1. 程式人生 > >宋家歡 廊坊師範學院資訊科技提高班十四期

宋家歡 廊坊師範學院資訊科技提高班十四期

Time is equal to everyone.

Whether you are smart or foolish, ugly or beautiful, you have the same 24 hours each day that everyone else has.

How you spend that valuable time determinate the quality of your life.

Time is more precious than any possession.

There are three rules for effective time management.

Firstly, don’t create impossible situations.

Don’t try to work full time and take a full load.

Be reasonable about how much work you can do.

Secondly,make a list of all the things that you need to get done in a given time period.

Put the tasks in order of importance and delete any unimportant items。

Thirdly,avoid lack of focus.

Use lists to focus attention.

To be more attentive, set boundaries with family and friends when you are at work, as personal phone calls and emails can easily disturb your workday progress.

In a modern work environment, you can use technology to help.

For unimportant communications , provide clients with a fax number or email address.

This should cut down on the number of unimportant phone calls you receive throughout the day.