1. 程式人生 > >如何在sap裡設定印表機引數




2、申明變數       begin of g_ty_s_tests,         select_amount            type i,         only_db_info             type char1,         excp_condense            type char1,         layo_title               type lvc_s_layo-grid_title,         layo_zebra               type char1,         layo_no_vert_lines       type char1,         layo_no_horiz_lines      type char1,         layo_cell_merge          type char1,         layo_count               type char1,         layo_no_colhead          type char1,         layo_column_optimize     type char1,         layo_keys_hotspot        type char1,         layo_no_keyfix           type char1,         layo_hotspot_field       type slis_fieldname,         layo_no_hotspot          type char1,         layo_no_scrolling        type char1,         layo_no_authcheck        type char1,         layo_no_min_linesize     type char1,         layo_min_linesize        type sylinsz,         layo_max_linesize        type sylinsz,         layo_group_change_edit   type char1,         layo_get_selinfo         type char1,         layo_confirmation_prompt type char1,         layo_f2code              type syucomm,         layo_reprep              type char1,         sum_before               type char1,         sum_no_sumline           type char1,         sum_no_sumchoice         type char1,         sum_numc                 type char1,         sum_no_unitsplit         type char1,         sum_totals_only          type char1,         sum_totals_text          type symsgli,         sum_no_subtotals         type char1,         sum_no_subchoice         type char1,         sum_subtotals_text       type symsgli,         vari_none                type char1,         vari_save                type char1,         vari_default             type char1,         vari_layout              type disvariant-variant,         prnt_print               type char1,         prnt_reserve_lines       type lvc_s_prnt-reservelns,         prnt_no_listinfo         type char1,         prnt_no_selinfo          type char1,         prnt_with_title          type char1,         prnt_footline            type lvc_s_prnt-footline,         prnt_printinfo           type char1,         prnt_no_coverpage        type char1,         prnt_no_new_page         type char1,         prnt_no_change_print_params type char1,         pri_params_set           type char1,         pri_archive_id           type arc_params-archiv_id,         pri_archive_info         type arc_params-info,         pri_archive_mode         type pri_params-armod,         pri_archive_text         type arc_params-arctext,         pri_archive_object       type arc_params-ar_object,         pri_authority            type pri_params-prber,         pri_copy                 type pri_params-prcop,         pri_coverpage            type pri_params-prbig,         pri_dataset              type pri_params-prdsn,         pri_department           type pri_params-prabt,         pri_destination          type pri_params-pdest,         pri_expiration           type pri_params-pexpi,         pri_immediatly           type pri_params-primm,         pri_layout               type pri_params-paart,         pri_line_count           type pri_params-linct,         pri_line_size            type pri_params-linsz,         pri_list_name            type pri_params-plist,         pri_list_text            type pri_params-prtxt,         pri_new_list_id          type pri_params-prnew,         pri_receiver             type pri_params-prrec,         pri_release              type pri_params-prrel,         pri_sap_coverpage        type pri_params-prsap,         pri_host_coverpage       type pri_params-prunx,         pri_priority             type pri_params-priot,         pri_sap_object           type arc_params-sap_object,         pri_type                 type pri_params-ptype,         pri_footline             type pri_params-footl,         buffer_active            type char1,         bypassing_buffer         type char1,         current_display          type i,         current_page             type i,       end   of g_ty_s_tests.gs_test     type g_ty_s_tests.

3、呼叫'SET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'函式設定列印引數  call function 'SET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'   exporting       archive_id                  = gs_test-pri_archive_id       archive_info                = gs_test-pri_archive_info       archive_mode                = gs_test-pri_archive_mode       archive_text                = gs_test-pri_archive_text       ar_object                   = gs_test-pri_archive_object       authority                   = gs_test-pri_authority       copies                      = gs_test-pri_copy       cover_page                  = gs_test-pri_coverpage       data_set                    = gs_test-pri_dataset       department                  = gs_test-pri_department       destination                 = gs_test-pri_destination       expiration                  = gs_test-pri_expiration       immediately                 = gs_test-pri_immediatly*     IN_ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS       = ' '*     IN_PARAMETERS               = ' '       layout                      = gs_test-pri_layout       line_count                  = gs_test-pri_line_count       line_size                   = gs_test-pri_line_size       list_name                   = gs_test-pri_list_name       list_text                   = gs_test-pri_list_text       new_list_id                 = gs_test-pri_new_list_id       receiver                    = gs_test-pri_receiver       release                     = gs_test-pri_release       sap_cover_page              = gs_test-pri_sap_coverpage       host_cover_page             = gs_test-pri_host_coverpage       priority                    = gs_test-pri_priority       sap_object                  = gs_test-pri_sap_object       type                        = gs_test-pri_type       foot_line                   = gs_test-pri_footline. 

4、呼叫GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS函式讀取列印引數  data: ls_arc_params type arc_params,        ls_pri_params type pri_params,        l_valid       type char1.                           "#EC NEEDED

  call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'    exporting         archive_id                  = gs_test-pri_archive_id         archive_info                = gs_test-pri_archive_info         archive_mode                = gs_test-pri_archive_mode         archive_text                = gs_test-pri_archive_text         ar_object                   = gs_test-pri_archive_object*        ARCHIVE_REPORT              = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN         authority                   = gs_test-pri_authority         copies                      = gs_test-pri_copy         cover_page                  = gs_test-pri_coverpage         data_set                    = gs_test-pri_dataset         department                  = gs_test-pri_department         destination                 = gs_test-pri_destination         expiration                  = gs_test-pri_expiration         immediately                 = gs_test-pri_immediatly*        IN_ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS       = ' '*        IN_PARAMETERS               = ' '         layout                      = gs_test-pri_layout         line_count                  = gs_test-pri_line_count         line_size                   = gs_test-pri_line_size         list_name                   = gs_test-pri_list_name         list_text                   = gs_test-pri_list_text*        MODE                        = ' '         new_list_id                 = gs_test-pri_new_list_id*        PROTECT_LIST                = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN*        NO_DIALOG                   = C_FALSE         receiver                    = gs_test-pri_receiver         release                     = gs_test-pri_release*        REPORT                      = C_CHAR_UNKNOWN         sap_cover_page              = gs_test-pri_sap_coverpage         host_cover_page             = gs_test-pri_host_coverpage         priority                    = gs_test-pri_priority         sap_object                  = gs_test-pri_sap_object         type                        = gs_test-pri_type*        USER                        = SY-UNAME*        USE_OLD_LAYOUT              = ' '   importing         out_archive_parameters       = ls_arc_params         out_parameters               = ls_pri_params         valid                        = l_valid   exceptions         archive_info_not_found       = 1         invalid_print_params         = 2         invalid_archive_params       = 3         others                       = 4.  if sy-subrc <> 0.    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno            with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.  endif.

  move-corresponding ls_arc_params to gs_test.  move-corresponding ls_pri_params to gs_test.