leetcode 解答 in python 3.6
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-21
自己做的 剛開始做 寫的有點慢
class Solution(object): def twoSum(nums, target): count=0 for a in range(0,len(nums)-1): count+=1 for b in range(count,len(nums)): if(nums[a]+nums[b]==target): return [a,b] print('No Result') return None print(twoSum(nums=[2,3,4],target=6))
class Solution(object): def addTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2): res = {} finalres = [] up = 0 w = 0 while l1 != None and l2 != None: sum = l1.val + l2.val if (sum > 9): up = 1 res[str(w + 1)] = 1 if (res.get(str(w)) != None): res[str(w)] = res.get(str(w)) + (sum % 10) else: res[str(w)] = sum % 10 w += 1 l1 = l1.next l2 = l2.next else: up = 0 if (res.get(str(w)) != None): res[str(w)] = res[str(w)] + sum if (res.get(str(w)) > 9): res[str(w)] = res[str(w)] - 10 res[str(w + 1)] = 1 else: res[str(w)] = sum w += 1 l1 = l1.next l2 = l2.next while l1 != None: if (res.get(str(w)) != None): res[str(w)] = res[str(w)] + l1.val if (res.get(str(w)) > 9): res[str(w)] = res[str(w)] - 10 res[str(w + 1)] = 1 else: res[str(w)] = l1.val w += 1 l1 = l1.next while l2 != None: if (res.get(str(w)) != None): res[str(w)] = res[str(w)] + l2.val if (res.get(str(w)) > 9): res[str(w)] = res[str(w)] - 10 res[str(w + 1)] = 1 else: res[str(w)] = l2.val w += 1 l2 = l2.next for _ in range(w + 1): if (res.get(str(_)) != None): finalres.append(res.get(str(_))) return finalres
# 給定一個只包括 '(',')','{','}','[',']' 的字串,判斷字串是否有效。 # # # # 有效字串需滿足: # # # # 左括號必須用相同型別的右括號閉合。 class Solution(object): def push(self,list,obj): list.append(obj) print('push ',obj,'successed and the index is ',len(list)) return obj def pop(self,list): if(len(list)!=0): obj=list[-1] list.pop() print('pop',obj,'successed') return obj else: return None def getTop(self,list): if len(list)!=0: return list[-1] else: return None def isValid(self,s): sa=list(s) listA=[] listB=[] for _ in range(len(sa)): self.push(listA,sa[len(sa)-_-1]) print('listA start : ',listA) for firstPop in range(len(sa)): if len(listA)==0: print('break') break topA=self.getTop(listA) if(topA=='('or topA=='[' or topA=='{'): self.pop(listA) self.push(listB,topA) else: b = self.getTop(listB) if((topA == ')' and b == '(') or (topA == ']' and b == '[') or (topA == '}' and b == '{')): self.pop(listA) self.pop(listB) else: return False print('listA:', listA) print('listB:', listB) a=self.getTop(listA) b=self.getTop(listB) if(a==None and b==None): return True else: return False