vue 日程日曆元件應用
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-20
一般涉及後臺系統 或者移動端 都比較普遍,習慣性使用 外掛什麼的 ,說實話 個人比較自寫元件 ,不顯得臃腫, 就闊以完成所需要的 應用快速 bug不在 工作量降低
<template> <div class="cal-wrapper"> <div class="cal-header"> <div class="l">考勤日曆</div> <div class="r"> <div class="iconfont icon-jiantouleft icon" @click="preMonth"></div> <div class="title icon">{{curYearMonth}}</div> <div class="iconfont icon-jiantouright icon" @click="nextMonth"></div> </div> </div> <div class="cal-body"> <div class="weeks"> <span v-for="(dayName, dayIndex) in dayNames" :key="dayIndex" :style="`width:${100/dayNames.length}%;`"> {{dayName}} </span> </div> <div class="dates"> <div v-for="(date,index) in dayList" :key="index" :style="bgColor(date)" :class="[{ today: date.status ? (today == : false,event:date.status ? date.type : false}]" @click="unusualFunc(date)"> <p class="date-num" :style="`color:${date.type?'#fff':date.status?'#74797b':'#b0b3b4'};`">{{'/')[2]}}</p> <span>{{date.desc}}</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: { calendar: { type: Object, required: true }, events: { type: Array, required: true } }, data() { return { emptyText, dayNames, showUnusual: false, tableData: [], worknData: [], currentDay: "", checkDate: "" }; }, methods: { nextMonth() { this.$emit("month-changed", "next"); }, preMonth() { this.$emit("month-changed", "pre"); }, bgColor(date) { // 1 遲到 #f68787 2 未打卡 #56bff5 3 早退 #edb55d let bg = date.type == 1 ? "#f68787" : date.type == 2 ? "#56bff5" : date.type == 3 ? "#edb55d" : "#fff"; return `width:${100 / 7}%;background:${bg};color:#fff;`; }, } } }, computed: { dayList() { let firstDay = new Date( this.calendar.params.curYear, this.calendar.params.curMonth, 1 ); let dayOfWeek = firstDay.getDay(); // 根據當前日期計算偏移量 // Calculate the offset based on the current date if (this.calendar.options.weekStartOn > dayOfWeek) { dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek - this.calendar.options.weekStartOn + 7; } else { dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek - this.calendar.options.weekStartOn; } let startDate = new Date(firstDay); startDate.setDate(firstDay.getDate() - dayOfWeek); let item, status, tempArr = [], tempItem; for (let i = 0; i < 42; i++) { item = new Date(startDate); item.setDate(startDate.getDate() + i); status = this.calendar.params.curMonth === item.getMonth() ? 1 : 0; tempItem = { date: `${item.getFullYear()}/${item.getMonth() + 1}/${item.getDate()}`, status: status, customClass: [] }; => { if (isEqualDateStr(, { tempItem.type = event.type; tempItem.desc = event.desc || ""; if (event.customClass) tempItem.customClass.push(event.customClass); } }); tempArr.push(tempItem); } return tempArr; }, curYearMonth() { return `${this.calendar.params.curYear}年${this.calendar.params.curMonth + 1}月`; }, today() { let dateObj = new Date(); return `${dateObj.getFullYear()}/${dateObj.getMonth() + 1}/${dateObj.getDate()}`; } } }; </script> //樣式我就不賣弄了 按需求除錯吧
<cal-panel :calendar="calendarOptions" :events="event" @month-changed="handleMonthChanged"></cal-panel> let dateObj = new Date(); calendarOptions: { options: { weekStartOn: 0 }, params: { curYear: dateObj.getFullYear(), curMonth: dateObj.getMonth(), curDate: dateObj.getDate(), curEventsDate: "all" } }, event: [ { date: `2018/07/21`, type: 1, desc: "遲到" }, { date: `2018/07/24`, type: 2, desc: "未打卡" }, { date: `2018/07/05`, type: 3, desc: "早退" }, { date: `2018-07-16`, type: 1, desc: "遲到" }, { date: `2018/07/10`, type: 2, desc: "未打卡" } ]
有些涉及工作機密 但不透露了