阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-23
% Written by Muhammet Balcilar, France % All rights reserved clear all %close all clc I=imread('data/image_2/0000000001.png'); % read calibration file fd = fopen('data/calib/000001.txt'); raw_data = fscanf(fd,'%c'); fclose(fd); ii = find(raw_data == ':')+1; ie = find(raw_data == 10 ); P0 = reshape(str2num( raw_data(ii(1):ie(1)) ),4,3)'; P1 = reshape(str2num( raw_data(ii(2):ie(2)) ),4,3)'; P2 = reshape(str2num( raw_data(ii(3):ie(3)) ),4,3)'; P3 = reshape(str2num( raw_data(ii(4):ie(4)) ),4,3)'; R0_rect = reshape(str2num( raw_data(ii(5):ie(5)) ),3,3)'; Tr_velo_to_cam = reshape(str2num( raw_data(ii(6):ie(6)) ),4,3)'; Tr_imu_to_velo = reshape(str2num( raw_data(ii(7):ie(7)) ),4,3)'; % read Lidar data file fd = fopen('data/velodyne/0000000001.bin','rb'); velo = fread(fd,[4 inf],'single')'; fclose(fd); % remove all points behind image plane (approximation) idx = velo(:,1)<5; velo(idx,:) = []; % exclude luminance make last column all 1 velo(:,4)=1; % draw raw point cloud figure; plot3(velo(:,1),velo(:,2),velo(:,3),'r.'); title('Raw point Cloud'); % create projection matrix R0_rect(4,4)=1; Tr_velo_to_cam(4,4)=1; P=P2 * R0_rect * Tr_velo_to_cam; % project to image plane px = (P * velo')'; px(:,1) = px(:,1)./px(:,3); px(:,2) = px(:,2)./px(:,3); % remove out of image size indexes px(px(:,1)<1,:)=[]; px(px(:,1)>size(I,2),:)=[]; px(px(:,2)>size(I,1),:)=[]; [n m k]=size(I); tic [fulldepth depth] =dense_depth_map(px,n, m,4); toc figure;imagesc(fulldepth,[0 30]); axis image axis off title('Full Depth map grid=4'); figure;imagesc(depth); axis image axis off title('Initial Depth map'); % Composite image of grayscale left image and disparity map tmp(:,:,1) = double(rgb2gray(I))/255; tmp(:,:,2) =tmp(:,:,1); tmp(:,:,3) =tmp(:,:,1); dmap=1./fulldepth; dmap(isinf(dmap))=0; dmap=63*(dmap-min(dmap(:)))./(max(dmap(:))-min(dmap(:))); dmap=round(dmap); figure;sc= colormap('jet'); DImage = 0.5*tmp + 0.5*reshape(sc(dmap+1,:), [n,m ,3]); imshow((DImage));title('Inverse of Depth');