal statistical
Univariate delta method
While the delta method generalizes easily to a multivariate setting, careful motivation of the technique is more easily demonstrated in univariate terms. Roughly, if there is a
where θ and σ2 are finite valued constants and
for any function g satisfying the property that g′(θ) exists and is non-zero valued.
2. Taylor’s Theorem
In calculus, Taylor's theorem gives an approximation of a k-times differentiable
Taylor's theorem is taught in introductory level calculus courses and it is one of the central elementary tools in mathematical analysis. Within pure mathematics it is the starting point of more advanced asymptotic analysis, and it is commonly used in more applied fields of numerics as well as in mathematical physics. Taylor's theorem also generalizes to multivariate and vector valued functions on any dimensions n and m. This generalization of Taylor's theorem is the basis for the definition of so-called jets which appear in differential geometry and partial differential equations.