select a.stuNo from score a,score b
where a.cNo='c001' and b.cNo='c002' and a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score>b.score
select stuNo,avg(score)from score
group by stuNo
having avg(score)>60
select a.stuNo,a.stuName,count(cNo),sum(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by a.stuNo,a.stuName
select count(tName),tName from teacher
where tName like '趙%'
group by tName
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in
(select a.stuNo from student a,score b where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo in
(select d.cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'))
select a.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b,score c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.stuNo=c.stuNo and b.cNo='c001' and c.cNo='c002'
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select stuNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'
group by stuNo
having count(a.cNo)>=(select count(cNo) from course d,teacher e
where d.tNo=e.tNo and e.tName='錢市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select a.stuNo from student a,score b where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo in
(select cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in
(select a.stuNo from score a,score b
where a.cNo='c001' and b.cNo='c002' and a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score>b.score)
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select stuNo from score
where score<60
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)=(select count(cNo) from course))
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,count(b.cNo) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having count(b.cNo)<(select count(cNo) from course)
select distinct a.stuNo,stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo in (select cNo from score
where stuNo='001')
&&& select distinct a.stuNo,stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo all join (select cNo from score
where stuNo='001')
update score set score=savg
from score d,(select avg(score) as savg,a.cNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and tName='錢市保'
group by a.cNo) e
where d.cNo=e.cNo
update score
set score=(select avg(score) from score
group by cNo
having cNo=(select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保'))
where cNo=(select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保')
select * from score
select stuNo from score
where cNo in (select cNo from score where stuNo='005')
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)=(select count(*) from score where stuNo='005')
delete from score where cNo=(select cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保')
select * from score
--按如下形式顯示: 學生ID,C語言,sql,JAVA,有效課程數,有效平均分
select cNo,max(score) as 最高分,min(score) as 最低分 from score
group by cNo
select avg(c.score),count(a.score)/count(b.score) from score c,(select a.cNo,count(a.score) from score a
where a.score<60
group by a.cNo) d,(select b.cNo,count(b.score) from score b
group by b.cNo) e
where d.cNo=e.cNo
group by c.cNo
order by avg(c.score) desc
(select a.cNo,count(a.score) from score a
where a.score<60
group by a.cNo) d
(select b.cNo,count(b.score) from score b
group by b.cNo) e
--20.查詢如下課程平均成績和及格率的百分數(用"1行"顯示): C語言(001),資料結構(002),JAVA(003),離散數學(004)
select tNo,a.cNo,avg(score) from course a,score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
group by tNo,a.cNo
order by avg(score) desc
--22.查詢如下課程成績第 3 名到第 6 名的學生成績單:C語言(001),資料結構(002),JAVA(003),離散數學(004)
-- [學生ID],[學生姓名],C語言,資料結構,JAVA,離散數學,平均成績
--23.統計列印各科成績,各分數段人數:課程ID,課程名稱,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]
select distinct e.cNo,count(a.stuNo) as '100-85',count(b.stuNo) as '85-70',count(c.stuNo) as '70-60',count(d.stuNo) as '<60' from score a,score b,score c,score d,score e
where a.cNo in (select cNo from course) and a.score between 85 and 100 and b.cNo in (select cNo from course) and b.score between 71 and 84 and c.cNo in (select cNo from course) and c.score between 60 and 70 and d.cNo in (select cNo from course) and d.score<60
group by e.cNo,a.stuNo,b.stuNo,c.stuNo,d.stuNo
having a.stuNo<>b.stuNo and a.stuNo<>c.stuNo and a.stuNo<>d.stuNo and b.stuNo<>c.stuNo and b.stuNo<>d.stuNo and c.stuNo<>d.stuNo
select cNo,count(stuNo) from score
where score between 70 and 100 and cNo='c001'
group by cNo
select stuNo,avg(score) from score
group by stuNo
order by avg(score) desc
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score
from score a
where a.score in (select top 3 score from score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
order by score)
order by a.cNo
select b.cNo ,count(stuNo) from score a right join course b
on a.cNo=b.cNo
group by b.cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having count(b.cNo)=1
select stuSex,count(stuSex) from student
group by stuSex
select * from student
where stuName like '趙%'
select a.stuNo,a.stuName,count(a.stuNo) from student a,student b
where a.stuName=b.stuName and a.stuSex=b.stuSex and a.stuNo<>b.stuNo
group by a.stuNo,a.stuName
select cNo,avg(score) from score
group by cNo
order by avg(score) asc,cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,avg(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having avg(score)>70
select a.stuName,b.score from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and score<70 and b.cNo=(select cNo from course where cName='java')
select a.stuNo,c.cNo from student a,score b,course c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo=c.cNo
order by a.stuNo
select a.stuNo,cNo from student a left join (select a.stuNo,c.cNo from student a,score b,course c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo=c.cNo) d
on a.stuNo=d.stuNo
order by a.stuNo
select a.stuName,b.cNo,score from student a,score b
where score>70 and a.stuNo=b.stuNo
select cNo,score from score
where score<60
order by cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b
where b.cNo='c003' and score>60 and a.stuNo=b.stuNo
select count(a.stuNo) from (select distinct stuNo from score) a
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,max(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo in (select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保')
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName,b.cNo
having b.cNo in (select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保')
select cNo,count(stuNo) from score
group by cNo
select b.cNo ,count(stuNo) from score a right join course b
on a.cNo=b.cNo
group by b.cNo
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score from score a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score=b.score and a.cNo<>b.cNo
--43. 查詢每門功成績最好的前兩名
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score
from score a
where score in(select top 2 score from score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
order by score desc)
order by a.cNo
select cNo,count(stuNo) 課程數 from score
group by cNo
having count(stuNo)>2
order by count(stuNo) desc,cNo
select stuNo from score
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)>=2
select a.cNo,b.cName from score a,course b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
group by a.cNo,b.cName
having count(a.stuNo)=(select count(stuNo) from student)
select a.cNo,b.cName from score a,course b
group by a.cNo,b.cName,b.cNo
having a.cNo=b.cNo and count(a.stuNo)=(select count(stuNo) from student)
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in (select stuNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'
group by stuNo
having count(a.cNo)<=(select count(cNo) from course d,teacher e
where d.tNo=e.tNo and e.tName='錢市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in
(select stuNo from score where cNo in
(select cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'))
select stuNo,avg(score) from score
where score<60
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)>2
select stuNo from score
where score<60 and cNo='c004'
order by score desc
delete from score where stuNo='002' and cNo='c001'