select a.stuNo from score a,score b
where a.cNo='c001' and b.cNo='c002' and a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score>b.score
select stuNo,avg(score)from score
group by stuNo
having avg(score)>60
select a.stuNo,a.stuName,count(cNo),sum(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by a.stuNo,a.stuName
select count(tName),tName from teacher
where tName like '趙%'
group by tName
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in
(select a.stuNo from student a,score b where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo in
(select d.cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'))
select a.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b,score c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.stuNo=c.stuNo and b.cNo='c001'
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select stuNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'
group by stuNo
having count(a.cNo)>=(select count(cNo) from course d,teacher e
where d.tNo=e.tNo and e.tName='錢市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select a.stuNo from student a,score b where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo in
(select cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in
(select a.stuNo from score a,score b
where a.cNo='c001' and b.cNo='c002' and a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score>b.score)
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select stuNo from score
where score<60
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)=(select count(cNo) from course))
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,count(b.cNo) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having count(b.cNo)<(select count(cNo) from course)
select distinct a.stuNo,stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo in (select cNo from score
where stuNo='001')
&&& select distinct a.stuNo,stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo all join (select cNo from score
where stuNo='001')
update score set score=savg
from score d,(select avg(score) as savg,a.cNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and tName='錢市保'
group by a.cNo) e
where d.cNo=e.cNo
update score
set score=(select avg(score) from score
group by cNo
having cNo=(select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保'))
where cNo=(select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保')
select * from score
select stuNo from score
where cNo in (select cNo from score where stuNo='005')
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)=(select count(*) from score where stuNo='005')
delete from score where cNo=(select cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保')
select * from score
--按如下形式顯示: 學生ID,C語言,sql,JAVA,有效課程數,有效平均分
select cNo,max(score) as 最高分,min(score) as 最低分 from score
group by cNo
select avg(c.score),count(a.score)/count(b.score) from score c,(select a.cNo,count(a.score) from score a
where a.score<60
group by a.cNo) d,(select b.cNo,count(b.score) from score b
group by b.cNo) e
where d.cNo=e.cNo
group by c.cNo
order by avg(c.score) desc
(select a.cNo,count(a.score) from score a
where a.score<60
group by a.cNo) d
(select b.cNo,count(b.score) from score b
group by b.cNo) e
--20.查詢如下課程平均成績和及格率的百分數(用"1行"顯示): C語言(001),資料結構(002),JAVA(003),離散數學(004)
select tNo,a.cNo,avg(score) from course a,score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
group by tNo,a.cNo
order by avg(score) desc
--22.查詢如下課程成績第 3 名到第 6 名的學生成績單:C語言(001),資料結構(002),JAVA(003),離散數學(004)
-- [學生ID],[學生姓名],C語言,資料結構,JAVA,離散數學,平均成績
--23.統計列印各科成績,各分數段人數:課程ID,課程名稱,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]
select distinct e.cNo,count(a.stuNo) as '100-85',count(b.stuNo) as '85-70',count(c.stuNo) as '70-60',count(d.stuNo) as '<60' from score a,score b,score c,score d,score e
where a.cNo in (select cNo from course) and a.score between 85 and 100 and b.cNo in (select cNo from course) and b.score between 71 and 84 and c.cNo in (select cNo from course) and c.score between 60 and 70 and d.cNo in (select cNo from course) and d.score<60
group by e.cNo,a.stuNo,b.stuNo,c.stuNo,d.stuNo
having a.stuNo<>b.stuNo and a.stuNo<>c.stuNo and a.stuNo<>d.stuNo and b.stuNo<>c.stuNo and b.stuNo<>d.stuNo and c.stuNo<>d.stuNo
select cNo,count(stuNo) from score
where score between 70 and 100 and cNo='c001'
group by cNo
select stuNo,avg(score) from score
group by stuNo
order by avg(score) desc
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score
from score a
where a.score in (select top 3 score from score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
order by score)
order by a.cNo
select b.cNo ,count(stuNo) from score a right join course b
on a.cNo=b.cNo
group by b.cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having count(b.cNo)=1
select stuSex,count(stuSex) from student
group by stuSex
select * from student
where stuName like '趙%'
select a.stuNo,a.stuName,count(a.stuNo) from student a,student b
where a.stuName=b.stuName and a.stuSex=b.stuSex and a.stuNo<>b.stuNo
group by a.stuNo,a.stuName
select cNo,avg(score) from score
group by cNo
order by avg(score) asc,cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,avg(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having avg(score)>70
select a.stuName,b.score from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and score<70 and b.cNo=(select cNo from course where cName='java')
select a.stuNo,c.cNo from student a,score b,course c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo=c.cNo
order by a.stuNo
select a.stuNo,cNo from student a left join (select a.stuNo,c.cNo from student a,score b,course c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo=c.cNo) d
on a.stuNo=d.stuNo
order by a.stuNo
select a.stuName,b.cNo,score from student a,score b
where score>70 and a.stuNo=b.stuNo
select cNo,score from score
where score<60
order by cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b
where b.cNo='c003' and score>60 and a.stuNo=b.stuNo
select count(a.stuNo) from (select distinct stuNo from score) a
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,max(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo in (select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保')
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName,b.cNo
having b.cNo in (select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='錢市保')
select cNo,count(stuNo) from score
group by cNo
select b.cNo ,count(stuNo) from score a right join course b
on a.cNo=b.cNo
group by b.cNo
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score from score a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score=b.score and a.cNo<>b.cNo
--43. 查詢每門功成績最好的前兩名
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score
from score a
where score in(select top 2 score from score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
order by score desc)
order by a.cNo
select cNo,count(stuNo) 課程數 from score
group by cNo
having count(stuNo)>2
order by count(stuNo) desc,cNo
select stuNo from score
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)>=2
select a.cNo,b.cName from score a,course b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
group by a.cNo,b.cName
having count(a.stuNo)=(select count(stuNo) from student)
select a.cNo,b.cName from score a,course b
group by a.cNo,b.cName,b.cNo
having a.cNo=b.cNo and count(a.stuNo)=(select count(stuNo) from student)
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in (select stuNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'
group by stuNo
having count(a.cNo)<=(select count(cNo) from course d,teacher e
where d.tNo=e.tNo and e.tName='錢市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in
(select stuNo from score where cNo in
(select cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='錢市保'))
select stuNo,avg(score) from score
where score<60
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)>2
select stuNo from score
where score<60 and cNo='c004'
order by score desc
delete from score where stuNo='002' and cNo='c001'
50條經典SQL語句~~值得一看!!! /*student(學號#[stuNo],姓名[stuName],性別[stuSex],年齡) course(課程號#[cNo],課程名[cName],教師號#) score(學號#,課程號#,成績[score])
/*student(學號#,姓名,性別,年齡) course(課程號#,課程名,教師號#) score(學號#,課程號#,成績) teacher(教師號#,教師名)*/--1.查詢“001”課程比“002”課程成績高的所有學生的學號 select a.stuNo from
/*student(學號#,姓名,性別,年齡) course(課程號#,課程名,教師號#) score(學號#,課程號#,成績) teacher(教師號#,教師名)*/ --1.查詢“001”課程比“002”課程成績高的所有學生的學號 selec
表 Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 學生表 Course(C#,Cname,T#) 課程表 SC(S#,C#,score) 成績表 Teacher(T#,Tname) 教師表 問題: 1、查詢“001”課程比“002”課程成績
爬取 48048 條評論,解讀 9.3 分的「毒液」是否值得一看?
爬取了 48048 條評論資料,解讀 9.3 分的《毒液》是否值得一看?
11月,由湯姆·哈迪主演的“毒液:致命守護者”在國內上映,依託漫威的光環以及演員們精湛的演技,這部動作科幻片在貓眼評分得到豆瓣7.4的評分,口碑和票房都高於大多數同期上映的其他影片。 所以週日的時候跟基友去電影院去看了這場正邪共生的電影,100多人的影院座無虛席,不過看完之後對比其他漫威作品
MySql 資料庫中sql語句取一段時間的每一天的最後一條
使用場景: 使用者每天都有上報資料,後臺需要檢視某個使用者近期一段時間內每天的資料走勢。於是需要查詢該使用者在這段時間內每天最後上報的那條資料。 程式碼如下: SELECT * FR
理論上相同資料個別欄位值不同重複問題: 1.某欄位重複,其他欄位值不同時,按重複欄位分組只取一條的sql語句 (eg:相同的資料某個欄位值有差別導致儲存兩條或多條無意義重複資料的情況)select s.* from ( select a.*, row_number()
更新: update t_student set name = 'timy' where id = 10 現在我要更新ID為10、12 、13的age等於10、12、13 UPDATE t_student SET age= CASEWHEN id 10 THEN10WHE
華為boss力薦公司高層看的一篇文章,很長很經典 很值得一看
今天是 22 歲的最後一天。幾個月前,我從沃頓商學院畢業,用文憑上“最高榮譽畢業”的標籤安撫了已經年過半百的老媽,然後轉頭辭去了畢業後的第一份工作,跟一家很受尊敬的公司、還有 150 萬的年薪道了別,回到了上海,加入了“剛畢業就失業”俱樂部,開始了一天三頓盒飯的新生活,中間許多精彩劇情暫時略過。 我肯定
第一部分:C++與C語言的差異(1-18)1、C 和 C++ 中 struct 有什麼區別? Protection行為 能否定義函式 C 無 否,但可以有函式指標 C++ 有 可以,預設是private 2、C++中的
一條語句,12個結果,12行,比較方便與1個dataGridView的現實。 我是用在C# Winform上的3層結構的開發上,用這個實現統計12個月每個月的銷售總額。現在就差統計表了,GDI功底比較差,還在研究呵呵。 SELECT A1.date 日期, SUM(A1.s
一條update SQL語句是如何執行的
一條更新語句的執行過程和查詢語句類似,更新的流程涉及兩個日誌:redo log(重做日誌)和binlog(歸檔日誌)。比如我們要將ID(主鍵)=2這一行的值加(c:欄位)1,SQL語句如下: update T set c=c+1 where ID=2; redo log 重做日誌是InnoDB引擎
銷毀 使用方法 三次 應用 布爾 表達式 步驟 深度 還需要 閱讀目錄 Javascript第一條定律:將腳本放在底部。 Javascript第二條定律:將腳本成組打包。 雜談 盡量使用局部變量來保存全局變量 盡量少去改變作用域鏈 盡量少去使用閉包 訪問速度與成員嵌套深
修改列 平臺 ref 補充 技術分享 deluser etime roc entity 作為一枚程序員來說和數據庫打交道是不可避免的,現收集一下工作中常用的SQL語句,希望能給大家帶來一些幫助,當然不全面,歡迎補充! 1、執行插入語句,獲取自動生成的遞增的ID值 I
性能調優篇 - TPS低 - 優化SQL語句(一)
導致 http ont xxx pla 測試的 打印 接口 class 在執行性能測試的時候,問題總千奇百怪的。我這裏整理了一些常用的性能測試時查看問題的方法。 一.SQL語句沒有引用索引: 執行性能測試時,服務器的運行情況下: 數據庫、應用程序CPU不超過80%; 內存
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邊框 sel back 句柄 ext 5 負責人 post 解釋 取數據 /** * 默認頁面 * * @author leaves.qq:1330771552 */ Ext.define(‘SupplyManagementDesktop.defaultsW
經典sql 語句總結,轉載於http://www.iteye.com/topic/1117462
agent 作業 方案 插入 delet 連接參數 將不 彈出 mic 一、基礎1、說明:創建數據庫CREATE DATABASE database-name 2、說明:刪除數據庫drop database dbname3、說明:備份sql server--- 創建 備份數
APP設計 交互設計 新媒體時代蓬勃發展,各類APP如雨後春筍般出現。下載到合適的APP,不僅衣食住行一鍵搞定,甚至健身、社交、閱讀等需求也能足不出戶地滿足。對於廣大“吃瓜群眾”來說,選擇APP是個人需求以及跟隨潮流的選擇。但當UI設計師討論APP時,他們更看重的是這款產品的UI設計。