python cocos2d 常用的操作函式解析
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-18
move = MoveBy((200,0), duration=5) # Moves 200 pixels to the right in 5 seconds. move = MoveTo((320,240), duration=5) # Moves to the pixel (320,240) in 5 seconds jump = JumpBy((320,0), 100, 5, duration=5) # Jumps to the right 320 pixels # doing 5 jumps of 100 pixels # of height in 5 seconds accel_move = Accelerate(move) # accelerates action move 可以將上面的兩個move變數合起來同事操作 當然還可以用 move = MoveTo((200, 200), 2) + MoveTo((400, 200), 3) + MoveTo((100, 300), 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這樣的方式 # Move the sprite to coords x=50, y=10 in 8 seconds action = MoveTo((50,10), 8) # Move the sprite 50 pixels to the left in 8 seconds action = MoveBy((-50,0), 8) ---------------------------------------------------------- action = Jump(50,200, 5, 6) # Move the sprite 200 pixels to the right # in 6 seconds, doing 5 jumps # of 50 pixels of height ----------------------------------------------------------- action = JumpTo(50,200, 5, 6) # Move the sprite 200 pixels to the right # in 6 seconds, doing 5 jumps # of 50 pixels of height ------------------------------------------------------------- # Move the sprite 200 pixels to the right and up action = JumpBy((100,100),200, 5, 6) # in 6 seconds, doing 5 jumps # of 200 pixels of height --------------------------------------------------------------------- action = Bezier(bezier_conf.path1, 5) # Moves the sprite using the # bezier path 'bezier_conf.path1' # in 5 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # rotates the sprite to angle 180 in 2 seconds action = RotateTo(180, 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rotates the sprite 180 degrees in 2 seconds action = RotateBy(180, 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # scales the sprite to 5x in 2 seconds action = ScaleTo(5, 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # scales the sprite by 5x in 2 seconds action = ScaleBy(5, 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- action = Delay(2.5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- action = RandomDelay(2.5, 4.5) # delays the action between 2.5 and 4.5 seconds ------------------------------------------------------------------------- action = FadeOut(2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- action = FadeIn(2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- action = FadeTo(128, 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Blinks 10 times in 2 seconds action = Blink(10, 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rotates the sprite 180 degrees in 2 seconds clockwise # it starts slow and ends fast action = Accelerate(Rotate(180, 2), 4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rotates the sprite 180 degrees in 2 seconds clockwise # it starts slow, gets fast and ends slow action = AccelDeccel(RotateBy(180, 2)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rotates the sprite 180 degrees in 1 secondclockwise action = Speed(Rotate(180, 2), 2)
import cocos from cocos.actions import MoveBy, Place, MoveTo, RotateBy, JumpBy, Accelerate from cocos.director import director import pyglet class KeyDisplay(cocos.layer.Layer): is_event_handler = True def __init__(self): super(KeyDisplay, self).__init__() self.text = cocos.text.Label('Keys: ', font_size=18, x=100, y=280) self.add(self.text) self.keys_pressed = set() def update_text(self): key_names = [pyglet.window.key.symbol_string(k) for k in self.keys_pressed] self.text.element.text = 'Keys: ' + ','.join(key_names) def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers): # 按下按鍵自動觸發本方法 self.keys_pressed.add(key) self.update_text() def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers): # 鬆開按鍵自動觸發本方法 self.keys_pressed.remove(key) self.update_text() class MouseDisplay(cocos.layer.Layer): is_event_handler = True def __init__(self): super(MouseDisplay, self).__init__() self.text = cocos.text.Label('Mouse @', font_size=18, x=100, y=240) self.add(self.text) def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): # dx,dy為向量,表示滑鼠移動方向 self.text.element.text = 'Mouse @ {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(x, y, dx, dy) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): self.text.element.text = 'Mouse @ {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(x, y, buttons, modifiers) def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, buttons, modifiers): # 按下滑鼠按鍵不僅更新滑鼠位置,還改變標籤的位置.這裡使用director.get_virtual_coordinates(),用於保證即使視窗縮放過也能正確更新位置,如果直接用x,y會位置錯亂,原因不明 self.text.element.text = 'Mouse @ {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(x, y, buttons, modifiers) self.text.element.x, self.text.element.y = director.get_virtual_coordinates(x, y) class LayerBlue(cocos.layer.ColorLayer): def __init__(self): super(LayerBlue, self).__init__(0, 128, 128, 255, width=120, height=80) self.position = (50, 50) class LayerRed(cocos.layer.ColorLayer): def __init__(self): super(LayerRed, self).__init__(128, 0, 128, 255, width=120, height=80) self.position = (100, 80) class LayerYellow(cocos.layer.ColorLayer): def __init__(self): super(LayerYellow, self).__init__(128, 128, 0, 255, width=120, height=80) self.position = (150, 110) class Fly(cocos.layer.Layer): def __init__(self): super(Fly, self).__init__() rocket = cocos.sprite.Sprite('image/rocket.png') rocket.position = 128, 128 rocket.scale = 0.10 #, 350), duration=0.5)) # 把精靈瞬移到座標(120, 330) #, 330))) # move = MoveTo((200, 200), 2) + MoveTo((400, 200), 3) + MoveTo((100, 300), 1) # move = MoveTo((500,400),10) | RotateBy(12000000,100) # jump = JumpBy((320, 0), 200, 6, duration=5) # action = MoveBy((50, 0), 2) # move = MoveBy((200, 0), duration=5) # Moves 200 pixels to the right in 5 seconds. move = MoveTo((320, 240), duration=5) # Moves to the pixel (320,240) in 5 seconds jump = JumpBy((320, 0), 100, 5, duration=5) # Jumps to the right 320 pixels # doing 5 jumps of 100 pixels # of height in 5 seconds accel_move = Accelerate(move) # accelerates action move self.add(rocket, z=0)