1. 程式人生 > >Linux 一些標頭檔案的說明

Linux 一些標頭檔案的說明

#include <unistd.h> 的作用

由字面意思,unistd.h是unix std的意思,是POSIX標準定義的unix類系統定義符號常量的標頭檔案,



#ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #endif  


ssize_t      read(int, void *, size_t); // 讀取檔案使用 int          unlink(const char *); ssize_t      write(int, const void *, size_t); // 寫檔案 int          usleep(useconds_t); // 程序休眠,單位為微妙 unsigned     sleep(unsigned); // 程序休眠,單位為秒

int          access(const char *, int); // 獲取檔案的許可權 unsigned     alarm(unsigned); int          chdir(const char *); int          chown(const char *, uid_t, gid_t); int          close(int); // 關閉檔案 size_t       confstr(int, char *, size_t); void        _exit(int); pid_t        fork(void);

#include <sys/types.h>的作用

include <sys/types.h>



NAME        sys/types.h - data types

SYNOPSIS        #include <sys/types.h>

DESCRIPTION        The <sys/types.h> header shall include definitions for at least the following types:

       blkcnt_t               Used for file block counts.

       blksize_t               Used for block sizes.

       clock_t               Used for system times in clock ticks or CLOCKS_PER_SEC; see <time.h> .

       clockid_t               Used for clock ID type in the clock and timer functions.

       dev_t  Used for device IDs.

       fsblkcnt_t               Used for file system block counts.

       fsfilcnt_t               Used for file system file counts.

       gid_t  Used for group IDs.

       id_t   Used as a general identifier; can be used to contain at least a pid_t, uid_t, or gid_t.

       ino_t  Used for file serial numbers.

       key_t  Used for XSI interprocess communication.

       mode_t Used for some file attributes.

       nlink_t               Used for link counts.

       off_t  Used for file sizes.

       pid_t  Used for process IDs and process group IDs.

       size_t Used for sizes of objects.

       ssize_t               Used for a count of bytes or an error indication.

       suseconds_t               Used for time in microseconds.