1. 程式人生 > >python3 Dense SIFT演算法的應用與實現

python3 Dense SIFT演算法的應用與實現

python3 Dense SIFT演算法的應用與實現

  1. Dense SIFT 因為課題的需求,傳統的SIFT演算法即Sparse SIFT,不能很好地表徵不同類之間的特徵差異,達不到所需的分類要求。而Dense SIFT演算法,是一種對輸入影象進行分塊處理,再進行SIFT運算的特徵提取過程。Dense SIFT根據可調的引數大小,來適當滿足不同分類任務下對影象的特徵表徵能力。而Sparse SIFT則是對整幅影象的處理,得到一系列特徵點(keypoints)。如下圖所示:  在此背景下,通常來講Dense SIFT更適用於影象分類識別的任務,而Sparse SIFT更適用於影象檢索分割的任務。

  2. Dense SIFT的程式碼實現


import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from matplotlib import pyplot
import matplotlib

# sift features
Nangles = 8   
Nbins = 4    
Nsamples = Nbins**2   
alpha = 9.0
angles = np.array(range(Nangles))*2.0*np.pi/Nangles

def gen_dgauss(sigma):
    generating a derivative of Gauss filter on both the X and Y
    fwid = np.int(2*np.ceil(sigma))
    G = np.array(range(-fwid,fwid+1))**2
    G = G.reshape((G.size,1)) + G
    G = np.exp(- G / 2.0 / sigma / sigma)
    G /= np.sum(G)
    GH,GW = np.gradient(G)
    GH *= 2.0/np.sum(np.abs(GH))
    GW *= 2.0/np.sum(np.abs(GW))
    return GH,GW

class DsiftExtractor:
    The class that does dense sift feature extractor.//進行密集篩選的類提取器
    Sample Usage:
        extractor = DsiftExtractor(gridSpacing,patchSize,[optional params])
        feaArr,positions = extractor.process_image(Image)
    def __init__(self, gridSpacing, patchSize,
                 nrml_thres = 1.0,\
                 sigma_edge = 0.8,\
                 sift_thres = 0.2):
        gridSpacing: the spacing for sampling dense descriptors//密集描述符的取樣間隔
        patchSize: the size for each sift patch//每個sift patch的尺寸
        nrml_thres: low contrast normalization threshold//低對比度歸一化閾值
        sigma_edge: the standard deviation for the gaussian smoothing//高斯平滑的標準差
            before computing the gradient
        sift_thres: sift thresholding (0.2 works well based on
            Lowe's SIFT paper)//sift閾值化(0.2基於Lowe's sift paper效果很好)
        self.gS = gridSpacing
        self.pS = patchSize
        self.nrml_thres = nrml_thres
        self.sigma = sigma_edge
        self.sift_thres = sift_thres
        # compute the weight contribution map
        sample_res = self.pS / np.double(Nbins)
        sample_p = np.array(range(self.pS))
        sample_ph, sample_pw = np.meshgrid(sample_p,sample_p)
        bincenter = np.array(range(1,Nbins*2,2)) / 2.0 / Nbins * self.pS - 0.5 
        bincenter_h, bincenter_w = np.meshgrid(bincenter,bincenter)
        dist_ph = abs(sample_ph - bincenter_h)
        dist_pw = abs(sample_pw - bincenter_w)
        weights_h = dist_ph / sample_res
        weights_w = dist_pw / sample_res
        weights_h = (1-weights_h) * (weights_h <= 1)
        weights_w = (1-weights_w) * (weights_w <= 1)
        # weights is the contribution of each pixel to the corresponding bin center
        self.weights = weights_h * weights_w
    def process_image(self, image, positionNormalize = True,\
                       verbose = True):
        processes a single image, return the locations
        and the values of detected SIFT features.//處理單個影象,返回檢測到的SIFT特徵的位置和值。
        image: a M*N image which is a numpy 2D array. If you 
            pass a color image, it will automatically be converted
            to a grayscale image.//一個M*N的影象,它是一個numpy二維陣列。如果您傳遞一個彩色影象,它將自動轉換為灰度影象。
        positionNormalize: whether to normalize the positions
            to [0,1]. If False, the pixel-based positions of the
            top-right position of the patches is returned.//是否將位置規範化為[0,1]。如果為False,則返回補丁右上角的基於畫素的位置。
        Return values:
        feaArr: the feature array, each row is a feature//特徵陣列,每一行都是一個特徵
        positions: the positions of the features//特徵的位置

        image = image.astype(np.double)
        if image.ndim == 3:
            # we do not deal with color images.
            image = np.mean(image,axis=2)
        # compute the grids
        H,W = image.shape
        gS = self.gS
        pS = self.pS
        remH = np.mod(H-pS, gS)
        remW = np.mod(W-pS, gS)
        offsetH = remH//2
        offsetW = remW//2
        gridH,gridW = np.meshgrid(range(offsetH,H-pS+1,gS), range(offsetW,W-pS+1,gS))
        gridH = gridH.flatten()
        gridW = gridW.flatten()
        if verbose:
            print('Image: w {}, h {}, gs {}, ps {}, nFea {}'.\
        feaArr = self.calculate_sift_grid(image,gridH,gridW)
        feaArr = self.normalize_sift(feaArr)
        if positionNormalize:
            positions = np.vstack((gridH / np.double(H), gridW / np.double(W)))
            positions = np.vstack((gridH, gridW))
        return feaArr, positions

    def calculate_sift_grid(self,image,gridH,gridW):
        This function calculates the unnormalized sift features
        It is called by process_image().//此函式計算未規範化的sift特性。
        H,W = image.shape
        Npatches = gridH.size
        feaArr = np.zeros((Npatches,Nsamples*Nangles))

        # calculate gradient
        GH,GW = gen_dgauss(self.sigma)
        IH = signal.convolve2d(image,GH,mode='same')
        IW = signal.convolve2d(image,GW,mode='same')
        Imag = np.sqrt(IH**2+IW**2)
        Itheta = np.arctan2(IH,IW)
        Iorient = np.zeros((Nangles,H,W))
        for i in range(Nangles):
            Iorient[i] = Imag * np.maximum(np.cos(Itheta - angles[i])**alpha,0)
        for i in range(Npatches):
            currFeature = np.zeros((Nangles,Nsamples))
            for j in range(Nangles):
                currFeature[j] = np.dot(self.weights,\
                        Iorient[j,gridH[i]:gridH[i]+self.pS, gridW[i]:gridW[i]+self.pS].flatten())
            feaArr[i] = currFeature.flatten()
        return feaArr

    def normalize_sift(self,feaArr):
        This function does sift feature normalization
        following David Lowe's definition (normalize length ->
        thresholding at 0.2 -> renormalize length)
        siftlen = np.sqrt(np.sum(feaArr**2,axis=1))
        hcontrast = (siftlen >= self.nrml_thres)
        siftlen[siftlen < self.nrml_thres] = self.nrml_thres
        # normalize with contrast thresholding
        feaArr /= siftlen.reshape((siftlen.size,1))
        # suppress large gradients
        feaArr[feaArr>self.sift_thres] = self.sift_thres
        # renormalize high-contrast ones
        feaArr[hcontrast] /= np.sqrt(np.sum(feaArr[hcontrast]**2,axis=1)).\
        return feaArr

class SingleSiftExtractor(DsiftExtractor):
    The simple wrapper class that does feature extraction, treating
    the whole image as a local image patch.//一個簡單的封裝類,它能把整個影象當作一個區域性影象補丁
    def __init__(self, patchSize,
                 nrml_thres = 1.0,\
                 sigma_edge = 0.8,\
                 sift_thres = 0.2):
        # simply call the super class __init__ with a large gridSpace
        DsiftExtractor.__init__(self, patchSize, patchSize, nrml_thres, sigma_edge, sift_thres)   
    def process_image(self, image):
        return DsiftExtractor.process_image(self, image, False, False)[0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # ignore this. I only use this for testing purpose...
    from scipy import misc
    extractor = DsiftExtractor(8,16,1)
    image = misc.imread('C:/Users/qgl/Desktop/articles/test1.png')
    image = np.mean(np.double(image),axis=2)
    feaArr,positions = extractor.process_image(image)
    # test single sift extractor
    extractor = SingleSiftExtractor(16)
    feaArrSingle = extractor.process_image(image[:16,:16])

程式碼e.g. 如果你的輸入影象畫素大小是200 * 200,設定步長引數為8,patch塊大小為16 * 16,輸入影象轉換為24 * 24=576個patch塊,每個patch塊進行SIFT提取關鍵點,最後得到576個特徵點。這樣輸入影象就轉換為了576 * 128維的矩陣向量。 繼續新增一個批量處理函式,處理好資料集,就可以進行後續的分類識別工作了。