1. 程式人生 > >Low-shot Visual Recognition by Shrinking and Hallucinating Features

Low-shot Visual Recognition by Shrinking and Hallucinating Features


It employs a learner, two training phases, and one testing phase.

1. learner

The learner is assumed to be composed of a feature extractor and a multi-class classifier.

2. traing phased one (representation learning)

During representation learning (training phase one), the learner receives a fixed set of base categories C

baseC_{base}, and a dataset D containing a large number of examples for each category in Cbase. The learner uses D to set the parameters of its feature extractor.


Any two examples z1 and z2 belonging to the same category represent a plausible transformation. Then, given a novel category example x, we want to apply to x the transformation that sent z1 to z2. That is, we want to complete the transformation “analogy” z1 : z2 :: x : ?.

We do this by training a function G that takes as input the concatenated feature vectors of the three examples [φ(x), φ(z1), φ(z2)].G是MLP

3. second phase (low-shot learning)

the learner is given a set of categories ClC_l that it must learn to distinguish. ClC_l = CbaseC_{base} \cup

CnovelC_{novel} is a mix of base categories Cbase, and unseen novel categories Cnovel. 對於CnovelC_{novel},僅僅有k-shot

4.testing phase

the learnt model predicts labels from the combined label space ClC_l = CbaseC_{base} \cup CnovelC_{novel} on a set of previously unseen test images.

模型(Learning to generate new examples)


利用D訓練G, 為用於類比的2組雙胞胎。預測結果為:在這裡插入圖片描述。損失函式在這裡插入圖片描述。與上文中的特徵表達誤差與分類誤差對應。