阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-16
--------參考文獻 W.Richard Stevens, Stephen A.Rago.UNIX環境高階程式設計[M].北京:人民郵電出版社,2014.6:189-190.
一、 相關概念
1.1 僵死程序
1.2 init程序
二、 處理辦法
2.1 思路
如圖1 所示,通過這一層間接性,就實現避免僵死程序。
2.2 程式碼實現
#include<stdlib.h> //exit() #include<sys/wait.h> //waitpid() #include<stdio.h> //printf() int main() { pid_t pid; pid = fork(); if(pid < 0) printf("fork error!\n"); else if(0 == pid){ //first chld pid = fork(); if(pid < 0) printf("fork error!\n"); else if(pid > 0) exit(0); /*parent from second fork == first chld*/ /* * We're the second chld; our parent becomes init as soon * as out real parent calls exit() in the statement above, * Here's where we'd continue executing, knowing that when * we're done, init will reap out status. */ sleep(2); printf("second chld, parent pid = %ld\n", (long)getppid()); exit(0); } if(waitpid(pid, NULL, 0) != pid) /*wait for the first chld*/ printf("waitpid error!\n"); /* * We're the parent(the orginal process); we continue executing, * knowing that we're not the parent of the second chld. */ exit(0); }