1. 程式人生 > >Wayland協議解析 一 Wayland中的資料結構解析

Wayland協議解析 一 Wayland中的資料結構解析


  1. 首先介紹wl_array

struct wl_array {

/** Array size */

size_t size;

/** Allocated space */

size_t alloc;

/** Array data */

void *data;


Wayland定義的陣列資料結構. 其中data儲存實際的資料,size儲存實際資料的大小,alloc儲存當前data總共分配的大小(malloc/realloc分配的大小)。



  1. 然後介紹wl_map

struct wl_map {

struct wl_array client_entries;

struct wl_array server_entries;

uint32_t side;

uint32_t free_list;


struct wl_array {

/** Array size */

size_t size;

/** Allocated space */

size_t alloc;

/** Array data */

void *data;


union map_entry {

uintptr_t next;

 void *data;




client_entries: 用wl_array陣列儲存客戶端的物件。(這種情況server_entries不使用)



free_list:這個變數用來記錄當前已經被刪除了的物件的存放位置,但是對這個位置做了個處理。((i << 1) | 1  : i代表下標, 也就是指標的最後一位置為1),


提示: map的節點是map_entry結構。data儲存實際的物件的地址。但是這個地址做了處理(原理上data是指標,編譯器為了4位元組對齊,最後兩位都是0,map利用了這兩位。把倒數第二位儲存flags的值(0/1),最後一位表示當前物件是否已經被刪除了(1表示刪除,0表示沒刪除)),map_entry是個聯合體,data成員儲存實際的物件指標,而next是在物件被刪除的時候,用來儲存下一個被刪除的物件的下標。

資料儲存關係: wl_map儲存兩個wl_array陣列, wl_array儲存map_entry聯合體的節點元素。

   flags: entry->next |= (flags & 0x1) << 1;

   deleted: map->free_list = (i << 1) | 1;


  1. wl_list 連結串列

struct wl_list {

/** Previous list element */

struct wl_list *prev;

/** Next list element */

struct wl_list *next;


wayland實現的這種連結串列在很多優秀的程式碼裡面都有過,這種連結串列非常優秀,它可以儲存任何型別的元素。為什麼可以儲存任何型別的元素呢? 我舉個例子,你一定很好理解。


怎麼樣? Wayland裡面的連結串列就是這個電話簿一樣的角色。

但是這裡有個問題,就是連結串列裡面儲存的都是電話簿,要怎麼把這個電話簿轉換成家庭呢? 這個就是C語言的語言特性。如果知道一個結構體成員的地址,就可以反推到這個結構體的地址。

#define wl_container_of(ptr, sample, member)                \

(__typeof__(sample))((char *)(ptr) -                                    \

                         offsetof(__typeof__(*sample), member))

offsetof 這個是C語言標準裡面提供的獲取成員偏移量的巨集,整個巨集就是提供成員變數的地址獲取到整個結構體的地址。有興趣的讀者可以多翻閱資料,也可以留言諮詢。


  1. 客戶端真正的物件結構體

struct wl_proxy {

struct wl_object object;

struct wl_display *display;

struct wl_event_queue *queue;

uint32_t flags;

int refcount;

void *user_data;

wl_dispatcher_func_t dispatcher;

uint32_t version;




  1. 伺服器端真正的物件結構體

struct wl_resource {

struct wl_object object;

wl_resource_destroy_func_t destroy;

struct wl_list link;

struct wl_signal destroy_signal;

struct wl_client *client;

void *data;







 * Protocol message signature


 * A wl_message describes the signature of an actual protocol message, such as a

 * request or event, that adheres to the Wayland protocol wire format. The

 * protocol implementation uses a wl_message within its demarshal machinery for

 * decoding messages between a compositor and its clients. In a sense, a

 * wl_message is to a protocol message like a class is to an object.


 * The `name` of a wl_message is the name of the corresponding protocol message.


 * The `signature` is an ordered list of symbols representing the data types

 * of message arguments and, optionally, a protocol version and indicators for

 * nullability. A leading integer in the `signature` indicates the _since_

 * version of the protocol message. A `?` preceding a data type symbol indicates

 * that the following argument type is nullable. While it is a protocol violation

 * to send messages with non-nullable arguments set to `NULL`, event handlers in

 * clients might still get called with non-nullable object arguments set to

 * `NULL`. This can happen when the client destroyed the object being used as

 * argument on its side and an event referencing that object was sent before the

 * server knew about its destruction. As this race cannot be prevented, clients

 * should - as a general rule - program their event handlers such that they can

 * handle object arguments declared non-nullable being `NULL` gracefully.


 * When no arguments accompany a message, `signature` is an empty string.


 * Symbols:


 * * `i`: int

 * * `u`: uint

 * * `f`: fixed

 * * `s`: string

 * * `o`: object

 * * `n`: new_id

 * * `a`: array

 * * `h`: fd

 * * `?`: following argument is nullable


 * While demarshaling primitive arguments is straightforward, when demarshaling

 * messages containing `object` or `new_id` arguments, the protocol

 * implementation often must determine the type of the object. The `types` of a

 * wl_message is an array of wl_interface references that correspond to `o` and

 * `n` arguments in `signature`, with `NULL` placeholders for arguments with

 * non-object types.


 * Consider the protocol event wl_display `delete_id` that has a single `uint`

 * argument. The wl_message is:


 * \code

 * { "delete_id", "u", [NULL] }

 * \endcode


 * Here, the message `name` is `"delete_id"`, the `signature` is `"u"`, and the

 * argument `types` is `[NULL]`, indicating that the `uint` argument has no

 * corresponding wl_interface since it is a primitive argument.


 * In contrast, consider a `wl_foo` interface supporting protocol request `bar`

 * that has existed since version 2, and has two arguments: a `uint` and an

 * object of type `wl_baz_interface` that may be `NULL`. Such a `wl_message`

 * might be:


 * \code

 * { "bar", "2u?o", [NULL, &wl_baz_interface] }

 * \endcode


 * Here, the message `name` is `"bar"`, and the `signature` is `"2u?o"`. Notice

 * how the `2` indicates the protocol version, the `u` indicates the first

 * argument type is `uint`, and the `?o` indicates that the second argument

 * is an object that may be `NULL`. Lastly, the argument `types` array indicates

 * that no wl_interface corresponds to the first argument, while the type

 * `wl_baz_interface` corresponds to the second argument.




  • 產生一個協議原始檔, 裡面儲存了協議檔案裡面所有的interface轉換而成的wl_interface結構體變數,包括wl_message結構體記錄的request和event函式。
  • 產生一個客戶端使用的標頭檔案,裡面封裝了wl_proxy轉換成指定interface假宣告的結構體操作的一些介面函式。以及request函式的實現,但是這個實現只是把請求傳送到伺服器端而已,實際呼叫在伺服器端進行。最後,檔案裡面還封裝了一個回撥函式的結構體,成員就是所有的event函式指標,需要客戶端去實現,並設定到interface的物件裡面,該檔案生成了這個設定的介面,實際就是填充到wl_object結構體的implementation變數中。
  • 產生一個伺服器端標頭檔案,裡面基本和客戶端一樣的組成。只是結構體是wl_resource,函式結構體的成員是所有request的函式指標。以及所有的event的實現。


