1. 程式人生 > >英語學習筆記——神祕的英語單詞


mysterious English words 神祕的英語單詞

hear 聽  h-ear  用耳朵聽

learn 學習 l-ear-n 

think 思考   ink 墨水

teach  教  each教是相互的 tea 教應該更輕鬆

  • A 'Tea and teach' session is a infomal and friendly apportunity for learners to talk with a professional so as to improve their confidence  輕鬆教學

whodunit 偵探故事 who's done it 

nacho cheese 納喬乳酪  not you cheese 

how can you survive in a desert 

you can eat the sand which is there  sandwiches 

which word is the longest in the world   smiles  s-mile-s 

what does it become when i jump into water  waiter  wa-i-ter 

節約用水  save water  (不準確)   use water wisely   精明的,明智的

why should one never marry tennis player 

because love means nothing to them 

在網球中零分的發音與love的發音一樣  零分的法語發音


we aim to please, you aim too please  目標  愉悅  瞄準 請

silm chance 一絲機會

there's only a silm chance that we can win 


fat chance (諷刺)想得美  一般用於單句

a fat lot 幾乎沒有