阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-23
需要的主要模組:jieba中文分詞 wordcloud構建詞雲
from wordcloud import WordCloud string = 'Importance of relative word frequencies for font-size. With relative_scaling=0, only word-ranks are considered. With relative_scaling=1, a word that is twice as frequent will have twice the size. If you want to consider the word frequencies and not only their rank, relative_scaling around .5 often looks good.' font = r'C:\Windows\Fonts\FZSTK.TTF' wc = WordCloud(font_path=font, background_color='white', width=1000, height=800, ).generate(string) wc.to_file('ss.png')
import jieba from wordcloud import WordCloud from PIL import Image import numpy as np font = r'hwkt.ttf' content = (open('天龍八部精校版.txt','r',encoding='utf-8')).read() cut = jieba.cut(content) cut_content = ' '.join(cut) img ='test.jpg') img_array = np.array(img) wc = WordCloud( font_path=font, background_color='white', mask=img_array ) wc.generate_from_text(cut_content) wc.to_file('new.png')