1. 程式人生 > >10/21/2018 Bellman-Ford 演算法

10/21/2018 Bellman-Ford 演算法




既然不含環,則最短路最多隻經過(不算起點)n - 1個結點,可以通過n - 1 輪鬆弛操作得到。程式碼如下(起點為0):

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) d[i] = INF;
d[0] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < n - 1; k++) {
	int x = u[i], y = v[i];
	if (d[x] < INF) d[y] = min(din[y], d[x] + w[i]);

Algorithm Details: 

Input: Graph and a source vertex src

Output: Shortest distance to all vertices from src. If there is a negative weight cycle, then the shortest distances are not calculated, the negative weight cycle is reported. 

1) This step initializes distances from source to all vertices as infinite and distance to the source itself is 0. Create an array dist[] of size |V| with all values as infinite except dist[src] where src is the source vertex

2) This step calculates the shortest distance Do following |V| - 1 times where |V| is the number of vertices in the given graph.

    a) Do following for each edge u-v

      if dist[v] > dist[u] + weight of edge uv, then update dist[v]

        dist[v] = dist[u] + weight of edge u

3) This step reports if there is a negative weight cycle in the graph. Do following for each u-v

    if dist[v] > dist[u] + weight of edge uv, then "Graph contains negative cycle"

    The idea of step 3 is, step 2 guarantees the shortest distances if the graph doesn't contain negative weight cycle. If we iterate through all edges one more time and get a shorter path for any vertex, then there is a negative weight cycle.

Idea: Like other Dynamic Programming Problems, the algorithm calculates shortest paths in bottom-up manner. It first calculates the shortest distances which have at most one edge in the path. Then, it calculates shortest paths with at most 2 edges, and so on. After the ith iteration of the outer loop, the shortest paths with at most iedges  are calculated. There can be maximum |V| - 1 edges in any simple path, that is why the outer loop runs |V| - 1 times. The idea is, assuming that there is no negative weight cycle, if have calculated shortest paths with at most i edges, then an iteration over all edges guarantees to give the shortest path with at-most (i + 1) edges. 

class Graph3 {
    class Edge {
        int src, dest, weight;
        Edge() {
            src = dest = weight = 0;
    int V, E;
    Edge edge[];
     Graph3(int v, int e) {
        V = v;
        E = e;
        edge = new Edge[e];
        for (int i = 0; i < e; i++) {
            edge[i] = new Edge();
    void BellmanFord(Graph3 graph, int src) {
         int V = graph.V, E = graph.E;
         int dist[] = new int[V];
         //Step1: initialize distances from src to all other
        // vertices as infinite
         for (int i = 0; i < V; i++) {
             dist[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         dist[src] = 0;
         //Step2: Relax all edges |V| - 1 time. A simple 
         //shortest path from src to any other vertex can 
         //have at-most |V| - 1 edges
        for (int i = 1; i < V; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < E; j++) {
                int u = graph.edge[j].src;
                int v = graph.edge[j].dest;
                int weight = graph.edge[j].weight;
                if (dist[u] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && dist[u] + weight < dist[v]) 
                    dist[v] = dist[u] + weight;
        //Step3: check for negative-weight cycles. The above steps guarantees shortest distances
        //if graph doesn't contain negative weight cycle. If we get a shorter path, then there is 
        //a cycle.
        for (int j = 0; j < E; j++) {
            int u = graph.edge[j].src;
            int v = graph.edge[j].dest;
            int weight = graph.edge[j].weight;
            if (dist[u] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && dist[u] + weight < dist[v]) 
                System.out.println("Graph contains negative weight cycle");